My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1277: Violent!

An Feifei and An Luoluo of the dying corpse dynasty ran away, roaring, and their strength suddenly increased several times. It has been constantly evolving, and it is very powerful. If it is tired of people who are overwhelmingly disturbing it, it will kill An Feifei and An Luo Luo directly.

A powerful force burst out suddenly, and everyone was shocked. An Feifei and An Luoluo had just landed and were not ready to respond to such a fierce attack immediately. They are confident that they will not be killed by King Zombie, but they will suffer some losses, such as vomiting a little blood.

This makes them quite unhappy, especially the cold beauty settled down.

"Cut!" He hummed softly, and began to make evasive movements, while preparing to be injured.

However, at this time, with a "swish", a phantom appeared, falling between An Feifei and An Luoluo. Soon I saw that An Feifei and An Luoluo fell backwards and withdrew at the same time, extremely fast, avoiding the violent and unexpectedly subtle attacks of the Sha King.

An Feifei and An Luoluo are in peace, but after standing still, the situation is a bit weird. There is a man among them, and they are held by this man.

It was Tang Ye who hugged them to retreat, avoiding the attack of King Zombie.

Although the Sha King attacked swiftly and fiercely, Tang Ye would not be inferior to the Sha King in an instant.

He knew that An Feifei and An Luoluo would not be killed even if they could not escape the attack of King Corpse Sha, but he still managed to save them. This is because he didn't want to see a small team that he strongly supported and cultivated just showed up and got ridiculous. It was so shameless.

As the first person to propose and initiate, and let Lu Celadon use the power of the goddess to discover the supernatural talents, he feels that he is the "big brother" of the Dragon Totem team, or the role of the guardian, so naturally he needs to take care of it.

Xing Xuyi called out to the members of Dragon Totem Team, "Children!"

Tang Ye thought of this kind of thing, thought it was quite interesting.

At this time, An Feifei and An Luoluo came back to their senses, turned to look at Tang Ye, and knew what had happened.

"Hey!" An Luoluo suddenly had a black line on her face, and being held by her waist made her quite upset.

"What...what are you doing?" An Feifei asked Tang Ye with big eyes.

Tang Ye let go of An Feifei and An Luoluo, seeing their expressions, was speechless. Sister Hua's expression seemed to say that he was nosy for saving them, and even deliberately took advantage of them, which was not only useless, but also sinful.

"you this……"

"Shut up, you go and deal with King Zombie, don't talk to me."

An Luoluo wanted to scold Tang Ye, but Tang Ye didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, so he glared at them, then jumped out and asked them to deal with King Dead Body.

Dragon Totem Team didn't want to practice their hands and see the results, so give the sisters a chance.

Sister Hua was shocked by Tang Ye's behavior. This guy can do this?

I'm so angry!

But there was no time for them to find Tang Ye's theory. At this time, King Zombie rushed towards them like crazy. Perhaps it was not against them, but Tang Ye behind them. But they appear to deal with the corpse evil, so they take the initiative.

An Feifei and An Luoluo leaned close together, standing proudly, one carrying a long cannon and the other holding a huge sickle, with a cool posture. The charm of these sisters is dazzling.

"Feifei, a quick fight and a quick decision." An Luoluo said to An Feifei.

"Hmm!" An Feifei nodded excitedly, her face full of confidence, and she didn't forget to look back at Tang Ye, and smiled, something else.


The target of the Sha King was actually Tang Ye. Seeing An Feifei and An Luoluo, the sister flowers blocking it, he roared angrily, very irritable.

An Luoluo looked firm, calm and cold, snorted coldly, and quickly swung his sickle, hitting the king of the dead with a "bang".

The Sha King only wanted to kill An Luo Luo, no matter if he was hit by the sickle, he directly forced him to squeeze An Luo Luo's neck. Its body is as hard as iron, how can it be afraid of a sickle.

An Luoluo squinted slightly and twisted the handle of the sickle in his hand. Surprisingly, her sickle has changed, as if a mechanism has been set up. The sickle has become bendable and has a shiny chain.

This is a scythe!

Can be close combat, can attack far.

An Luoluo quickly retreated a step back, and then threw the flying scythe at King Zombie, the chain of the scythe stretched all the time, wrapping around King Zombie's body, firmly binding King Zombie.

For a time, King Zombie was unable to move.

"The material used to make the scythe is absolutely extraordinary!" Tang Ye was secretly surprised when he saw this scene, and decided that An Luoluo's scythe was not easy.

If it was just Fei Lian made of ordinary steel, King Zombie would be shattered with a simple effort. However, King Zombie kept struggling, and the flying sickle was not broken!

"Feifei, it's about to begin." An Luoluo said to An Feifei, trapping the Queen of the Dead.

"Hmm!" An Feifei nodded happily, seeming to be a confident optimist.

With An Feifei's cooperation, An Luoluo's eyes suddenly became fierce, only to see her gently kicking on the ground, "whoop", the whole person jumped high.

After she leaped high, she dragged the Sha King up. Then, she fell back to the ground, and at the same time flicked the flying sickle's chain fiercely, causing the corpse king to be thrown into the air.

"Feifei!" An Luoluo reminded An Feifei.

An Feifei smiled, took out a bomb from her backpack and filled it into the long cannon, then picked up the cannon and pointed it at the King Corpse in mid-air. She smiled gently, and whispered a "bang "The mouth shape when it exploded, and then the bomb was shot.



The bomb hit the Sha King who was thrown into the air by Anluo very accurately, and exploded in the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

"Papa, papa..."

Soon a leg fell from the sky, and that was the one that fell from King Zombie after being bombed.

When Tang Ye saw them, they were really shocked.

This is what the sisters An Luoluo and An Feifei did, in four words, "Simple and rude!"

One bundle, one bombardment, quite simple, but the effect is very significant. At least one of the legs of the Sha King could be seen, which weakened the huge power of Sha King.

The strength of the Dragon Totem team is amazing!


However, at this time, there was a harsh roar from the sky, it was the king of corpses!

Although King Zombie had broken a leg and damaged a lot of other parts of his body, he did not die. At this time, his eyes were red, and he felt that he had entered a state of violent anger, and the power of the corpse was stronger than before!

"Not one shot?"

An Feifei looked at King Zombie, who hadn't fallen from midair, and said casually: "Then two shots."

An Feifei carried a long cannon again, and aimed at the King Corpse Shaman rushing from mid-air, with a "bang" and fired another bomb.


It exploded violently in mid-air, setting off a mushroom cloud.

The smashed corpse king was hit by a cannonball before it reached the ground and had no chance to land.

Even more ruthless, An Feifei seemed to have enjoyed the fight. Before the mushroom cloud in the sky disappeared, she was on a cannonball again, and she fired several rounds in a row.

Suddenly, the entire sky was enveloped by explosive mushroom clouds, and the ground was dark, with only red and yellow explosive flames.

"Papa, papa..."

The sky kept falling down the remains of the explosion, as well as the body of the Sha King who was blown up to pieces.

"This..." Tang Ye didn't know what to say when they saw this.

It is much stronger than imagined.

Tang Ye was a bit speechless, and he was so rude that he directly bombed with shells. In this way, no matter how powerful an enemy is, I am afraid that there is nothing left to be beaten.

He couldn't help looking at An Feifei, wondering why this girl who had been smiling and looking very friendly just now made things completely different from her smile-so violent!

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