My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1220: Foreign companions!

Sima Kuangnan was sitting in a wheelchair at the center of Qingxintang, Tang Ye, Sima Puyu, and Sima Poxu were watching him.

After so many days of treatment, we must see the effect. It is not that Sima Kuangnan can regain the walking ability of his feet today, but it depends on whether he has regained the vitality of his legs.

Before, his legs were eroded very badly by the living corpse insects. If it weren't for Tang Ye's discovery, his legs would become dead in a short time, and then the fairy Daluo would not be able to save him. Now that Tang Ye got rid of the living corpse insects, it was possible for him to "live" his legs again and restore vitality, so that he could stand up and walk.

Sima Puyu and Sima Poxu were very nervous, and they both hoped Sima Kuangnan would stand up again. Sima Puyu held Tang Ye's hand tightly, showing how much she cared.

Tang Ye didn't speak, looking at Sima Kuangnan, he believed that his treatment was useful, because it not only eliminated the living corpse worms, but also infused with the strength and spiritual power of the dead wood and spring.

The Sima Madman at the center of the courtyard was also nervous. No one himself wanted to stand up again. No one could understand the pain he experienced after paralyzing his legs. Now that he has a chance, he will never let it go.

He is the same type of person as Tang Ye. Resolute and persistent.

He held his breath, and while nervous, there was a long-awaited excitement. If he can stand up, he will get a new life. He will return to the vast world outside with an upright attitude.

After taking a deep breath, Sima Kuangnan, as Tang Ye told him, held down his knees and rubbed it again, which was equivalent to pushing the blood of his thighs down to make the whole leg link naturally. Then, he slapped both legs vigorously, slapped every part again, to make sure that every hit was painful.

If there is no pain, it means there is still a problem and you cannot stand up forcibly.

After tapping it down again, everything is okay. Then, he made one last preparation, closed his eyes and kept quiet, and gathered the power of his body under his body, a bit like the kind of Qi gathered in his dantian. Doing so is to make the whole body qi, blood, and veins active and reach the most coordinated state.

After all the preparations were done, Sima Kuangnan took a long breath and wanted to stand up.

However, he just lifted his hips a little bit, without success!

However, this is only the first time, you can still try!

The second time, it was still unsuccessful, but the hips could be lifted higher!

The third time, it was still unsuccessful, but the hips lifted up again and again!

This is the result of improvement!

The third time was unsuccessful, there was a fourth time, the fourth time was unsuccessful, and the fifth time...the hundredth time!

I have tried it for the hundredth time!

At this time, Sima Kuangnan's blue veins burst out, his head was sweating, and his strength was almost exhausted. If this time is not successful, he feels that he is going to collapse.

Sima Poaxe and Sima Puyu next to them were extremely nervous, expecting them to be worried, worried that Sima Kuangnan could not stand up.

Tang Ye was calmer. He felt that even if Sima Kuangnan couldn't stand up today, he didn't need to be discouraged. At least, Sima Kuangnan could move his body with the strength of his legs. If it fails today, keep trying every day. Nirvana rebirth is too easy but untrue.

"Puyu, don't worry, Huangtian is worthy of his intentions. There is absolutely no problem with the madman's hard work." Tang Ye, who held Sima Puyu's hand, could obviously feel Sima Puyu's hand holding his hand harder. Even the smooth and beautiful nails are falling into his flesh, and he can only speak to comfort her.

"Hmm..." Although Sima Puyu nodded in agreement, the strength to hold Tang Ye's hand was even greater.

Tang Ye was very helpless, and it seemed that Sima Puyu's heart would not be able to let it go without waiting for Sima Madman to finish trying.

Sima Kuangnan was about to make the last attempt, even though he had exhausted his strength, he couldn't catch his breath, his veins burst out... he didn't give up either!

"Ah!" He gritted his teeth, desperately, and desperately dumped his body forward. If you can't stand up, you will be thrown like a bastard!

He yelled fiercely and saw that his face was approaching the ground! ,

Is it going to fall to the ground?

Do not!

He believed that Tang Ye's treatment was useful, and he had already felt the power of his legs!

He didn't want to fall to the ground again, because he fell once and lost everything in the past. He don't want to do this anymore, he told himself, he must stand up!

"Ah!" He shouted again, struggling to raise his body, relying on the strength of his legs!

At this time, a skeletal sound came out!

Then he saw that his face was getting further and further away from the ground!

When he reacted, he saw himself standing up!

He is standing high!

He felt that everything in front of him had become small and he had to be conquered by himself!

"I'm standing up!" At this moment, Sima Kuangnan yelled, then looked up at the sky, tears streaming down his face.

He waited for this day for five years, and now this day has finally arrived!

A heroic and eager momentum emerged.

Sima Kuangnan is a king.

"Crazy man!"


Seeing Sima Kuangnan stand up, Sima Poxu and Sima Puyu couldn't restrain their inner excitement, and ran quickly to hug Sima Kuangnan.

Tang Ye shrugged and smiled. Seeing Sima Puyu so happy, he was also happy, so good.

"Tang Ye!" Suddenly, Sima Puyu looked back at Tang Ye and called out, and ran to Tang Ye, embraced Tang Ye, and kissed Tang Ye.

"This..." Tang Ye was a little startled.

Sima Puyu didn't care about that much, she was too happy and too excited. Tang Ye cured her brother's legs. This is of great significance to her and to the Sima family.

Even this is equivalent to saving their Sima family's life.

Whether it is out of personal feelings or the gratitude of the Sima family, Sima Puyu knows that she will never be able to repay Tang Ye's kindness!

She looked at Tang Ye without hiding her affection. The eldest brother's legs are healed, he is reconciled with his father, and has a beloved man again. She really has no regrets.

Tang Ye smiled and said to Sima Puyu: "Everything will be fine, and so will you."

"Hmm..." Sima Puyu nodded obediently.

Later on, both Sima Kuangnan and Sima Poxu continued to thank Tang Ye. Tang Ye felt embarrassed. They were all in the family, why are they so polite?

Moreover, now Sima Kuangnan just stood up, and he needed some recuperation if he wanted to walk smoothly. Of course, the subsequent recuperation is not difficult, and Tang Ye does not even need to take action. He will prescribe some prescriptions and teach how to massage the body, and Sima Junnan can do it himself.

As for Tang Ye, he has been staying at Sima's house for a few days, and he wants to start solving other things.


He was standing at the Yanjing Babaoshan Cemetery, his expression calm, but he couldn't hide the gloominess. His grandfather Dingmo and Tang Ye fought, and put Tang Ye's "inviting spirit" move to let the cemetery heroes come out.

Now, he won't lose to Tang Ye. He went to the site of the Red Fort and talked to the head of the Red Fort, the man named Adam.

As a blood race, how could he not notice these "companions" from foreign races?

The Red Fortress is one of the four major underground forces in Yanjing, and is as famous as the Axe Company, the Dark Frontier, and the country. However, everything has changed now. Jiangshanju was removed by Tang Ye, the axe was weakened by Tang Ye, and the dark frontier boss became Tang Ye's friend Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai was almost the same underground power.

However, the Red Fortress is very weird, he hasn't moved yet. But before Tang Ye said that the Red Fortress was hiding secrets, so he paid close attention.

In the past few years, he has collected some information.

This collected information is extremely scary to think carefully!

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