My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1357: mischief!

Wen Zhongyuan slowly became the style of his grandfather Wen Dingmo when he was dealing with things, calm, calm, and careful. It's just that he can't do the same as Wen Dingmo. In the face of Tang Ye's repeated persecution, he always sighed and wanted to win back.

He knew that Tang Ye would reappear the power of Shenlong Shengwei to kill him, and he did not stop Tang Ye. If it stops, then Tang Ye definitely can't gather all the artifacts and the successors of the artifacts so quickly. The reason he did this was to make Tang Ye fail when he thought the plan was a success!

He has successfully exchanged the civet cat for the prince. After Li Shi has secured the position of the emperor and can mobilize his luck, he can solve the Yuxi enchantment without any effort. At that time, it will be time for the general trend of the world to come, breaking the shackles of air luck, and this world is no longer protected by anymore, exposed under the sky and universe, then it is what they have in their bag.

What he wanted was that after Tang Ye worked so hard to reproduce the Shenlong Shengwei, when he thought he could kill him, he could break the shackles of luck and win the final victory. In this case, Tang Ye must be angry, right?

This is the breath held in Wen Zhongyuan's heart. In order to win Tang Ye, he did not hesitate to participate in such a big situation and enter his selfishness.

Tang Ye went to the place where the Dragon Totem team was stationed, under the Dragon Head Mountain on the other side of Babao Mountain. The Babao Mountain sleeps generations of heroes. At the beginning, Tang Ye was able to win Wen Dingmo's Eternal Landscape, because he invited the sleeping great man and heroic spirit under Babao Mountain.

The heroic spirits were originally heroes in their lifetimes, with their own abilities, and carrying great luck, and they had great power against evil spirits. However, it is not easy to invite them. Tang Ye was able to "please God" against them because Lingyun and Jiang Ruoqing did a lot of preparations at the Babaoshan Cemetery.

Passing by Babaoshan, Tang Nightclub bowed. Although it's just a cemetery, there are British inspirations, good and bad will come into their eyes. Besides, Tang Ye had received their favor, so she thanked him.

Even if Tang Ye saluted, there was no movement over the cemetery. In the eyes of others, Tang Ye looked a bit idiot like this. Tang Ye naturally ignored these. At a critical moment, such a salute can save his life!

When the Dragon Totem team was stationed, Wang Jianjia picked up Tang Ye outside.

"Don't be so polite." Tang Yexiao said to Wang Jianjia.

Wang Jianjia smiled and said, "It's just a little bit of heart. Besides, I need to tell you something."

"Oh?" Tang Ye followed Wang Jianjia, a little confused.

Wang Jianjia felt that Tang Ye was a little irresponsible. He glanced at it and hummed, "Isn’t the establishment of the Dragon Totem Team what you suggested? Now there is a problem, these people are more difficult to manage. You know, for the original scientific world In other words, this kind of ability will make them feel that they are alien, so their personalities appear to be'different' and it is too difficult to manage well."

Tang Ye nodded slightly, this kind of question is easy to understand, and asked Wang Jianjia: "Even you don't manage well? Your ability is quite strong. If they don't listen to it, just hit!"

Wang Jianjia gave Tang Ye a blank look, and hummed, "Beat? You can just beat up. Some people can't be beaten if you want to."

"Oh?" Tang Ye really didn't think about who else he couldn't fight.

Wang Jianjia said helplessly: "Some people are invisible, and some people can breathe underwater like fish. No one can do anything about hiding in the water."

"So amazing?" Tang Ye asked in surprise, this has really become a gathering place for abilities?

Wang Jianjia suddenly smiled playfully and said, "So let you teach them how to behave."

Tang Ye smiled, but was not interested in such things. Where do I have the time to take care of my children!

Entering the place where the Dragon Totem squad was stationed, Tang Ye had to go directly to see Fu Fuhai, a man with the atmosphere of a demon. As for those with supernatural powers, they should be managed by Wang Jianjia.

But seeing so many people with supernatural powers reminded him of the twins that appeared when he went to Changping to deal with the Sha King in the old days. One used a sickle and the other with a cannonball. Their abilities were amazing. They directly bombed the Sha King to pieces. .

Don’t know if the twin sisters are there?

Tang Ye has seen them before, so you can ask if you meet them. However, Sister Flower is the first group of people who are arranged by the Red Wall to practice combat. This will not be in the station, but will perform tasks outside.

However, Tang Ye didn't want to care about these superpowers, but these superpowers wanted to move him!

They all came from all corners of the country, and had never seen Tang Ye, so they were not surprised when they saw Tang Ye. If they knew that Tang Ye was the person who bowed to the emperor of the Red Wall, they wouldn't be naughty. Now, they saw Tang Ye with Wang Jianjia, and Wang Jianjia was appointed by the Red Wall to manage them, so they felt that Tang Ye was Wang Jianjia's helper.

In addition to their quirks, they are also naughty and a little arrogant. They think they are people with supernatural powers. They are different. Why listen to someone else?

In the past, they were afraid of being discovered, being treated as experimental mice and being discriminated against, so they suppressed their abilities. Now, the environment of the Dragon Totem Squad allows them to use their abilities at will without repression, so they become very active, constantly using their abilities, thinking that they are so free and easy.

The moment Wang Jianjia came in, some of them "small groups" began to whisper.

"Ms. Wang is nothing wrong. It's just too serious. She always scolds us and was embarrassed by the invisible guy last time. Now she invites someone to take care of us. It's really a bully for us, so she should stop showing her a bit of color Look?"

"It should be to show the new guy a little bit of color, and let him know that if you want to shoot us, you can't do it without the ability!"

"I think he wants to pursue Captain Wang, I don't like it, because he wants to take care of us to get Captain Wang's favor. Hey, we have become his props for picking up girls!"

"Resolutely can't do this!"

This small group thought Tang Ye was here to deal with them, and wanted to teach Tang Ye so that Tang Ye would not be proud.

In fact, Wang Jianjia really wanted Tang Ye to deal with these supernatural beings. Although she has good strength, she still has difficulty coping with some special abilities. They must not be hurt. They are their own people and the strength the country needs. It must be annoying for the teacher to teach the stubborn students.

But if it was Tang Ye, no matter what abilities the other party had, he would definitely be able to deal with it freely. Tang Ye's ability Wang Jianjia did not doubt. It's a pity that Tang Ye said she didn't help her, she was going to interrogate Fu Fuhai, she didn't want to pester Tang Ye, after all, what Tang Ye did was relatively urgent.

Wang Jianjia first took Tang Ye to Fu Fuhai's side, but at this moment, Tang Ye looked behind Wang Jianjia, a little angry, and pretended to pull Wang Jianjia, so that Wang Jianjia avoided his original position.

"This is to chop your hands..." Tang Ye sighed slightly. Does this invisible guy want to blame Wang Jianjia's ass?

Tang Ye is angry that his woman's **** can be touched by your pranks?

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