My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1073: How desperate!

The head drop spell is not a simple secret technique, it is quite troublesome to deal with. The most important thing is that to cure it, you must find the puppet that casts the Secret Technique of Dropping Head.

Just like what happened to Ke Yu before, she was cast a spell by Xu Wuming thousands of miles away through the villain secret technique, which is very similar to the head-dropping spell.

Ke Yu's treatment method was very rough, so Tang Ye used psychic power to force him back, destroying the straw villain. In this way, you have to endure a lot of pain and you are an exorcist, otherwise the psychic force will not be able to go back.

Obviously, this method cannot be used to treat Shen Fare. Shen Bieli couldn't bear such a great pain, nor was he an exorcist, unable to use psychic power to force him back. In addition, her head-lowering spell is very different, almost piercing every acupuncture point of her body, which is very vicious.

Tang Ye couldn't help wondering if Xu Wuming did this again. Last time he wanted to kill Ke Yu but failed, this time he will be heavier on Shen Farewell?

But why did Xu Wuming start with Shen Bieli? Why choose Shen Fare?

Tang Ye just took a look at Shen Farewell's situation. Father Shen was not worried about what would happen, so the experts and professors just wanted to prevent Tang Yeshi from being stopped by him.

Now Tang Ye looked at Shen Bieli, frowning, as if he had something to gain. He was very worried about the situation of Shen Farewell, even though he still questioned Tang Ye's ability, he also went over and asked: "Morning Star, how is the situation of Farewell?"

Tang Ye looked serious and said, "Miss Shen's situation is very serious. Let alone survive today, if she is not treated in time, she may not survive the next hour."

"What?!" Old man Shen panicked, and said anxiously: "What should I do then? Do you have a way?"


Tang Ye nodded and said, "However, I need you all to leave. While I am saving Miss Shen, no one else is allowed to be present, even if it is you, Mr. Shen."

"This..." Father Shen hesitated.

Tang Ye said, "Shen, you don’t need to believe me, but you’d better...Be mentally prepared, Miss Shen’s situation is really not optimistic. If you believe me, just do what I say. I don’t I can guarantee that Miss Shen will be fine, but at least I can guarantee that she is still alive today."

Tang Ye looked at Father Shen and waited for him to make a decision.

"Absurd, this is absurd!"

At this moment, the old bald doctor came over, dissatisfied with Tang Ye's self-confidence, and said, "Old Shen, this kid must be talking big. You see, he didn't bring anything, so what is the treatment? He must be cheating money. Right? Old Shen, you have to think twice!"

The old bald doctor opposed Tang Ye, which made people think he was pretty good. At least he was responsible, worried that Tang Ye would make Shen Farewell's situation worse.

Tang Ye was just a little speechless. He used to be questioned as a Chinese medicine doctor, and now he is treated as an exorcist. However, he can understand that if he were them, he probably didn't believe that a kid who suddenly appeared said that he could solve the strange disease they had not been able to solve.

Mr. Shen frowned tightly, his forehead was sweating, he ignored the old bald doctor, he was thinking and making a difficult decision.

"Okay, Morningstar, I believe you, I will leave my life to you!"

"You all go out with me!"

Finally, Mr. Shen chose to believe in Tang Ye and let Tang Ye treat Shen Farewell.

Or it may be the helplessness of a dead horse as a living doctor.

"Father Shen, this..." The bald old doctor felt very wrong.

But the old man Shen was determined, and stopped him and said: "Okay! Don't talk nonsense, you have been busy for a few days, and it turns out that you haven't done anything! You don't even dare to make a guarantee, at least Morningstar can guarantee it! Even if you leave the truth. …I recognize the old man too! Can’t I see the parting? She really... can’t hold it anymore..."

Mr. Shen's eyes became red, and he was very painful. He was helpless when he saw his beloved granddaughter encounter such a thing!

Although several old doctors were unwilling, but Mr. Shen had to follow him when he spoke, and they all gave Tang Ye a weird look. There are also one or two smiles that are not meaningful, like sneers or even mocking.

It seems to be saying that Tang Ye is so stupid, why should he be strong when he has nothing to do? Everyone can see that Shen Fieli’s life aura is getting weaker and weaker, and he is almost like a dead person. In this case, he can actually make a guarantee. Isn't this asking for trouble?

As long as something happens to Shen Farewell, wait for it to be responsible! These elite experts and professors, who did not close their eyes to treatment for days and nights, did not get anything. He came in a hurry, like a stunned kid, can he be cured?

Tang Ye could understand the thoughts of those people, but smiled, with a mysterious confidence.

After everyone had left, Tang Ye approached Shen Bieli, "slap", and directly untied Shen Bieli's clothes!

Outside Shen's room, Father Shen and Uncle Chang were waiting anxiously. Several other senior doctors were also there, but not everyone looked down on Tang Ye, and the one with a better attitude was just doubting Tang Ye's ability.

Always opposed to Tang Ye, the uncomfortable bald old doctor was even more suspicious. However, calm down, but think he is the most respectable. Because he is the most responsible. Many other doctors have already chosen an evasive attitude, looking like a good show. Since Tang Ye arrogantly made a guarantee, it was Tang Ye's responsibility and nothing to do with them if Shen Fieli had an accident.

They didn't care about whether Shen Fieli was saved, but instead planned to make Tang Ye take full responsibility so that their reputation could be preserved.

Putting their own interests first, there are too many such people. Although commonplace, it's a bit annoying.

However, they thought that Tang Ye could not cure Shen Farewell's disease. At this time, Shen Farewell's room was a scene of fragrant scenes that made a man's heart rippling.

Tang Ye took off Shen Bieli's clothes, and only the lace-edged underwear and underwear were left. And Tang Ye even pressed his hand on Shen Bieli's smooth and white skin, from the **** to the waist, to the thighs!

If others saw it, they would definitely think Tang Ye was blaspheming and invading Shen Fare, but he was not the kind of pervert who took advantage of others. He was looking for Shen Bieli's acupuncture points, and then used the acupuncture points to relieve Shen Bieli's condition.

The other party used the method of piercing the villain to hurt Shen Bi-li. Before the villain was found, he could reduce the damage by sealing the acupoints of Shen Bi-li. Of course, this is to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. To completely cure Shen Farewell, you have to find the villain.

Tang Ye took out a silver needle, then took out a magic charm and burned it to heat the silver needle. Then he bit his finger, dripped a few drops of his own blood on the silver needle, and then began to give Shen Bieli the needle.

The exorcist who was just getting started has done a good job.


As soon as the hot silver needle was pierced, Shen Fieli woke up from a coma with pain. She saw that she was stripped naked and a man was still touching her body.

Shen Bieli is going crazy, what is going on? Doesn't it count to be tortured by illness, but to be violated?

How desperate!

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