My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1171: That's the man!

Tang Ye's answer completely exceeded Sima Kuangnan's expectations. He didn't expect Tang Ye to have this tradition and unique insights, and he said it the same.

He became even more interested and said, "Brother Tang, the more you learn is the better. I want to hear your traditional and unique opinions."

"Then let's talk about the tradition first. I'm worried that if we talk about the unique insights first, then the tradition can't be said..." Tang Ye said, glanced at Sima Puyu, who was standing aside with a serious look.

This unique insight is to take Sima Puyu as an example. If Sima Puyu knows about it, how could she still allow herself to tell it?

Sima Puyu didn’t notice Tang Ye’s horrible idea. Tang Ye looked serious and said to Sima Madman: "Brother Madman, this traditional view is what you call a'stagnation disease'. In fact, the point is, The word "Yu". And "Yu" can be divided into several types, such as stagnation of qi, stagnation of blood, stagnation of phlegm, stagnation of fire, stagnation of dampness, stagnation of food. Obviously, according to the symptoms you described, it refers to stagnation of qi."

"Stagnation of Qi is the most common in intractable diseases. In ancient times, a famous doctor said that Qi depression, blood depression, phlegm depression, fire depression, dampness depression, and food depression, these "six depressions" are all based on Qi depression. Therefore, stagnation of qi is a very root cause disease. The so-called'qi and blood conflict, all diseases will not occur. Whenever there is depression of qi, all diseases will develop.' This refers to this."

When Tang Ye studied with Master Nong Baicao, these things must be understood.

He thinks that the drama is that now, he has even realized the dead wood every spring, and he actually has to look back and take these out to fool people. Think about it, life is really wonderful.

Tang Ye continued: "There is actually no definite method to treat diseases like stagnation of qi. Because most of these diseases are intangible and are closely related to mental and psychological factors. People suffering from this disease often feel a lot of pain and have many symptoms. However, there is no substantial change after inspection. That’s why it’s difficult to characterize and locate, and make a clear diagnosis. If you have to have a prescription, it’s probably six words, namely soothing the liver, regulating qi, and relieving depression ."

Tang Ye explained to Sima Kuangnan one by one according to the qi depression treatment methods he had learned. In fact, these explanations are ridiculous things, and he doesn't like them at all.

In fact, the issue of qi depression is very important to the warrior himself. Because "qi depression" is related to the progress of self-cultivation, if it is broad and clear, then it is extremely beneficial to cultivation. It should be said that this is necessary.

Hearing Tang Ye's detailed explanation, and it was accurate, Sima Kuangnan was very surprised and very satisfied, and nodded approvingly to Tang Ye.

Although the problem of "qi depression" is more common, the industry nowadays is more inclined to Western medicine and knows very little about medicine. So Tang Ye knows so much, it can be seen that he is very knowledgeable.

Sima Puyu, who was standing next to him, still looked indifferent and serious, but he was very surprised when he heard Tang Ye's explanation. She didn't expect Tang Ye, an unscrupulous fellow, to have such insights, could it be that this fellow has been hiding his true ability?

"Brother Tang is really knowledgeable and insightful. I thought you were just a bodyguard with well-developed limbs and simple mind, hahaha!" Sima Kuangnan praised Tang Ye and asked, "So, Brother Tang, What is the unique insight you are talking about?"

"This one……"

When Tang Ye answered this unique insight, she couldn't help but glance at Sima Puyu, a little worried about making Sima Puyu angry.

Sima Puyu saw the look in his eyes peeking at him, and was a little unhappy. He felt that Tang Ye had no good intentions, and hummed: "Tang Chenxing, what do you think of me like this? What do you mean to me?"

Tang Ye smiled, not caring about Sima Puyu's arrogant temperament. He has experienced too many arrogant women. In that case, let's talk about the second opinion.

Tang Ye said to Sima Madman: "My'unique' opinion is actually that I think that for the disease of'qi depression', we need to'teach students in accordance with their aptitude and prescribe the right medicine'. Because everyone's personality is different, then everyone's. Qi depression is also different. Like Miss Sima, I think she has always had this kind of "qi depression" symptom, but she has always pretended to be okay in front of others, but in private, I don't know how depressed and irritable it is."

"Tang Chenxing, what do you mean?" Sima Puyu said angrily when she heard Tang Ye talking about her.

Tang Ye said sternly: "Let me give you an example."

Sima Puyu wanted to talk about Tang Ye, Sima Kuangnan waved his hand to stop her, and let Tang Ye continue to speak.

When Sima Kuangnan asked Tang Ye this kind of question, he didn't simply ask. Sima Puyu's problem, his eldest brother certainly knew, and wanted to help Sima Puyu resolve it, but Sima Puyu had been out there and he had nothing to do. Now that Tang Ye appeared, it could affect Sima Puyu. He felt that if Tang Ye could help Sima Puyu, it would be a great thing. That's why he asked the question of "slumping" that pointed to Sima Puyu.

He wanted to make sure that Tang Ye understood Sima Puyu. If he doesn't understand, he will be disappointed.

And now Tang Ye's performance did not disappoint him. On the contrary, Tang Ye made him more satisfied.

Sima Puyu was signaled by the Sima madman and stopped saying anything about Tang Ye. Tang Ye smiled and continued: "To treat Miss Sima's depression, we must target her serious, harsh, and cold personality. She is serious, that Hehe haha ​​haunted her. She is harsh, and treats her casually. She is cold and enthusiasm annoys her. After such a long time, Miss Sima will slowly change. And this'depression' will also be relieved. When Miss Sima opens up, After maintaining a broad mind, the symptoms of depression are gone."

"You..." When Sima Puyu heard Tang Ye's words, he was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Feelings this guy haunts him, annoys him, is he healing himself?

What a shame!

Sima Kuangnan was stunned. After reacting, he looked at Tang Ye and laughed "hahaha". Today was already the third time he laughed, he hadn't had such a happy life in a long time, and he admired Tang Ye even more.

Tang Ye was the first man he had ever seen, who dared to say that about Sima Puyu. Seeing Sima Puyu's gritted teeth, he finally understood why his sister chose Tang Ye instead of those noble sons.

Because what my sister needs is not a man who just blindly pleases her and obeys her. What she wants is a man who can live with her like an ordinary couple in a friendly, hip-hop and noisy life.

Tang Ye is such a man.

Being angry didn't bring any harm to Sima Puyu, but made her more vigorous. Sima Kuangnan looked happy, and also happy for Sima Puyu. He feels that he has a reliable brother-in-law, so he doesn't need to worry about his aloof and strict sister in the future.


If Sima Puyu knew this, how would she react?

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