My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1272: King Sha!

Tang Ye regretted a bit, and was eager to chase Xu Wuming just now, forgetting the corpse in the cave. If the corpse is destroyed in the first place, nothing will happen behind. Of course, the corpse was not so easy to destroy, Xu Wuming would not let this happen.


Tang Ye rushed to the cave, trying to destroy the corpse by jumping out of the hole, but it was too late, and a deafening roar sounded, and the whole cave exploded, splashing broken corpses, mice, etc. from below, the smell of rancid sky. Tangy.

Tang Ye was forced to retreat by such an explosion, looking at the chaotic front with a serious expression. In the dust in front of him, he felt an unprecedented suffocation. The evil spirit is full of resentment and killing, which makes people shudder.

"Hehe, hehe..."

There was a low exhalation and muffled sound in front, like a beast suppressing. Everyone was attracted, staring at the front, wondering what was making such a terrible sound.

The dust settled slowly, and several people saw what was ahead. It was a man in a big sack-no, it should be a monster!

His face was half exposed, a little puffy, like a floating corpse after drowning. One of his eyes is protruding, round, big, and very scary. The face on his left seemed to be rotten, blood-red, and maggots could even be seen wriggling inside. Under his mouth, a fang stretched out, very sharp.

Looking at his hand again, it was completely dark with the claws of a pair of wild beasts. Moreover, I feel pus, as long as I squeeze it, it will be like bleeding, especially disgusting.

"Hehe, Hehe, Chacha..."

After Shi Sha woke up, he kept making noises, as if he was saying something, but he couldn't hear what he was saying. Then, when he saw Xu Wuming in front of him, he grinned suddenly, as if he was particularly excited, "Shoo!" When he saw it, he swept over to Xu Wuming in an instant!

The speed of this corpse evil is actually approaching this point!

Tang Ye was really startled, and Jiang Ruoqing and Ke Yu were even more flustered. Just at the speed of teleportation, you can see how powerful the corpse evil is, this is tricky.

Probably underestimated the power of corpse evil.

The corpse Sha ran to Xu Wuming's side, and what was surprising was that the corpse Sha directly grabbed Xu Wuming and clicked! He bit on Xu Wuming's neck and drank Xu Wuming's blood.

Xu Wuming didn't struggle, letting Shisha bit his neck, drank his blood, and died.

Several people were shocked. It was Xu Wuming who refined this corpse evil spirit. He actually used Xu Wuming as food?

And Xu Wuming, letting the corpse evil eat him?

At this moment, Tang Ye's expression was low and cold, he had already determined that Xu Wuming in front of him was a clone, not his body.

How could Xu Wuming let himself die?

Tang Ye was quite annoyed. Xu Wuming was really hard to kill. The point was that after so long, he hadn't even seen his body. And his clone seems to be divided into quality. For example, the one in front of me is obviously higher in quality than the previous ones, and the flesh and blood are so clear and real.

What a terrible guy.

"Eat pro-meat, become the Sha King!" Seeing what the Sha Sha did, Ke Yu from the Exorcist clan frowned, very serious.

This corpse ate the flesh of the person who refines him, and after drinking this blood, he can break through to the level of absolute evil and become a corpse king!

"He must be eliminated within today, otherwise he will evolve to King Zombie, then he will be no different from a zombie, and the consequences will be disastrous!" Ke Yu said solemnly, even a little frightened.

After eating Xu Wuming's meat and drinking Xu Wuming's blood, within a day, the corpse will evolve into the king of corpse.

The power of King Dead, a word "king" suffices to explain that what it brought must be a field of Shura. Moreover, it was raised by Xu Wuming. If it is not eliminated and returned to Xu Wuming, then Xu Wuming will be even more difficult to deal with.

"Ke Yu, Ruoqing, you can all carry out long-range containment, first go to deal with the corpse king, try to avoid physical exhaustion, try to give me a period of time, be careful not to get hurt.

"Yun'er, if you look at the situation, if too much power erupts, you can use fantasy to deal with it. It can also help Ke Yu and Ruoqing, but you must be careful."

Tang Ye seemed to have become a team leader, arranging the actions of Jiang Ruoqing and Ke Yu.

The three girls did not object, and nodded to express their understanding.

Ke Yu and Jiang Ruoqing rushed up to attack King Zombie, controlling the distance, attracting King Zombie's attention, and Tang Ye looked for a chance to strike King Zombie fatally.

Tang Ye also displayed flame vines, trying to trap the King of the Dead. However, subject to the limits outside the big world, the peak existence of King Zombie is not easy to win. Just like dealing with Wen Zhongyuan before, there is no problem to haunt him, but it is difficult to kill him.

It's like a tie in chess, and you have to give up each other, otherwise there will be no result.

The Sha King completely ignored the damage. The attacks of several people were easily resolved by King Zombie. Even the flame vines that Tang Ye released were caught by King Corpse Sha, pulled out directly, and swallowed into his stomach.

"Suppress him first, I want to use the five elements to trap the dragon formation!" Tang Ye didn't panic, but was a little leisurely. The Shame King was powerful, but with his strength, he could not say that he could not deal with it. Try the powerful exorcism secret that you keep learning.

Ke Yu and Jiang Ruoqing cooperated with Tang Ye to continue to contain the King of Deadly Shame, so that Tang Ye had time to display the five elements trapped dragon formation.

"Wow..." After being restrained by Ke Yu, Jiang Ruoqing and Lingyun for a while, King Zombie was probably impatient. He raised his head and screamed for a long time. Then he snorted and stared directly at Ke. Yu grinned like a wicked smile.

The appearance of King Zombie was scary, and it would grin out, which was extremely terrifying and evil. The most important point is that he grinned wickedly like that, as if he was conscious and knew what he was doing. But just now, he was just an unconscious beast, and he had no other thoughts except instinctively wanting to eat meat and drink blood!

"Be careful, it's evolving!" Ke Yu saw the change of King Zombie, his expression even more serious.

However, at this moment, the evil corpse king suddenly shook, and saw a phantom from his body, and then saw him disappear in place. Ke Yu was shocked, not knowing where he changed!

"Behind you, Ke Yu, hide away!" Tang Ye's reminder sounded.

Ke Yu immediately felt a chill on his back, hurriedly stepped forward, trying to avoid it. However, she was too late. With a "bang", King Zombie slapped her back with a palm, and she flew out, hitting the trees in front of her in succession, breaking several trees before she stopped.

"Cough, cough!" Ke Yu immediately coughed painfully, but he couldn't stand up again. He no longer has the ability to fight, and the corpse smashed him with one move!

"Grass, why do you always beat me?" Ke Yu was very angry.

Xu Wuming wants to kill her, and this corpse is also so important?

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