My Wife Reigns Supreme

Chapter 1665: Which hospital, I'll come right away

  Chapter 1665 Which hospital, I will come right away

  Qin Mu didn't know that Qin Sichu had completely blamed himself on himself.

  She doesn’t bother to pay attention to things on the Internet.

  In the past one or two weeks, I have been busy reading books and preparing for exams.

  Finally finished the exam, and the whole person is completely relaxed.

  The next step is to wait for the results to come out, and then you will know whether you are dead or alive.

  The university summer vacation is set earlier, and Qin Mu is completely free and has more time to accompany him early.

  The body of the little guy grows super fast. The clothes I bought in the last two months can no longer be worn.

  In addition, summer is almost here, and Qin Mu plans to take early to buy clothes.

  Yan Lishu wanted to go with him, but he couldn't get out of work for a while.

  Qin Mu had to take him to the mall early.

  The weather is getting hotter gradually, and the air conditioner is turned on in the mall, which is slightly better.

  Buy a lot of clothes, Qin Mu pushed the stroller and waited on the side of the road for Chu Yi to drive over.

  The sun above my head is really big, dazzling.

  Qin Mu bent down and checked the early morning in the stroller.

  The stroller was rather boring, and the little guy was sweating a lot, so she wiped the sweat early, "Be patient, Uncle Chu will drive over soon."

  I didn't understand my mother's words early, but kept yelling at her mother, stretched out her fleshy arms, and wanted her to hold her.

  The little guy insisted very much. If he didn’t give him a hug, he would cry in his throat.

  Why don’t you see such cleverness in normal times!

  Qin Mu cursed the little enemy, and took him out of the stroller early.

  At the same time, a group of shouts suddenly sounded next to him, and someone shouted sharply, "Run."

  Qin Mu didn't react at all, turned around, and saw a white car rushing to the side of the road, ramming him straight.

   Faced with the sudden danger, her heels were embedded in the concrete ground, and she couldn't move half a step at all.

   opened her eyes wide, and saw the woman in the driver's seat clearly, her arms tightly covering the morning in her arms.

  Qin Sichu, is this woman crazy!

Someone beside    saw a woman standing there with her baby in her arms, rushing over quickly and dragging Qin Mu over.

  Qin Mu fell to the ground, her subconscious reaction was to protect the child in her arms.

  Early early...

  There is no time to check if there is anything wrong. People have lost consciousness.

  As soon as Chu drove over, he found a group of people around the intersection.

   panicked and hurriedly got out of the car and ran over.

   squeezed through the crowd and rushed in. Someone was calling for an ambulance, and someone was checking Qin Mu's injuries.

  Qin Mu took care of the early morning in his arms very well and was not injured, but he was crying in the words of his mother.

  Chu hurriedly carried the child over and checked Qin Mu, who was unconscious on the ground, "What the **** is going on?"

   A passerby said something, and Chu Yi looked around, where there was that white car.

  It happened to be near the hospital, and the ambulance arrived quickly and carried Qin Mu onto a stretcher.

  Chu went in with him and immediately called Yan Lishu.

  Yan Lishu At this moment, I was seeing some friends in the business field. Hearing Chu Yi said that Qin Mu had been in a car accident, his expression darkened.

   almost couldn't hold the phone, "What did you say!"

  Chu swallowed, and cried in his arms early, "We are now heading to the hospital."

   "Which hospital, I'll come over right away."

   Yan Li Shuhuo got up and left in a hurry.

  (End of this chapter)

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