My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1294: The good news once!

Wen Zhongyuan sneered, even if he was hit by Tang Ye with one or two moves, he didn't think it mattered. Because he has a winning ticket, Nan Bei can't be saved!

He won!

Tang Ye blasted a punch, piercing Wen Zhongyuan's chest, revealing a **** mouth.

Wen Zhongyuan stepped back two steps, coughed twice, and vomited some blood. It seemed that he was seriously injured.

However, Wen Zhongyuan didn't care, watching Tang Ye sneer and said, "What about letting you punch me? You can't save North and South, so you can only find some comfort like this, haha..."

Tang Ye stared at Wen Zhongyuan without saying a word, instead of looking at the north and south at this time. Zhongyuan laughed more ironically. Even if he was injured by Tang Ye, he would not die. So the more he forced Tang Ye to calm his face, the happier he was.

Isn't the enemy's unhappiness just his own happiness?

North and South were beaten out and watched that sharp dart hit her. She was very helpless. She really couldn't stop it. Is this going to give her life to her?

Everyone sneered. Isn't this a matter of course?

Nine people deal with a woman, can't it be beaten?

It's a big joke!


However, at this moment, there was a whirring sound under the abyss, like a sudden wind, and then saw a cloud of misty "gas" coming quickly, entangled the dart that was about to hit the north and south, and the dart stopped. Then the dart turned around and slammed towards the one standing in front of the four evil spirits.


"Ah!" A muffled hum came, and the stabbed member of the four evil spirits fell to the ground and died.

He was pierced in the throat.

This scene happened too fast, and the seemingly complicated things actually happened neatly and quickly. Everyone didn't expect that, after the reaction came over, all of them stared wide and lost speech for a while.

I was so shocked in my heart that one of my brothers died like this?

Then there are huge doubts, how could this happen?

Four evils and five evils reacted, looking to the north and south, they were shocked again. I saw the north and south feet stepped on a cloud of gas, slowly returned to the cliff shore, no longer falling.

Is it all done by North and South?

No, Nan Bei's expression is also confused and shocked, and it must not be her. Who did it?

Those confused anger!

Everyone finally realized that all of this was done by that sudden anger! What are these qi?

On the side of Wen Zhongyuan, he originally laughed at Tang Ye sarcastically. He was triumphant, thinking that Nan Bei must be killed, but when this happened suddenly, he was so angry that his eyes would come out.

This is slapped. And Tang Ye didn't hum a word from beginning to end, and suddenly felt that this was the biggest mockery, mocking Wen Zhongyuan, because everything was under his control, and Wen Zhongyuan seemed to be a clown.

Wen Zhongyuan can't accept this kind of thing!

I haven't experienced this feeling for a long time. When dealing with Tang Ye two years ago, he was calculated by Tang Ye to lose again and again, and he had this feeling back then. And now, this feeling is back!

In a daze, he felt that the person in front of him was Tang Ye. But how is it possible?

"It's all calculated by you?!" Wen Zhongyuan asked Tang Ye angrily. He was not reconciled. He would rather believe that it was an accident than Tang Ye calculated.

If it is, then he was overcast by Tang Ye. This kind of shame was experienced too much two years ago, and now he doesn't want to experience it at all!

Tang Ye smiled and said, "Don't you think you won? Do you think you won?"

"You..." Wen Zhongyuan was so angry that he was about to suffer internal injuries. He failed to kill the North and the South. That means he didn't win. It was too painful to be beaten in the face!

Unwilling to reconcile, Zhongyuan yelled at the eight remaining members of the four evil spirits and evil spirits: "What are you doing! Go and kill her immediately!"

The members of the four evil spirits and five evil spirits were urged, regardless of what the confused gas was, they all swarmed up to kill the north and the south.

Nan Bei was still in doubt. She was almost killed just now, and now she is saved. She is still confused and will be killed again. She doesn't know how to deal with it. However, she does not need to respond. These misty gases gathered more and more, and there was a strong wind around them, and the sky was much gloomy.

What's going on... The four evil spirits and the evil spirits feel too unbelievable, the wind gusts and the haunted?

The four evil spirits looked at the floating gas, retracted their attacking moves, and made a defensive appearance. After all, the gas was too mysterious, and they had killed one of their brothers just now, so they didn't dare to be careless.

These floating gases approached and suddenly dispersed into eight strands, and the eight strands of gas quickly drifted past, from top to bottom, unstoppable, and poured into the heads of the remaining eight people.

Can this gas blend into the human body?

Four evil spirits and five evil spirits did not expect such a thing at all, so they couldn't defend it.

After they were absorbed by the gas, their bodies trembled. Then saw a very strange scene, these people approached in pairs, raised their weapons, whirred, and stabbed each other to death.

Eight people, divided into four pairs, simply stabbed each other to death.

At this point, all four evil spirits and five evil spirits died.

"Wh, how could...?!" Seeing this, Wen Zhongyuan was completely confused, why did this happen?

After killing them, the gas that blended into the evil spirits and evil spirits rushed out one after another, floating in a place not far from Tang Ye. At this moment, seeing the gas slowly transforming into a human form, he nodded slightly to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye also nodded to them, thanking them: "Thank you."

Those who turned into gas did not talk any more nonsense, flew away and returned to the abyss, everything returned to silence.

Now it was certain that Tang Ye did all of this. But how did he do it?

What are those gases?

Zhongyuan didn't understand it.

North and South also don't understand.

Of course Tang Ye would not explain to Wen Zhongyuan, staring at Wen Zhongyuan and snorted coldly: "I can't kill you now, so I don't bother to do it. If you think you can kill me, or kill Nanbei right now, just let it be. Try it."

"You..." Wen Zhongyuan was furious. Tang Ye's words were too arrogant, but he had no temper at all.

At the moment when the evil spirits and evil spirits were eliminated, it meant that his plan had failed. He had already fought against Tang Ye before, let alone killing Tang Ye, not even Tang Ye's opponent. He also relied on the power of his blood demon without fear of being killed, because he could reincarnate. Therefore, in the current situation, he either entangled with Tang Ye and wasted time, or left quickly and rearranged the plan.

He chooses the latter. Staring at Tang Ye hideously, he seemed to feel that he had met Tang Ye back then. The anger and hatred that he could not tell, but he could only retreat.

Tang Ye didn't stop the text in the Central Plains, and he didn't want to waste time. For those gases, they are actually ghosts. Those ghosts were killed when the old way of Yin and Yang conceived evil dragon spirits, especially when they were trapped in the abyss for too long to save their reincarnation. Tang Ye let them settle on the ground and buried their bones, so they don't have to be alone.

At the beginning, the old abbot Yimei said that Tang Ye's kind deeds would benefit him in the future. Now it seems that it is not the case.

When he got below the abyss just now, because he was already an exorcist, he was able to communicate with these ghosts and let these ghosts help by the way.

These ghosts owe Tang Ye's favor and will naturally help him. So when the north and south were in danger, they came to help. They possessed the four evil spirits and five evil spirits, controlling the four evil spirits and five evil spirits, and let the four evil spirits and five evil spirits kill their own people.

Tang Ye returned to North and South, and asked if there was anything wrong with North and South. Nan Bei was fine, but asked him what the gas was.

Tang Ye briefly explained, and then thanked again below the abyss.

So, goodness is rewarded, and you should be kind.

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