My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1203: Pain again!

Sima Kuangnan knew that Tang Ye was very powerful, and he knew that Tang Ye knew medical skills, but he didn't know that Tang Ye also knew spiritual secrets. So he thought that Tang Ye used silver needles to show him his legs, just like the doctors he had invited before, but it was just a needle stimulation.

He had no hope for such a thing. In the past, he asked a doctor to treat him with a lot of needles, but his legs were the same as not part of his body. No matter how the needle was inserted, there was no response, neither itching nor pain, and there was no other comfort. a feeling of.

Therefore, even if he admired Tang Ye, he thought that if Tang Ye gave him a needle, the result would be the same as the previous doctors.

At this time, Tang Ye pinched the silver needle and pierced Sima Kuangnan's right leg, then slightly closed his eyes to feel it.

In fact, even though Sima Kuangnan had no hope, deep down he still hoped that something could happen and his broken leg would get better.

Therefore, when Tang Ye gave him the needle, he looked at Tang Ye a little nervous, somewhat expectant.

Tang Ye put a few needles in his leg and chose different directions to comprehensively detect whether there are evils of Yin and Yang.

Sima Kuangnan frowned slightly, and couldn't feel it at all!

His inner disappointment grew. Sure enough... the result is the same! No one can make his legs feel better! Even if you just give your own legs a little feel, you can't do it!

Sima Kuangnan was inexplicably angry, he was not angry with Tang Ye, he was angry with his own experience. He didn't understand why this happened to him! At the best age of life, his legs were paralyzed! Having lost those years, now physically and mentally exhausted, he can no longer rise.

Sima Kuangnan is a strong man, but he has been forced to give in. It feels like a bleak lonely shadow, not a hero.

"Brother Tang, have you finished reading it?" The heart was disappointed and no longer hoped, Sima Kuangnan said to Tang Ye, wanting to cover his legs with cloth jacket again.

Tang Ye said to him: "No, it's not over yet."

Sima Kuangnan was taken aback. He had seen it, probed it, and pierced it with a silver needle. What's more?

"Brother Madman, if you don't mind, I would like to do it again." Tang Ye looked at Sima Madman with a smile on his mouth, and at the same time a looming confidence.

He really wants to pierce the legs of Sima Crazy Man again,'s strange!

If he hadn't touched the sharp end of the silver needle with his fingertip at the last moment and accidentally punctured his finger, he would not have noticed anything unusual.

Just now, he squeezed the silver needle that pierced Sima Kuangman's legs, and found that the silver needle was nothing unusual. It also means that Sima Kuang's legs were not caused by evil things of Yin and Yang?

He also gave up, but he did not expect that when he wanted to put away the silver needle, his finger was accidentally pierced by the end of the silver needle, and a little blood was oozing out. At this moment, he noticed something strange.

After the silver needle was stained with his bloodshot eyes, a white gas suddenly appeared!

The white air is very weak and small, even an expert may not be able to detect it, but this can't escape Tang Ye's eyes. He is not a master, but a master!

After noticing the white gas, he didn't think it was abnormal. The silver needle and his blood have clean aura. The blood has also been psychic and possesses an exorcism effect, so his blood has a great effect on supernatural objects.

After the silver needle pierced the legs of Sima madman, naturally there still remained the breath of Sima madman's legs, and even the blood of Sima madman. After touching Tang Ye's blood, Silver Needle gave off a white qi, it was undoubtedly something that clashed with Tang Ye's blood. Since it was conflicting with Tang Ye's spiritual blood, it was mostly a spiritual evil.

Sima Kuangnan didn't refuse Tang Ye's request. Since he pierced once, it would be okay to pierce once more. He stopped trying to cover his legs and let Tang Ye continue to **** his legs.

Tang Ye squatted down again, narrowed his eyes, and pierced Sima Crazy Man's legs with a silver needle. After a needle stick, he pulled out the silver needle and let the silver needle get his own blood. At this time, I saw a small white gas emerging from the silver needle.

Seeing the white gas emerging, Tang Ye squinted his eyes, and quickly revealed a faint smile, as if he had some eyebrows at the cause of the paralysis of Sima Kuangman's legs.

But it was not enough. He had to be 100% sure, otherwise he wouldn't tell Sima Kuangnan what was going on.

In order to further confirm the guess that arises in the heart, he has to put another needle. Before the needle, he looked at Sima Madman and said, "Brother Madman, I want to put another needle. But, this one. , I will have a heavier and deeper tie, and there may be some pain. I hope you will bear it."

"Huh?" Sima Kuangnan was taken aback, then couldn't help but "ha" laughed at himself.

He wasn't laughing at Tang Ye, but at himself, laughing at his unconsciousness in his legs, so Tang Ye's words were ridiculous.

I can't feel the slightest sensation in these legs for a long time, how can it hurt?

If it hurts, he will be happy instead.

Sima Kuangnan said to Tang Ye: "Brother Tang, it doesn't matter how you want to pierce it. As for the pain... this is not a problem at all, because my leg has already lost consciousness. If you can make my leg feel pain, I will not blame it. You, thank you too."

"Then I will get the needle." Tang Ye nodded, not deliberately addressing Sima's unconsciousness.

He wasn't sure yet, if he didn't feel it again, wouldn't he make Sima Kuang Nan happy for nothing?

Tang Ye squinted his eyes, holding the silver needle, and approached Sima Kuangnan's right leg bit by bit. He had no horse to pierce the silver needle. He was staring at Sima Kuangnan's right calf, as if looking for something.

At this time, he saw a blood vessel in Sima Kuangnan's right calf as if something abruptly flowed through, causing the blood vessel to slightly bulge.

"Found it!" Tang Ye gave a small cry, and quickly pierced the silver needle, which was very heavy and deep. Even, he didn't feel like piercing a needle at all, but like piercing a little bug with a needle, in order to catch that little bug!

It’s probably painful to go down the needle with such great strength and change to an ordinary person. However, Sima Kuangnan didn't. His legs had already lost consciousness, so there was no pain.

Sima Kuangnan originally had some expectations, but in return, he was disappointed.

He has completely lost hope.

However, at this time, he seemed to feel an itching, and a gradual pain!

This itch, this pain is very real!

It seems that something is struggling and pulling in the leg, making it itch and pain.

"This..." Sima Kuangnan looked at Tang Ye with incredible eyes.

"This, how is this possible?!" His legs felt pain, and Sima Madman was so excited.

After so many years, he has invited countless doctors to see him, and he has tried countless methods, but he can't make his legs feel a little. He almost gave up, without these legs. However, now Tang Ye actually made his legs feel sensible again!

He was surprised and excited, and wanted to ask how Tang Ye did it? !

"Ah!" But before he could ask, Tang Ye pulled out the silver needle. At this time, he felt a lot of pain, like being bitten into a piece of meat, he couldn't help but exhale in pain.

Then the strange thing was that there was a sound of "chicking", like a crawler struggling on the ground.

Sima Kuangnan reacted and saw that the silver needle in Tang Ye's hand was pierced with a blood-red monster like a tiny earthworm!

Like that disgusting parasite!

"What is this?" Sima Kuangnan was shocked and hurriedly asked Tang Ye what it was.

Tang Ye looked at him with a smile, and said, "Living corpse insects."

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