My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1237: Man and God and Three Wonders!

Nan Bei became very worried, Han Ya could tell, but she couldn't help it if Nan Bei said nothing. Today, I'm going to the Dark Frontier to talk to Jiang Xiaobai about dealing with the Red Fortress.

Although there is now a "Tang Chenxing", as they are, they will not rely too much on someone, and of course they have to solve the enemy by themselves.

Although the defeat with Mu Nianhua was horrible, they can prepare better next time. Now that it has been verified that Wood Nianhua is a monster like a vampire, then you can think of more ways to deal with vampires.

What needs to be studied is that the so-called vampire is different from the movie. If vampires are afraid of sunlight, reality may not be the case.

Know thyself, ever-victorious. As long as you have enough information, even if you face those monsters in a mortal body, you can still win!

This is how mankind survives and continues to progress.

When I went to find Jiang Xiaobai, Han Ya noticed that Nanbei was absent-minded, and finally couldn't help asking, "South and North, what happened? Is it because the martial arts strength has not increased? If this is the case, don't worry. , Didn’t Tang Chenxing say that he could help you? You rushed to practice marksmanship all night with enthusiasm last night. Huangtian pays off, I think you can solve this problem."

Nan Bei looked at Han Ya, hesitated to speak, hesitated for a while before saying, "I'm fine, although...I am really worried about the martial arts strength, but I will untie this knot."

"That's good." Han Ya smiled.

North and South looked to the sky through the car window. The weather was very clear, and there were no clouds in the blue. But who knows what tragic things are happening in that blue sky?

The so-called emperor pays off. North and South do not expect this. She remembered clearly that from Tang Ye's past experience, God was also helpless, perhaps still an enemy.

It's hard to imagine that one person actually said that God is the enemy. But if you contact the old Taoist priest back then, it will be different. According to legend, the sky is an ideological book, called the heavenly book. Obtaining the heavenly book is equivalent to gaining the power to dominate the destiny of all living things. However, this requires the connection between the heavenly book and the human world, otherwise the heavenly book will not be "read" in the human world, nor will it have the power to dominate.

The fate of the old Taoist priest just cut off the connection between heaven and the world, so Cangtian hated the old Taoist and wanted to break the fetters of heaven and earth.

After thousands of years of resistance, the firmament of the sky, and the heavens can re-implement part of their consciousness into the human world. After manipulation, more and more people want to break the shackles of Qi Yun. However, victory is sometimes controlled by a few key personnel, so there is the Xuanhuang co-lord, the minister who helps the dragon.

But even though the old Taoist priest is no longer in this world, he still interferes with this world even in the wider world. In other words, he was extremely wise and had already arranged a back hand, so there was a presence like Tang Ye. Also, the slave of the python, the emperor of all ages.

The two terms actually contain a lot of information. Xuan Huang, heaven and earth Xuan Huang, the cosmos, dating back to that era, are more gods.

And the emperor of the emperor, the emperor of the world, more refers to the leader of mankind.

Therefore, the Xuanhuang co-lord and the emperor of all ages, to put it simply, is a war between gods and people.

God wants to regain the power to control the destiny of mankind, and mankind wants to control his own destiny.

It is said that this kind of war between humans and gods broke out long ago. Originally the gods had no hope for mankind. But there are many gods who support mankind, so this makes the battle of gods a protracted battle.

This kind of war resulted in countless casualties, a large number of souls and ghosts poured into hell, which made the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva quite distressed and unbearable, so Ksitigarbha isolated the "Book of the Earth" separately, with the Book of the Earth, he could control the Hell and not be immune The "Book of Heaven" control.

Later, Wang Fuxi refined the "Book of Humans" to reduce the influence of the "Book of Heaven". Therefore, the appearance of the earth and human books weakened the dominance of the heavenly books.

And if you get the book from the heavens, the book from the people, and the book from the earth at the same time, then you have complete control of the three realms and six realms!

In this world, behind the calm, who knows how many conspirators are planning to take the Three Books?

Such a plan may be hundreds or even thousands of years.

Now all kinds of weird things have been born, indicating that the conspiracy behind it is ready to the last moment.

If the age of ancient mythology comes, it is undoubtedly the best explanation.

"Hey." Nan Beixin sighed slightly. If there is such a thing as a war between humans and gods, she would like to participate in it. However, if there is not enough strength, it is useless at all, not even cannon fodder.

Han Ya felt very strange when she saw the sigh of Nan Bei. If you just worry about the problem of not increasing your martial arts strength, do you need such a grudge?

This is not a North-South style!

There is something tricky!

Han Ya thought of getting along with Tang Ye yesterday, her ambiguous eyes, shit, will Nan and North be interesting to "Tang Chenxing", right?

"North and South, you... don't you have someone with a heart?" Han Yahao asked.


North and South almost choked the air.

"Sister Ya, what are you talking about!" Nan Bei denied directly.

Han Ya squinted her eyes and smiled: "When were you so excited? It's because I told you that you have a guilty conscience?"

"No!" Nan Bei became more excited, the more excited, the more guilty.

Han Ya finds it interesting. If Nan Bei is really interested in "Tang Chenxing", she doesn't mind being a matchmaker at all. Although she had a good impression of "Tang Chenxing", it was rare that the indifferent woman from North and South was tempted, and she didn't mind giving it to North and South.

Seeing Han Yan’s playful expression, Nan Bei couldn’t help blushing when he thought of the scene of Tang Ye lingering last night, but she had to deny it, so she took a big breath and made her face look ugly and uncomfortable. Hummed: "Don't mess around with you!"

"Oh, I'm getting more and more excited." Han Ya smiled more interestingly, knowing that there must be something in this area between North and South.

Nan Bei simply turned his head and looked out the window, too lazy to pay attention to Han Ya, letting Han Ya be aggressive and provoked.

"Nanbei, if you really like it, then you have to change it. Don't face the boss, men don't like it." Han Ya took the opportunity to let Nanbei change his ill.

North and South couldn't bear Han Ya's nagging, and hummed: "Sister Ya, you are not an old lady, what do you teach me?"

"Hey, you..." Han Ya felt that the North and the South had really changed, so she said that she was angry, and said, "You too!"

"I am not!" Nan Bei snorted coldly.

"Huh?" Han Ya was taken aback, and the indifferent North and South were actually not the place?

North and South snorted coldly: "My membrane has broken."


Han Ya was stunned, almost unable to drive the car. Is there such a thing?

What Nan Bei said was the truth, and it was broken by Tang Ye last night. But she wouldn't let Han Ya know about this kind of thing, and added: "It was broken before practice."


Han Ya was speechless. But it is possible. A girl from the north and south, practicing those difficult martial arts moves all day long, it is very possible to break the membrane.

"You should be careful. For us women, that thing... is still very important. Many men cheat because their wives don't have this thing." Han Ya sighed leisurely.

"Why do you want a derailed man?" Nan Bei asked in a bad mood.

Han Ya smiled, rather helpless, and said, "Who knows, it's the same as why a man is bothered, it's an unsolvable problem."

"You don't want to find a man who is bothered in the future." Han Ya smiled.

"Isn't every man bothered?" Nan Bei asked.

Han Ya smiled and said, "Then you can find someone you are willing to follow even if he is bothered. The question is, will there be such a man?"

Nan Bei did not speak any more and looked out the window.

Is there such a man?

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