My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1035: Sell ​​teammates!

The black storm appeared on the stage with extraordinary momentum, attracted everyone's attention, and gave people a very powerful feeling. Even for a moment, Ke Yu felt that perhaps the black storm could defeat Tang Ye?

However, Ke Yu finally made her decision. She personally experienced Tang Ye's strength. She knows her own strength and the strength of Black Storm. Both the failure of the mission and the life-saving, at the critical moment, she will choose the latter, no doubt.

Black Storm took the initiative to deal with Tang Ye, and Ke Yu let him do so. However, Ke Yu did not continue to kill Murong Huansha as Black Storm said. She stood by and watched, with her own plans in her heart.

The black storm has turned into a hurricane, violently impacting Tang Ye. Speed ​​and destruction are what he is good at and enjoy. Tang Ye's mysterious dress in a hood made him feel very funny. He wanted to take off Tang Ye's hood and look at Tang Ye's face!

As a member of the Gorefiend discovered by Wen Zhongyuan, he is quite confident in his own strength. After all, from childhood to adulthood, what has flooded his life is violence and blood, and escape!

He committed countless crimes, was chased by the police, and his escape gave him windy speed. After awakening the power of the Gorefiend, his speed and destructive power were released, and he felt that he had inexhaustible power, even if it was easy to destroy the world!

The hurricane is coming, it is all-encompassing and unstoppable!

Tang Ye's hooded clothes were blown to pieces, and he kept drifting backward, as if he was about to leave.

Yun Youlan looked up at Tang Ye, her eyes widened, very curious, wondering if she could see Tang Ye's appearance?

This girl is a bit nervous. At this time, shouldn't you worry about Tang Ye's safety? Actually just want to see what Tang Ye looks like!

Tang Ye faced the Black Storm's attack, thought about it, and decided to take action. Originally, he wanted to catch bigger and more fish through the blackening group, but the current situation has to be resolved.

"Hahaha...Destroy, destroy!" The Black Storm laughed arrogantly, as if mad, it turned into a hurricane and swept out, destroying most of the places it passed, approaching Tang Ye.

Tang Ye glanced at it, and felt that if the appearance of Black Storm was not scary, it would be... silly!

Tang Ye is not afraid, so he feels Black Storm is particularly stupid.

At this time, Tang Ye moved, he jumped directly off the neon light billboard and fell into the hurricane that the black storm turned into.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene. Isn't it just going to die in a hurricane?

The destructive power of the black storm comes from the hurricane. The hurricane is like a rotating blade, which will be cut into pieces of meat when it is caught in it!

Then how dare Tang Ye jump into the hurricane directly?

Ke Yu saw this scene, and after being surprised, he strengthened his mind.

"Senior!" Yun Youlan was very worried.

The expressions of Murong Huansha and Mu Yue did not change much. They knew that it was Tang Ye, they didn't need to think too much, they only needed to know that Tang Ye would not look for death. Tang Ye must have his plan.

However, Tang Ye didn't have any plans.

In the face of the absolute power gap, do we need to plan?

No need! If there are any obstacles, just sweep them away!

The black storm controls the speed, direction, and strength of the hurricane within the hurricane. Tang Ye jumped in directly, and he also felt that Tang Ye was looking for death.

However, he saw that Tang Ye was fine!

After Tang Ye entered the hurricane, a faint light radiated from his body, which was a spiritual shield. The shield formed by spiritual power cannot be broken by any force outside the great world. The aura of the big world is very scarce, it is the ultimate power. Because Tang Ye has tempered his body with aura for countless times in the Guwu rivers and lakes, he contains a very strong aura, and only needs to release a little bit to become an invincible shield.

Seeing that Tang Ye was in peace, Hei Feng panicked as he walked towards him step by step. He had never seen such a thing before, and he was more free to move in a hurricane than himself!

Who the **** is this?

The black storm fought back and concentrated the hurricane, causing several sharp small hurricanes to be generated in the hurricane, and Chao Tang Ye attacked.

However, Tang Ye waved his hand directly, dispelled a small hurricane with a snap, and dispelled a small hurricane with a snap, and then walked towards the black storm step by step.

"You, you..." Black Storm panicked, completely losing his previous confidence, and could no longer laugh. Tang Ye approached a step, and he took a step back!


Suddenly, Tang Ye disappeared directly. He was shocked, and the next second, Tang Ye appeared in front of him, pinching his neck with one hand!

"Ahem!" The black storm had difficulty breathing, the force of the hurricane launched, and the streets slowly returned to calm.

In this way, the terrifying, unstoppable black storm, after debuting on the stage, was handsome for only three seconds, and was directly suppressed by Tang Ye entering his hurricane!

Seeing this, Ke Yu was shocked with cold sweat on his forehead. How sacred is this hooded man? It is so powerful that even the black storm hurricane can be directly resolved.

Black Storm was lifted up by Tang Ye's neck, even if he had strength, he couldn't make it out. If it is controlled by a warrior of the same level, he is confident that he can break free. But when it came to Tang Ye's hands, he felt that Tang Ye's power was like a bottomless pit. He was strong by one point, Tang Ye was strong by two points. The level was not comparable to him, he could only obediently be restrained!

"Who, who are you?!" Black Storm finally hummed a sentence.

Tang Ye turned his head to look at him, didn't answer, just clicked, his neck was broken, and he died, Tang Ye threw him to the ground casually.

The powerful character of the blackening group, Black Storm, appeared on the stage violently, but lived less than a minute in front of Tang Ye!

In the big world, I dominate and seek defeat alone... probably Tang Ye has these emotions. Therefore, sometimes I am tired of harvesting life without any suspense, and I want to go up to the sky and meet those amazing heavenly people.

No wonder the princess didn't worry about Tang Ye leaving, because she knew that after the strength was the only one, her mentality would change day by day. In the end, Tang Ye naturally wanted to pursue a stronger and broader world.

When Yun Youlan saw Hei Feng's neck being broken by Tang Ye, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch her neck, worried that her neck would be broken like this, it was so cruel!

She looked at Tang Ye's back with a complicated expression. She didn't understand Tang Ye, could Tang Ye be a very cruel person if he murdered so simply?

Ke Yu saw that the black storm was clicked, his eyes became dull, and he took a step back. Damn... After encountering a monster of this strength, do you have to finish it yourself?

Tang Ye looked at Ke Yu, didn't rush to take action, and said, "You don't need to kill you, but you have to tell me all the information about the blood demons."

Ke Yu looked at Tang Ye with hesitation.

Yun Youlan felt that Ke Yu was a little strange, took a closer look, and was suddenly shocked, and said, "She is fake!"

Tang Ye's expression became cold, and he quickly passed by. At this time, Ke Yu turned into a yellow symbol, a double symbol!

This was Ke Yu's decision just now. When Black Storm fought against Tang Ye, he escaped by himself!

That's the case with the slut!

Ke Yu doesn't care about that much. Black Storm said she wanted her to continue killing Murong Huansha, but after fighting against Tang Ye, she knew Tang Ye's strength. Although the momentum displayed by Black Storm gave her such an illusion, she thought she could defeat Tang Ye. However, in order to be safe, she still made the initial decision-sell her teammates and run away!

She was glad that she had chosen the right one, otherwise it would not only be Black Storm who would die, but also her!

Between mission and survival, she must choose to survive. Life is gone, everything else is in vain.

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