My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1365: Feeling a little strange!

Li Haoran didn't know why the princess had tolerated Tang Ye's proliferation of women. She wanted to ask, but she felt that this kind of question was embarrassing or meaningless. Why do I want to know such a problem?

So she returned to her former cold and glamorous look, and she was silent.

Seeing Li Haoran's look, the princess felt funny and said, "Emotions are very important, but it doesn't seem to be that important. Between me and Tang Ye... have experienced a lot. I believe that in the end, I must be with him."

Li Haoran frowned slightly, not very emotional.

The princess stopped discussing this with her, smiled, and said: "You have already seen the power of the heavenly path, that is, you have agreed to Tang Ye's proposal. Now you should make a decision, things in the profound world, when you decide, you must decide. ."

Li Haoran became silent, yes, this decision should be made. If you stop constantly, you will suffer the chaos.

Li Haoran looked resolute and looked at the princess and said, "I agree to Tang Ye's suggestion. If you continue to comprehend the way of heaven, I will return to the Profound Realm to solve the problem."

The princess nodded gently.

As soon as Li Haoran left Xiang Daoshan, she received a message from Tang Ye outside the Great World. She split the void by the way and brought Tang Ye back.

Tang Yewang glanced at Xiang Daoshan behind him, knowing that Li Haoran had just left there, and what she was doing to Xiang Daoshan, and asked with a smile: "How is it, Senior Sister, did Han Yue disappoint you?"

Li Haoran glanced at Tang Ye. Tang Ye didn't do anything wrong, but she just made her want to get angry, because she felt that Tang Ye was too awkward, and hummed: "Wang Hao didn't let me down, but you let me down."

"Why?" Tang Ye asked unjustly.

Li Haoran said with contempt: "You are not worthy of the princess."

Tang Ye rolled his eyes and didn't expect Li Haoran to talk about relationship problems. Is this a woman who can discuss relationship issues?

Regarding women’s affairs, Tang Ye is now able to hide as far as he can, so he hahas at Li Haoran, changed the subject, and said directly: "Senior Sister, the power and time to kill the blood demon are already available. Xing Ji out?"

Li Haoran was surprised and asked, "Are you ready so soon?"

Tang Ye smiled embarrassedly and said, "It's also because of some chance."

He was right. He had found all the heirs of the artifact, but it also took a moment to completely kill the reincarnated Gorefiend. However, because he had a dead door in his body, Fu Fuhai was asked to tell the secret of the replacement of the Emperor of the Red Wall. In this way, he could use his tactics and let Wen Zhongyuan enter the Yuxi enchantment, and then kill him!

So now Xing Ji, who is the heir to the artifact, needs to go to the great world. Xing Ji was originally good at playing music, using rhythm as his power. However, because she is a descendant of the God of War, she can inherit the artifact axe. It is not difficult to guess that the magic axe must be related to the Dingshan magic axe used by the **** of war Xingtian.

Li Haoran didn't doubt Tang Ye's ability to do things. She looked relatively cold and arrogant in front of Tang Ye, probably because she had a certain degree of opinion on Tang Ye's character. Last time Tang Ye kissed her, didn't she actually say some stupid things to let them try together. This troubled her for a while, otherwise she would not have only that power for the understanding of the way of heaven, and she would be closer to "Kaitian".

She wouldn't talk about Tang Ye about it, she didn't want to mention it at all, so as not to bother her practice again. Now she has decided to follow Tang Ye's suggestion. Now that Tang Ye is ready to eradicate Wen Zhongyuan this evil demon, then she will start acting.

She said to Tang Ye: "I will bring Xing Ji, but I can't bring you to the big world at the same time, so they will definitely find out. After I send you all out, I have to solve Wen Zhongyuan. I'm afraid it won't be too long to deal with those old guys."

Tang Ye nodded to express his understanding, and said, "After solving Wen Zhongyuan, I will also go to the Profound Realm. But to go to the Profound Realm, I still need your help from Senior Sister."

Li Haoran looked a little surprised, and took a look at Tang Ye and said, "Really coming to the Profound Realm?"

Tang Ye nodded firmly. Regarding this matter, he had guessed, why some people in the gatekeeper insisted on opposing them, and why those people can know about the affairs of the outside world? They have the original connection with the text, but unfortunately there is a barrier. Is that easy?

For this reason, Tang Ye guessed that some of the gatekeepers in the Profound Realm might be the minions who inherited the power of the blood ancestor!

If he wants to verify this guess, he must go to the Profound Realm. Besides, with his current strength, even if he goes to the Profound Realm, he won't get into trouble easily. The only ones who could kill him were those old guys among the gatekeepers who had practiced in retreat for decades, and were infinitely close to the realm of God.

Li Haoran said again: "If you come to the Profound Realm, the Profound Realm will probably become lively, and it will only increase trouble for me..."

I didn't want to say that at first. I was worried that Tang Ye would think about it, as if Tang Ye was a burden. Li Haoran didn't know when he started speaking, but he thought about taking other people's feelings into consideration. But because of her temperament, she still said that. Just a little hesitant. After speaking, he couldn't help but glance at Tang Ye, and then avoided again.

Tang Ye didn’t pay attention to these changes of Li Haoran. Because he was used to Li Haoran’s character, he didn’t feel any injury. He said, “Sister, you can’t have a little confidence in me. Maybe I can help you. I’m going to solve it. questionable."

Li Haoran glared at Tang Ye badly. She was a little distressed, Tang Ye didn't understand her meaning. She was worried that Tang Ye would be embarrassed or even killed after reaching the Profound Realm. But if she asked Tang Ye to say "I am worried about you" directly, she couldn't do it.

Tang Ye was very optimistic, and then smiled: "That's it, Senior Sister."

Li Haoran wanted to say something, but couldn't say it. Tang Ye seemed very positive, and she couldn't help but think of what Tang Ye said last time, let's try together?

Could it be that Tang Ye did this on purpose, in order to stay with her more?

Thinking like this, Li Haoran suddenly felt a little confused, shook his head abruptly, and was more resolute, no longer thinking about it. Tang Ye would do whatever he wanted, just to be firm in his heart.

"At that time, you have something wrong, I am not responsible!" Li Haoran said to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye smiled brightly and said, "Senior Sister, don't worry about me. I have always had a hard time, and I don't plan to hand over my life so quickly."

Li Haoran had nothing to do with Tang Ye, and he couldn't say anything, and he couldn't win, so he went straight to bring Xing Ji over.

Tang Ye had already told Xing Ji, so Li Haoran suddenly appeared in front of her, she was not surprised. Perhaps, even if she didn't say anything to Tang Ye beforehand, she wouldn't be surprised to see Li Haoran. She is a descendant of the God of War, and she has to talk about her identity.

Who can compare with God?

Li Haoran was quite interested in Xing Ji. She didn't expect that there would be descendants of the **** race on the ground called the cage by the minister of the dragon. Originally thought that the gatekeeper was in control of the secrets of this land, now it seems that there are too many secrets in this land that no one knows.

Perhaps, this little world is the origin of all worlds, so the races from all walks of life want it so much?

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