My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1061: Just what you want!

Bang, bang, bang!

Wang Jianjia didn't say much to Wen Zhongyuan, but jumped directly between the trunks, and at the same time reached out to his thigh and took out a gun, and fired several shots at Wen Zhongyuan.

But the bullet is too pediatric for Wen Zhongyuan. After Wen Zhongyuan easily dodges a few bullets, the remaining one reaches out to catch it.

However, at this time, the bullet he caught exploded, spattering more small bullets.

This is shotgun!

It was not that Wang Jianjia didn't make any preparations, just waiting for the original in the article to force the bullets with bare hands, let him taste the taste of shot bullets!

However, the moment the shotgun splashed out, Wen Zhongyuan just squinted his eyes, and suddenly the speed of those shotgun splashes became very slow, so slow as a snail crawling!

Wang Jianjia was taken aback. What was his ability to slow down the bullets that were originally flying at high speed!

Soon Wang Jianjia remembered that Lu Celadon said that there is a magical power called domain, which is to control the space around the body, increase gravity, or construct illusions. In this domain space, the constructor is the master, and has absolute control over external things or people!

Therefore, it is impossible for those shot bombs to enter the field constructed by Wen Zhongyuan to injure Wen Zhongyuan. At this time, the speed of the shotgun became very slow, and Wen Zhongyuan shattered the few shotguns in front of him one by one. As for the ones who wouldn't attack him, he withdrew his domain supernatural powers, and the bullets continued to pass by quickly, but he did not hurt him.

Seeing this, Wang Jianjia didn't want to say anything. How can a person of such strength be able to fight?

Could it be that after working hard for so long, will the result be so desperate?

This is the most helpless thought shared by those who oppose Wen Zhongyuan—perhaps every day's desperation will only get the defeat and despair that Wen Zhongyuan can bring easily!

This is inexplicably panic. Once panic, it is easy to be defeated.

Fortunately, Wang Jianjia is not such a vulnerable person. If the gun is useless, use the longbow. She skillfully took off the longbow, raised the arrow, swished, and shot an arrow at Wen Zhongyuan!

Although Wang Jianjia's archery was not superb, he was already very skilled, pulling the bow and pulling the arrow in an instant, and the sharp arrow was protected by its strength. In addition to its extremely fast speed, it also had a powerful aura. If you shoot a tree, the trunk may be crushed in half.

Wen Zhongyuan stretched out a palm to block the sharp arrow, and the sharp arrow contended with it. He wanted to break through, but ultimately failed. Wen Zhongyuan shook hands and snapped into two pieces.

These arrows are all professionally made, and an arrow costs a lot. If the strength of the protection is large enough, it is stronger than the power of a bullet.

But it is still regarded as nothing in the text.

Wang Jianjia didn't care, just fight and exhausted his last bit of strength. If he still couldn't change the crisis, there would be no way.

Whoosh whoosh!

The attack speed and power were all, from shooting with one arrow to shooting with three arrows at once, it was easily blocked by Wen Zhongyuan.

"Have you not played enough?" Wen Zhongyuan said slowly with a smile after catching Wang Jianjia's three sharp arrows at once.

This kind of thing is just like playing for him.

Wang Jianjia looked at Wen Zhongyuan and took a deep breath, and said, "I'm not dead yet, how can I be enough?"

Wen Zhongyuan smiled and said: "Then you will die."

It’s always annoying to play for a long time, and it’s not the time to play. The article originally wanted to get rid of Wang Jianjia, and then went back to Yanjing to see what was going on with that hooded man. He was able to destroy the power he arranged in Yanjing alone. , And didn't leave any message, only that he was a mysterious hooded man.

Wen Zhongyuan raised his right hand, turned a huge **** arm in front, and went to catch Wang Jianjia.

Wang Jianjia shot the giant hand with a sharp arrow, but it was useless. When she reached for the arrow again, the arrow was gone. This is also a shortcoming of the longbow made by science and technology, and the sharp arrow becomes useless. But if you get the azure blue moon chasing bow and create arrows out of thin air, you don't have to worry about this problem.

The huge scarlet arm attacked Wang Jianjia. Wang Jianjia did not have a spear and a longbow, and fought with his bare hands, but was slapped down and fell directly to the ground.

Before she could stand up, she continued to be attacked by the huge arm. The two **** fingers of the arm pinched her. As long as she was hard, she would become a pool of blood.

"You without Tang Ye's leadership are simply vulnerable!" Wen Zhongyuan controlled the blood-colored giant hand to move back, and smiled at Wang Jianjia who was pinched.

Wang Jianjia snorted coldly: "If Tang Ye was here, would it be your turn to be arrogant?"

Wen Zhongyuan was not stimulated, and said with a smile: "So, if you don’t have Tang Ye, what else can you rely on? Just rely on the little girl of Lu Celadon? Your question was long before Tang Ye went to Guwu Jianghu. It's exposed. You rely too much on Tang Ye, so once you lose Tang Ye, you will easily fall apart. In this situation, how long can you hold on?"

Wang Jianjia stared at Wen Zhongyuan without speaking. She didn't want to say "Tang Ye will come back, and it will bring victory". It was too self-comforting. Who can come back to the people who have gone to Guwu Jianghu?

Wen Zhongyuan knew this, so he decided that Tang Ye's trouble had been completely eliminated. He did not hesitate to die once, and then used half a year to resurrect, just to send Tang Ye's trouble to Guwu Jianghu!

Wang Jianjia would rather die than yield, staring at Wen Zhongyuan coldly, and said: "If you want to kill, then kill, why so much nonsense."

"Then you go to die." Wen Zhongyuan smiled evilly and manipulated his huge arm to attack Wang Jianjia.

Wang Jianjia looked down at the beautiful Buddhist beads he was wearing, smiled, and closed his eyes.

Goodbye, the man who couldn't meet again is a pity after all.


Suddenly, at this moment, a blade of energy swept over and directly cut the blood-colored giant hand in half. The blood-colored giant hand lost its power, Wang Jianjia was no longer squeezed, and fell from between the **** of the blood-colored giant hand.

Wang Jianjia still had the strength, and tossed his body. When he fell to the ground, he barely stabilized his body and gasped for breath. She ignored the pain in her body and looked in the direction where the edge energy that had saved her flew.

That blade energy was so strong that it instantly shattered Wen Zhongyuan's power. With such a strong force, Wang Jianjia had only seen Lu Celadon release. But the breath just now wasn't like Lu Celadon, who was it?

Zhongyuan was also surprised. The blood-colored giant hand that he originally released, even if it is injured, can spread and close together again, but the blade energy just hit, the blood-colored giant hand was directly destroyed and dissipated. Such power can be understood as above him!

There is such a master, I don't even know?

The article found it incredible.

Wang Jianjia and Wen Zhongyuan saw a man with a hood standing on a small branch. His body was very stable. Although he could not see his appearance, he had a very strong aura. It gave people a sense of confidence and reliability, as if doing Everything can be successful.

This is the temperament of a strong man!

When Wang Jianjia saw the man with the hood, his expression was surprised. What the mysterious hooded man did in Yanjing, the Red Wall faction was extremely happy. Now that the mysterious hooded man appears here, isn't it just to help himself?

The principle expression in the article is extremely low, and the mysterious hooded man has caused him a heavy loss, and now he is sent to the door, which is exactly what he wants.


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