My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1169: Brother!

I am afraid that Sima Puyu himself hadn't noticed that she was talking more and more with Tang Ye, and she became more and more grounded. Before changing, how could she mention the word jealous?

She and Tang Yewei are a bit flirting and flirting.

"Puyu?" At this moment, a vigorous man's voice suddenly came from the stone steps. His name was Sima Puyu.

When Sima Puyu heard this voice, he quickly broke away from Tang Ye and pulled her hand, his expression became serious, serious, looked at the stone steps, and shouted, "Brother."


Tang Ye was taken aback, looking at the stone steps, and then saw a man appear in front of him.

The man is probably in his thirties, with short hair, cross-brows and cold eyes, with a sword-like momentum and a sense of fortitude. He looks energetic and full of courage.

When Tang Ye saw this man, he was very fond of him. The man gave him the feeling of being upright, strong and determined, broad-minded and heroic, and he can be described as a magnanimous gentleman.

However, everything that was perfect for the man was greatly compromised by one thing, that is, his feet were already paralyzed. He is sitting in a wheelchair with a robe over his legs, covering his paralyzed legs, and he pushes the wheelchair with his hands.

Before coming to Sima's home, Tang Ye heard Luo Bing talk about a man who was very similar to the wheelchair man in front of him. I am afraid that he is Sima Puyu's elder brother, Sima Kuangnan, the most arrogant, prestigious, and most powerful junior in the Sima family.

The prestige and courage of Sima Kuangmen back then could even compete with the older generation. Unfortunately, when he was most proud of his life, he suddenly suffered from an incurable disease, which caused his legs to be paralyzed and he could no longer walk.

This made Sima Kuangnan's spirit greatly reduced, and then he was suppressed by others, his reputation plummeted, and finally became a joke in the eyes of others.

Sima Puyu is at home, but she has a good relationship with her brother Sima Kuangnan and sister Sima Mingyan. The others are basically not enemies or strangers, so when she sees Sima Kuangnan, she becomes very humble, and the look in her eyes is different. The respect when looking at others is obvious.

In addition to this, there is also sadness, sadness for the experience of Sima madman.

In addition, she still felt sorry for Sima Kuangnan, because if it were not for her, the person sitting in the position of Sima Group's president would be Sima Kuangnan. So in the circle, there have been rumors that she robbed Sima madman's position and power.

Although Sima Kuangnan had his legs paralyzed, it is not impossible to be the president of Sima Group. However, Sima Puyu suddenly came back from abroad a few years ago and directly took the position of president of Sima Group. So, what else could she not come back to grab the position of president?

Even some people who tried to instigate the relationship between Sima's family spread some rumors that Sima Puyu did the paralysis of Sima Kuangnan's legs.

Most people naturally do not believe these rumors, but there is always a small part who believes them, and even if they do not believe them, they will doubt it. So for Sima Puyu, many people will put the label "looks glamorous, but actually vicious".

Regarding the coincidence that year, the specific truth is unknown, and neither Sima Puyu nor Sima Kuangnan came out to declare anything. Judging from the current relationship between Sima Puyu and Sima Kuangnan, I am afraid that the rumors outside are all sinister intentions. The relationship between the two siblings is very good.

"Puyu, are you here to find your father?" Sima Kuangnan was sitting in a wheelchair and looked at Sima Puyu with a smile. It was rare that his stubborn sister returned to his home once, and he was very happy.

Sima Puyu was also happy, at least seeing Sima Kuangnan her face was not strained, but when she heard Sima Kuangnan mentioned Sima Broaxe, her face instantly came down and said, "I have nothing to look for him. , I won’t look for him even if I have something to do. I’m just here to show him the way.”

Sima Puyu glanced at Tang Ye, feeling that he was blaming Tang Ye.

Tang Ye is speechless, and throws the pot to himself again?

At this moment, Sima Kuangnan noticed Tang Ye behind Sima Puyu. He squinted his eyes at first with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Then he looked at Sima Puyu again, revealing an even more interesting smile.

Sima Kuangnan was obviously a very courageous and serious person, but it seemed a bit rude.

There are naturally reasons for his changes.

Sima Kuangnan never thought that Sima Puyu would return to the home she hated in order to lead a person. Seeing Sima Puyu's reaction just now, he seemed to be angry. In his memory, his sister would not be angry, but would just ignore everything.

What changed the mechanical heart of my sister?

Sima Kuangnan knew his sister very well, and he knew very well that it was the man in front of him who looked very low-key changed his sister.

Sima Kuangnan couldn't help but guess the relationship between Tang Ye and Sima Puyu.

"Hey, why have you been stunned? Are you not very articulate? If so, why don't you introduce yourself to my brother? Or, you have a lot of face, you want me to introduce yourself to you?" Sima Puyu looked Xiang Tang Ye hummed like a reprimand.

Tang Ye rolled his eyes. Sima Puyu became more and more rude to him, but just became more and more familiar, feeling more and more like an intimate couple.

Tang Ye didn’t care about Sima Puyu, and smiled at Sima Kuangnan, and said, “Hello, my name is Tang Chenxing. I am a private doctor and a private bodyguard. For Miss Sima, it’s a private bodyguard. But since As her bodyguard, the doctor’s services are naturally given away for free."

"Oh?" Sima Kuangnan was a little surprised, is it a doctor or a bodyguard?

I can't see that this kid is quite capable.

Sima Kuangnan didn't doubt it, because Tang Ye was approved by his sister.

Sima Kuangnan squinted his eyes, quite interested. Since Tang Ye is a bodyguard, I don't know how strong it is?

He wanted to try Tang Ye's strength. So he pushed the wheelchair and took a step forward. This is very dangerous, because there are stone steps in front, maybe he will roll down from the surface.

"Brother, be careful!" Sima Puyu saw it, worried.

Sima Kuangnan's wheelchair got out of the stone steps and was about to roll down.

At this moment, Tang Ye stepped out, grabbed an armrest of the wheelchair with his right hand, and directly lifted it up to stabilize the wheelchair.

"Heh!" Seeing this, Sima Kuangnan smiled more deeply. Being able to lift the wheelchair with one hand, and still hold it firmly with his weight, shows that Tang Ye's strength is very good, at least an average bodyguard must have strength.

Sima Kuangnan was very happy, but he felt that it was not enough, so he suddenly exerted his strength while sitting in a wheelchair, pushed his inner strength to Dantian, lowered his focus, and kept putting pressure on Tang Ye.

Sima Kuangnan is a warrior!

His strength should not be underestimated. Before he was paralyzed, even those martial arts families, his peers were not his opponents. Although he is now paralyzed, it does not mean that his strength is completely lost. If it is a general practice, if he exerts his strength, it is not necessarily his opponent.

Now he is putting pressure on Tang Ye, if Tang Ye can hold it, he will truly recognize Tang Ye!

But this is not a piece of cake for Tang Ye?

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