My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1304: Identity guessing!

Actually there will be the devil in the dead door?

Tang Ye thought this joke was a big deal. What does devilishness mean?

It means that it is said that the two demons and demons who are independent of the same world may enter the human world in some way!

It is said that once demons and demons were two extremely huge races, like human beings, they were independent of one world. Later, the demons occupied the general trend, drove the demons out, and lived alone. The monster clan among the monster clan desperately defended a land, called the demon world, but the space was much smaller than the demon world.

This space can't accommodate so many demons, so many demons have gone to the human world, and the two races of demons and demons have a war. Among the demons, some demons think that humans are weak and small, so they want to occupy the human world. Some demons believe that humans can be asked to give them a place to live, and they can cooperate and help each other. Perhaps this is the reason why there are good and bad in Yaozu.

It is a pity that the demon race who wanted to occupy the human world underestimated human beings and took the initiative to launch a war. The result was a miserable defeat, so that the demon race with good intentions was hated by mankind and even killed. In the end, there was not much of the monster clan left, and the remaining ones were hidden and alive, afraid to speak.

Therefore, in the human world, there are ghosts and monsters, but there are not many demons. In human thinking, demons are much more terrifying than demons. If there are demons in the human world, it means that something big has happened. How can the demon that is independent of one world come to the human world?

The reason why Tang Ye is familiar with devil qi is because he has developed a kind of "blackening" supernatural power. This supernatural power transforms him into a negative one, which is infinitely close to a demon. In the case of blackening, there is a dead door in his body, this dead door can continuously send devil energy to him, and the devil energy is the source of power he needs in the blackened state.

The frightening thing is that his death gate is like the magical power of the dead tree in the spring. It is a source of strength, continuous and inexhaustible. Therefore, Tang Ye's current strength can be used to fight against the sky with dead wood in the spring, and when the negative is blackened, it can also be used to fight against the sky. Where is his opponent?

However, there is a negative hidden danger in the blackened state, that is, after opening the seven-fold death door, he will be dominated by dark forces. He will not be him, but a tool of darkness. The so-called darkness may be the power of the demons.

If it is controlled by the demons, is it still worth it?

Tang Ye even guessed that the dead door in his body was just a passage for the Demon Race. Therefore, when he uses the blackening power, he must not drive to the seventh level, otherwise he will lose control. If it is out of control, how can he become a channel?

It might be an explosion!

He exploded because he couldn't bear so much magic energy. After the explosion, those magic powers formed a channel through which the demons could come to the human world!

"I'm going..." Tang Ye was taken aback, admired for having such a brain power.

However, this is not impossible. Therefore, Tang Ye would be very cautious about the use of that magic power in the blackened state.

The current Fu Fuhai actually has magical powers, then such a character must have a huge secret, Tang Ye must dig out!

Therefore, he will not kill Fu Fuhai, but will have him take Fu Fuhai back to Yanjing and detain him in a special place, just like Adam, a vampire.

Fu Fuhai's people are almost paralyzed. Nima's, he never dreamed that he would meet such a master, and he would meet two at once. One is the heir of the artifact, and the other seems to be stronger than the heir of the artifact. What a shame!

When the north and south saw Tang Ye stretch out his hand, he could hold Fu Fuhai, as if there was an invisible hand, powerful and mysterious, and he couldn't help being a little envious. She knew that Tang Ye's ability was called Xiaoxiao Domain, in fact it was a "domain", but it hadn't evolved to the real domain so strong. Nevertheless, it is also extremely terrifying power, she also wants to have.

For this reason, the North and the South have strengthened their determination to become stronger and must redouble their efforts to cultivate.

This is really a girl who is obsessed with martial arts.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

At this time, a few people suddenly rushed into the mountains and forests, and they all dressed up and looked unique. The North and the South were immediately on guard, thinking they were enemies.

Tang Ye glanced at them and said, "Red Wall sent you here?"

One of the big guys is probably the leader, took a step forward, saluted Tang Ye, and said, "You are Mr. Tang?"

Tang Ye nodded and said, "That's right."

The big guy smiled and said, "Here is Meng Han, a member of the Guardian team newly formed by the Red Wall. He is here as the temporary captain. He came here specially after receiving the notice from the Red Wall."

"Okay." Tang Ye nodded and said, "This person is very important. You must send him to Yanjing and give it to Jiang Ruoqing. Nothing can be lost."

"Yes!" Meng Han answered, following Tang Ye's arrangement.

Obviously they had received Red Wall's order to obey Tang Ye's words.

Tang Ye sealed Fu Fuhai's power, handed Fu Fuhai to Meng Han, and then left with Nan Bei.


"Damn it!"

In a small courtyard, Wen Zhongyuan was furious and smashed several celadon antiques. Originally, he planned to go to Mount Tai to contain Tang Ye and kill the North and the South, without fail, but he did not expect a group of ghosts to appear in the middle. The ghosts rescued the South and the North, helped Tang Ye, and allowed the South and the North to obtain the artifact smoothly!

He was so angry that he failed so thoroughly?

It really made Wen Zhongyuan think of the shame of losing to Tang Ye when he was fighting with Tang Ye before. In addition, he found some clues. Why do those ghosts help "Tang Chenxing"?

It must be "Tang Chenxing" who is kind to those ghosts! But why should those Tang Chenxing be kind to them?

Here, the text only thought of two explanations. One is because Tang Chenxing is an exorcist, so he can communicate with those ghosts and let the ghosts help. The other reason is very amazing, that is, this "Tang Chenxing" is the Tang Ye that year!

Wen Zhongyuan remembers clearly that the minister who helped the dragon arranged to guard the dragon gate on the side of Mount Tai was the yin and yang dao leader. The yin and yang dao leader formed a grieving ghost through murder, and then raised the evil dragon spirit through the grieving ghost. However, the Daoist Yin and Yang was killed by Tang Ye, and then Tang Yedu dispelled those resentful ghosts, and returned to them who could not be reborn. Therefore, Tang Ye is kind to those ghosts. Then, this so-called "Tang Chenxing" and the mysterious man with a hood, his true identity is Tang Ye!

It was Tang Ye? !

Wen Zhongyuan couldn't believe this speculation at all. How could Tang Ye return to the big world through the profound door? Isn't it possible to kill the gatekeeper?

However, the more Wen Zhongyuan thought about it, the more he felt that this person was Tang Ye. This truth is very consistent with recent events!



In the article, he laughed, and then laughed continuously, like crazy.

In a blink of an eye, his expression became extremely sullen and gloomy, as if all his hostility and resentment were vented all at once, and he shouted fiercely: "Tang Ye, if it is really you, then we will have a real contest!"

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