My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1362: The era of acting and routines!

Fu Fuhai couldn't pretend in front of Tang Ye, because he was a member of the Blood Demon when he was arrested. Tang Ye was from the Red Wall, so even if he didn't know the identity of his demons, he would still treat him as a deadly enemy.

Tang Ye wants to get a secret from him, in fact he does have a secret. When he pretended to be a member of the Gorefiend, he performed well because of his demon ability. His ability was valued by Wen Zhongyuan, because it was controlled by a group to become a demon, so that one person could create a large number of dead soldiers and then evolve into an army, which is terrifying. After receiving the attention of Wen Zhongyuan, he also knew some of Wen Zhongyuan's plans, such as the exchange of the civet cat for the prince.

The original plan in the article has the same interests as the tasks he wants to perform. The air transport shackles of this world is actually a kind of protection barrier. If it is broken, it will be very beneficial to their demons to establish a transmission channel. Therefore, he will not tell Tang Yewen Zhongyuan's recent plan!

Fu Fuhai maintained a dead fish-like expression, glanced at Tang Ye blankly, and said, "I don't have any secrets to tell you, and you don't have to waste your time. If so, they would tell me before they interrogate me. Yes. I said, I'm just an ordinary subordinate of Lord Gorefiend, otherwise I won't be caught by you so easily!"

It was reasonable and reasonable, and the acting skills were quite good, but it was a pity that Tang Ye didn't believe it, because Tang Ye knew he had a devilish energy. Tang Ye smiled, looked at him playfully, and said, "Really? In this case, I think their interrogation must have been very gentle before."

"What do you mean?" Fu Fuhai felt a hint of danger.

Without saying a word, Tang Ye popped a finger and punched Fu Fuhai's leg with a strong force.

Fu Fuhai let out a painful cry, and immediately fell to the ground unsteadily, covering the wound with his hand, looking painful, looking at Tang Ye with anger. Damn, it's so unreasonable. If you don't say anything, you can punch people in the legs. Is there such a thing?

Tang Ye smiled comfortably, like a demon, taking pleasure in torturing people, and a psychopath like seeing others in pain. This caused Fu Fuhai to see him, and he immediately panicked. Fuck, this is a pervert, the Red Wall, the place of justice, has such a psychologically distorted subordinate?

Fu Fuhai shouted angrily at Tang Ye: "Even if you kill me, I have nothing to tell you!"

"Kill you?" Tang Ye squinted slightly: "You think so beautiful, don't worry, I will torture you slowly until you collapse."

"You..." Fu Fuhai looked at Tang Ye furiously, but suddenly he burst out laughing and sullenly shouted: "Then you will torture me. I want to see how you can torture me! You think I am that way. Is it easy to yield?!"

Before being sent to the human world at a huge price, the Mozu must have considered that he might be captured and interrogated, so the Mozu specially trained his ability to withstand torture. The physique of the Demon Race is stronger than that of the Human Race, so the torture suffered by the Demon Race is compared with that of the Human Race. Fu Fuhai pretended to be painful, but in fact it was not that painful.

This is an era that requires acting skills.

Tang Ye had his own plan, and didn't immediately use the magical energy of the dead door to confuse Fu Fuhai, also because of his acting skills. These are all routines, it depends on who can make routines. Tang Ye sneered, and once again dealt with Fu Hai, punching Fu Fuhai's other leg through. Now Fu Fuhai could only collapse on the ground.

Fu Fuhai resisted the pain, watched Tang Ye still grinning, and hummed: "Do you only have such a trick? Come on, let's do something more violent!"

Tang Ye squinted slightly and said with a light smile: "I didn't expect you to be beaten. So let me change a method that doesn't require bloodshed. You are from Wenzhongyuan. It just so happens that I have a good relationship with Buddhism. Use it, get a Refuge Demon Array. It's still good for you to stay in such an array."

Fu Fuhai was surprised. Refuge in the magic circle of the town, and you will know that it is a torture circle built with the Dharma, just like the binding mantra that binds Monkey King, and Monkey King has a headache when chanting. Their demons have strong human bodies, but they lack spiritual power. Fu Fuhai became a little worried.

Tang Ye had so many contacts with the old abbot Yimei, and he had learned a lot of Buddhism, and he could just set up a refuge town magic formation. This formation, if the demon is in it, the spirit will be constantly impacted, and it can torture people crazy.

Not long after, Tang Ye concluded the conversion to the Zhen Devil Formation, and then threw Fu Fuhai in. Fu Fuhai was shocked at first, and he could bear it at first, but then he was in pain. He really wanted to hit him to death. Humans are really terrifying, even more cruel than demons!

Fu Fuhai was tortured for half an hour, and his consciousness was almost blurred. He was very distressed. He had only one thought, and that was to die.

Tang Ye saw Fu Fuhai who was about to collapse and knew that the time had come to be confused. After torturing and observing during this period of time, he can be sure that Fu Fuhai has received professional training. Even if he was tortured and collapsed, he would not get any results. So when appropriate, it is very good to be confused with the identity of the "kind".

If you are confused with devilish energy from the beginning, it will make Fu Fuhai suspicious. At this time, Tang Ye approached Fu Fuhai, who was helpless, squatted down close to him, and said, "You have done a good job. After the test, I can safely reveal my identity in front of you."

Although Fu Fuhai's consciousness was a little vague, Tang Ye still heard clearly. He thought that Tang Ye was saying something that made him surrender again. He thought about spitting out Tang Ye and slobbering, and then satirizing Tang Ye fiercely, and would never give in. But he didn't expect that Tang Ye actually said something inexplicable, revealing his identity?

Several capital question marks hung on his head.

Tang Ye smiled lightly, no longer playing coldly, and looked very friendly. He pulled Fu Fuhai up and let Fu Fuhai lean aside and rest comfortably. At the same time, he entered a blackened state, opened a heavy door of death, and slowly released his demonic energy. He held Fu Fuhai's hand and poured magic energy into Fu Fuhai's body.

Fu Fuhai thought that Tang Ye was both soft and hard. He just came to the hard one, and now he wants to use the soft one. He would not be fooled, he was about to take a sip of water, but he never expected that he felt a devilish energy entering his body. He is a demon, demon energy can heal his injuries, and for a while, he feels very comfortable.

But he can't believe this kind of thing!

How can there be devilish energy?

Can release demon energy, that is the demon clan. Could it be that Tang Ye is a demon?

What a joke!

Fu Fuhai patted his head twice, thinking that he had been tortured and had an illusion. It was ridiculous after all. Tang Ye, who had been torturing him just now, became a companion in a blink of an eye?

Seeing Fu Fuhai’s expression, Tang Ye said with pride in his heart, but on the surface he said easily and amiably: "Don’t get me wrong, I tortured you just now, it is a test for you! You were caught by the human race, of course I want to see Have you been conquered by the human race? Now that you hold on to this, I believe it, you have not lost the face of our great demons, you never give in!"

"You don't need to doubt my identity. I can heal you with devil energy. Could it be a human being?" Tang Ye enchanted Fu Fuhaidao.

Looking at Tang Ye, Fu Fuhai was very skeptical at first. Then, he closed his eyes, accepted the magic energy poured by Tang Ye, and slowly healed his injuries. After a while, he thought enough, opened his eyes and looked at Tang Ye, grateful and excited, and said, "I didn't expect to meet a companion here!"

He believed that Tang Ye was a "Devil Race", after all, only Demon Race could release devil energy!

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