My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1027: Not worthy to talk about measurements!

Yun Youlan really didn't have any consciousness at all. Tang Ye was the savior who had saved her twice. She should find a way to repay, and repay with self-esteem!

As a result, she also accepted Tang Ye's bank card with one million deposits and "sold" herself to Tang Ye unscrupulously, becoming a money fan.

Not to blame her, who made Tang Ye such an awesome person. Treating money as dung... makes Yun Youlan feel that he really doesn't care about money, so don't let the money he throws out for nothing!

Tang Ye didn't expect Yun Youlan to become a money fan without a face and no skin, and said with an aura: "You just love money so much?"

"Nonsense!" Yun Youlan said without concealment: "Don't you know the pain of saving for two months if you want to buy a dress you like? For someone like you who is inhumane, what? Will understand the hardships of those of us at the bottom?"

Tang Ye was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yun Youlan, and said, "Are you ready? Let's set off when you are ready."

In fact, Tang Ye gave Yun Youlan one million directly, not just casually. It was indeed a reason that he was not short of money, but he was not short of money and would not be exaggerated to lose one million casually. Tang Ye's doing this can be regarded as a kind of buying Yunyoulan. Money may not make a person pay true loyalty, but it can play a supporting role. Tang Ye was still happy to be able to achieve this effect with money.

Moreover, doing so can be regarded as helping Yun Youlan. It is very good to be able to help Yun Youlan. Yun Youlan said, her family's income is all through the grandmother who is a godwife to receive tasks, and then get paid after completion. However, in this bustling city, how many people believe in goddesses? Besides, sometimes exorcism is done for free.

On the contrary, the cost of props and materials required to do the exorcist business is very high. Like those talisman paper, incense, ink thread, etc., are the most basic. If the situation is more complicated, such as the need for soil in a specific place, it must be specially extracted. The cost of running back and forth and other costs will be very high.

Now Yun Youlan works for the Red Wall. Although the salary is not very high, the situation is a lot better, because the income is stable, and she has money to make money every month. If you change it, you may live well this month, but next month you may have to eat soil.

"Let's go when you are ready." Tang Ye said to Yun Youlan.

"Yeah!" Yun Youlan nodded.

"Do you have a car?" Tang Ye asked.

Yun Youlan rolled her eyes and said, "Do you think I am a person who can afford a car?"

"I'll take you to fly, there's no time to linger." Tang Ye said.

"Huh?" Yun Youlan was taken aback. The local tyrant who just dumped one of her own bank cards just took her to fly? Really fly now?

Tang Ye was thinking about helping Murong Huansha solve the problem, but didn't explain to Yun Youlan, he directly picked up Yun Youlan, jumped out of the window, chose a straight line, leaped between high-rise buildings, and swept towards the city's first hospital.

"Ah!" Yun Youlan was hugged by Tang Ye, suddenly jumped into the sky, and then fell down. It was more exciting than going to the amusement park to ride a roller coaster. She couldn't help screaming and hugged Tang Ye with her hands.

Tang Ye ignored her and swept towards the City First Hospital only faster, not the fastest.

"You, you..." It was really like flying, Yun Youlan was so surprised and excited that she couldn't speak.

Fortunately, she was an exorcist, and knew that something contrary to scientific logic existed, so after adapting to Tang Ye's rhythm, she slowly relaxed her mind and stopped making such a fuss.

At this time, Yun Youlan hugged Tang Ye tightly, feeling the power bursting out of Tang Ye's body. She felt that Tang Ye's strength was far more than that, just like countless powers flooded Tang Ye's body, but was suppressed by Tang Ye. In addition, she touched Tang Ye's body. Although Tang Ye was wearing clothes, she still felt that Tang Ye's muscles were very strong and tough.

This is by no means a body that a bad old man would have!

"This guy...maybe really just a handsome young guy."

Yun Youlan thought so. She hasn't given up on that romantic longing. She was saved by a mysterious person, who changed her destiny. She slowly fell in love with this mysterious person, and then the truth of the mysterious person was revealed. She was a great handsome guy!

Happy ending!

Girl heart, girl... Yun Youlan imagined some love stories that she longed for.

She couldn't help but poking Tang Ye's chest, feeling that Tang Ye's pectoral muscles were bigger than her chest, which made her confirm her thoughts-Tang Ye is a young and strong guy!

However, Tang Ye immediately attacked her from the other side: "Don't you feel inferior by doing this? My pectoral muscles are bigger than yours. You have no face to talk about measurements in front of me as a man. Are you too unqualified as a woman? Up."

"You..." Yun Youlan felt that Tang Ye was very mean to her, and her mouth was particularly poisonous.

The scary thing is that everything Tang Ye said was right, and she couldn't refute it at all.

"You are obviously a young man, why do you think of yourself as an old man? Is it to avoid me? Then don't worry, I am not interested in you at all!" Yun Youlan grunted.

Tang Ye didn't bother to cover up these things. It was difficult to cover up this thing. For example, when he showed his hands, he knew at first glance that it was a young man, not an old man. His attitude towards Yun Youlan has not changed, and he hums: "In short, I can't be wrong with you."

"Cut!" Yun Youlan snorted.


In front of the city's No. 1 Hospital, Murong Huansha mentioned Ke Yu. The reporters' attention was immediately diverted and they began to discuss Ke Yu.

"Doctor Ke is here!"

Suddenly, someone among the reporters shouted. Suddenly, the limelight of President Murong Huansha was robbed. Everyone looked back and saw a luxury sports car parked in front of the hospital, and then a woman walked out of the car.

"Doctor Ke! Doctor Ke!"

Seeing that woman, a group of reporters rushed towards him like a mad, like a group of hungry wolves, excited when they saw the little sheep.

Murong Huansha looked at Ke Yu, a little unhappy. This was not because Ke Yu robbed her of the limelight, but because she felt that Ke Yu was not like a doctor, and the most important thing was that she did not help her solve the worker's illness.

Looking at Ke Yu, it can be said that she does not look like a doctor. Dressed like the nurse sister in a certain island country action movie, too **** and coquettish!

She is wearing a white nurse uniform, which is tight! Under this uniform, the body is swollen from front to back, **** and hot.

As a doctor, I actually wear that short!

Ke Yu's short skirt is similar to Qi Bi skirt. As long as you lift it lightly, you can see her underwear! Unless he wears leggings... Under such a short skirt, Ke Yu's **** is fully revealed.

There is also a pair of high heels that may cause inconvenience, which will affect the rescue!

Is this what a doctor should wear?

In addition to his hot and **** body, Ke Yu also looks very good. I got popular curly hair, long, straight down my waist. The face is light makeup and thick, white and flawless face, delicate features.

This is like a model wearing a nurse uniform doing a photo shoot, or an **** star, no wonder the major hospitals refuse her to join!

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