My Wife Reigns Supreme

Chapter 1663: If I were a kid, I would be spoiled by you

   Chapter 1663 If ​​I were a child, I would be spoiled by you too

  Qin Mu is also really innocent, she didn't want to get involved with Qin Sichu in the first place.

  It was all right now, and suddenly he became a celebrity on the Internet.

  There are still many people who compare her with Qin Sichu.

   Yan Lishu glanced at the mobile phone Qin Mu handed over, and finally understood what happened.

  His face is not good-looking, he doesn't really care about being famous for Qin Mu.

  After all, Qin Mu is already his wife and the mother of his baby now, and it is impossible to run away.

  The only thing that was upset was the person who secretly photographed Qin Mu in the library. “You are not allowed to go to the messy place like the library in the future.”

  Qin Mu was completely speechless, how could the library become a mess.

  His tone is the same as when he used to go to the bar, wishing to smoke himself.

  Qin Mu retorted in a low voice, “I went to the library to study, and I didn’t know someone would take pictures of me secretly.”

  However, after this incident, she really dare not go to the library in the short term.

  Qin Mu hugged Yan Li's book and said coquettishly, "Husband, would you like to delete everything about me on the Internet, right?"

  She knows that Yan Lishu is great, and it's not that she has never done such a thing before.

   Yan Lishu looked at the comments of those netizens under her eyes, and many of them were going in the third-rate direction. He was disgusting.

   Most can not tolerate other men coveting their own wives.

  So Zhang Qian, who was struggling, had to selflessly dedicate his nightlife for the boss's affairs.

   Busy until dawn, all the pictures and texts about Qin Mu on the Internet were removed.

  Overnight, the words Qin Mu disappeared on Weibo.

  Even someone wanted to repost, but it was banned.

  The first thing Qin Mu did when he got up in the morning was to open Weibo to search for his name.

  I searched and found that there was nothing left, which was a sigh of relief.

   Yan Lishu came out of the bathroom after washing, Qin Mu eagerly ran over, and took the initiative to dress and tie him.

  A courteous and flattering appearance, pleased Yan Lishu.

  Qin Mu happily jumped onto the man’s body, with his legs crossed around his waist, clamped firmly, "Husband, I know you are the best!"

   "It's all the child's mother, why are you still like a child." Yan Lishu frowned, but was afraid that she would fall off her body, supporting her waist with his hand.

  Qin Mu held the man's cheek, leaned forward abruptly, and kissed fiercely.

   proudly snorted, "If I were a kid, I would be spoiled by you too!"

  When she said it, she couldn't wait to shake her head and wave her tail, and she was very proud.

  Nong's Yan Lishu doesn't want to go to work today. He wants to catch Qin Mu and spend a day in bed today.


  Qin Mu's affairs have all been taken down, and netizens have speculated that Qin Sichu did it.

  Because I couldn't understand that my sister was more prettier than her, more famous than her, all the money was spent, and all Qin Mu's things were removed.

  After the whole day, no one discusses Qin Mu anymore, but picks up Qin Sichu's past.

  Qin Sichu's previous things were really not clean at all.

  Qin Mu saw this melon, and he felt that Qin Sichu was really an amazing person.

  The man she met at the wedding that dared to love is the fourth she hooked up.

   also had to admire the paparazzi's ability to dig the truth.

  Only two days later, Qin Sichu changed from the second female number sought after by everyone to the disgusting lady of everyone.

  Many people asked Qin Sichu to get out of the entertainment circle.

  (End of this chapter)

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