My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1007: Murder on the promenade!

Now Tang Ye has to figure out one thing. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel, does Zhongyuan still want to win the jade seal of the ancient country in the red wall and break the shackles of heaven and earth?

If so, what is his plan?

Or, Wen Zhongyuan is now immersed in the killing and hatred of the blood demons, and the only thing he wants to do is destroy the world, regardless of whether the world is connected or not?

However, according to what was seen in the Longmen Mirage, the origin of the blood demon was the **** troll who contended with the old Taoist priest. The scarlet troll wanted to invade the world, and the old Taoist separated the world to protect the world. So, will the text carry the will of this scarlet troll and bring the world back to one another, so that the scarlet troll can come from the sky to the earth and then invade and destroy?

In fact, the consequences of the existence of Zhongyuan in the text are very obvious. In any case, it is not good for this land.

Then the only thing to do is to destroy Wenzhongyuan!

Tang Ye talked a lot with Murong Huansha and got a general understanding of many things. However, Lu Celadon was the main person who responded to the Central Plains, so Tang Ye must go to Lu Celadon to find out about the situation tomorrow.

"Huansha, don't tell anyone about my return." Tang Ye said to Murong Huansha before going to bed.

Murong Huansha understood what Tang Ye meant and smiled: "Hiding in the dark is better than standing in the light, I understand. Don't worry, I will not tell you about your return."

"No, there is one person I want to tell." Murong Huansha added: "Mu Yue misses you very much. I am also a woman. I understand her mood to a certain extent. I know the sadness of suffering. I don't want to see her like that."

Speaking of Mu Yue, Murong Huansha was very vigorous, with a beautiful-t leg straddling Tang Ye's body, and then propped up half of his body, not annoyed: "Mu Yue is very loyal to you, I don't understand how much I have Charm, a woman who is still a domineering president, can't attack her. I pushed her to the sofa and flirted with her, she resisted fiercely. Finally she succumbed to my coercion, but cried, and my "finger of god" She didn't actually let her fall under desire..."

Tang Ye's expression became extremely contemptuous, and he hummed to Murong Huansha, "That's because Xiaoyue's sexual orientation is much more normal than you. People have a bottom line. Look at what you are like now, what has become? I really miss Gang. The person I know, although his personality is a little colder, is also serious."

"Blam me?"

Murong Huansha jokingly said, "You made me strong, okay? You opened the door to a new world for me?!"

"Okay, it's all my fault, right?" Tang Ye was speechless, lying down in bed, too lazy to argue with Murong Huansha again.

Murong Huansha squeezed like a girl, hummed twice, and then got into the quilt, pressed against Tang Ye's body, and fell asleep peacefully and sweetly.

She knows that tonight will be the best night for her to sleep. This is what it means to have someone by her side!

Tang Ye likes this life too. Although he has experienced a lot, gained good luck, lost good luck, and has grown to the strongest in the world, but in front of these women, she doesn't care what strength you are, you should beat, scold, and love Love...this is the real life!

Tang Ye held Murong Huansha and didn't let go. Murong Huansha wiped her eyes secretly, she knew that this man loved her, that was enough.



Tang Ye and Murong Huansha were still sleeping peacefully on the bed, and suddenly there was a scream, and Tang Ye woke up suddenly.

Tang Ye suddenly stood up and was shocked to Murong Huansha. She also woke up and looked at Tang Ye and said, "What's the matter?"

"Someone screamed." Tang Ye frowned worried.

"Scream?" Murong Huansha was taken aback, and hummed, "My suite has top-level sound insulation, so that we can go to bed without being disturbed... Do you think your ears are downwind?"

Tang Ye smiled, he is now the strongest man on the ground, what's the matter with his ears?

Tang Ye got out of bed, put on a piece of clothing casually, opened the window, and the Tongtian Building was very high, feeling that there was clouds and mist outside, but Tang Ye jumped out directly.

"Hey!" Murong Huansha was scared to death, and quickly got out of bed and ran to the window to look.

Jumping out so high, isn't this looking for death? !

Murong Huansha was very worried, but then Tang Ye came back. She saw that Tang Ye seemed to be able to fly, so she came back from outside so easily.

"You..." Murong Huansha doesn't know how to describe Tang Ye anymore. After disappearing for two years, she has even more incredible power after returning. No wonder she can talk about ghosts!

Tang Ye looked serious, Murong Huansha realized something and asked: "Something happened?"

Tang Ye nodded and said, "The floor where you were attacked last night has a strong smell of blood. Now many people have gathered in the past, the scene is chaotic, and I didn't take a closer look at the others."

Murong Huansha frowned greatly. At this moment her cell phone rang. It was Mu Yue calling. Less than five seconds after answering the call, she hung up the phone with a serious expression, and said to Tang Ye: "I want to go down and have a look. If you say you want to hide your return, then stay on it. I will tell you the specific situation by phone. ."

Tang Ye nodded.

Murong Huansha hurriedly washed, put on his formal clothes, and went downstairs to deal with what happened.

The floor she was on last night was the 36th floor. When she got down, she saw that the corridor was full of people and there were a lot of security guards. Mu Yue dealt with things in the crowd, and urgently discussed with several security guards.

These people came to work in the morning, and when they saw President Murong Huansha, they all let go. But I didn't say hello, like I was not in the mood, or the current situation is not suitable.

Mu Yue is almost the same as before. As an assistant, she usually wears high heels and short skirt uniforms, or long trousers, and a pair of mid-high heels, but her look is a little darker than before, similar to Murong Huansha who had not seen Tang Ye last night. . There is someone who is stuck in his heart and misses them for a long time, which will affect all aspects of them.

Mu Yue saw Murong Huansha and went over immediately and said, "Miss, something has happened, it's very serious!"

Murong Huansha frowned and looked to the place where he was stopped by the security cordon. He saw a pool of blood, and further ahead, there was a corpse covered with a white cloth.

Seeing this, Murong Huansha's face turned pale. The thirty-sixth floor was the place where she was attacked by the old lady mopping the floor last night. Now there are dead bodies and bloodstains of terror. If it has nothing to do with the old lady mopping the floor, she wouldn't believe it!

She observed a little more carefully and saw that the blood on the ground was dragged for a long time, as if blood was dragged out on a mop. For this, Murong Huansha was directly panicked. The sound made by the old lady mopping the floor last night was mopping the floor. Could it be...this was dragged out by the corpse of the old lady who mopped the floor?

However, Murong Huansha was very puzzled. Tang Ye appeared last night and killed the mopping old woman. When the lights came back on, she saw that there were no blood stains and corpses in the corridor. She and Tang Ye leaned against the wall for a while. Fan it!

So what is going on with blood and corpses now?

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" Mu Yue saw Murong Huansha in consternation and was worried, and said, "Miss, the police are coming soon. Let the police handle them."

Murong Huansha returned to his senses and looked at Mu Yue and said, "I'm fine, I will stay here and wait for the police to come over. You go and let the crowd disperse and minimize the impact of this incident."

"Yeah!" Mu Yue knew how serious the impact of this incident in the company was, and immediately set about handling it.

"Xiaoyue." After Mu Yue walked out a few steps, Murong Huansha stopped her. She looked back and looked puzzled.

Murong Huansha barely squeezed out a little smile and said, "After dealing with things, if you are tired, go to the top to rest."

"Um..." Mu Yue nodded slightly, a little scared in her heart.

Every time I went to the upper bedroom, I was teased by Murong Huansha. She wanted to play same-sex love, so she didn't want it!

She knew that Tang Ye had disappeared for so long, Murong Huansha must be hungry. However, she has her own bottom line, and her sexual orientation is normal!

Murong Huansha saw Mu Yue's slightly wronged and scared look, and he was amused secretly. This silly lady, if you know that our man is on it, I would like to go up now!

Soon the police came to deal with it. This is dead. The police will effectively maintain law and order and protect people!

However, Murong Huansha thought of the terrifying old lady mopping the floor, and worried that the police could not deal with this almost spiritual matter.

In particular, she saw a beautiful young girl among the police officers who came. Is there any mistake? This is a **** murder. Here comes a little girl?

Murong Huansha narrowed his eyes. The Red Wall knows a lot of things. Could it be that some special people have begun to intervene on the Red Wall?

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