My Wife May Be a Saint

Chapter 1069: The chaos of heaven and earth may have been brought by 9 Xi

After blowing the two-color beads to Ximen, Jiang Zuo didn't care much about these people. After all, he just found out that someone was looking for him.

Yes, someone looked for him, and he was still found through the mark.

The opening remarks are: Dao friends, is it convenient to chat?

This is very low-key and modest, this is sent by Qinglian.

But it was definitely Sister Jingyue's idea, but this opening was a bit ordinary.

Think about it, the last time Sister Jingyue was hilarious, she was directly blacked out by him.

It was a little uncomfortable to think of Rahei Jiangzuo, he was also blackmailed by Su Qila, and he didn't know when he would be released.

Jiang Zuo was not busy this time, so he directly replied: Say.

And on the other side.

"It's back, Senior Sister Saint, he's back." Qing Lian said to the Saint immediately.

Jingyue said excitedly: "What did he say?"

Su Qi was also a little curious, but she didn't feel much, she still wanted to go back, it was afternoon.

I don't know what her husband is doing.

"Just one word in reply, how do you want to reply now?" Qinglian didn't know how to chat with people. Apart from talking to the beach knife man a little bit more, she basically hadn't chatted with other men.

And with the beach knife, the most is to apologize.

Jingyue thought for a while and wanted to ask: "Just answer that the person in the forbidden area wants to find him, hoping to establish communication."

After hesitating for a while, Jingyue asked again: "Simply explain the matter of sealing the card, and then ask him if he knows what it is."

Jiang Zuo frowned when he received the news, and the new card, fog, and terrible power were sealed.

Jiang Zu was a little surprised, what's the situation?

Jiang Zuo didn't reply, because he didn't understand either.

As for looking for him in the forbidden ground, what else is there besides the last time?

Is it so urgent?

Jiang Zuo didn't really want to bother about it.

If Forbidden Land wants Su Qi to become a saint, Jiang Zuo is worried that he can't help but want to kill the Forbidden Land.

But it was Su Qi, and he felt that he should understand, at least understand the other side's position.

After that, Jiang Zuo began to communicate with each other, and as soon as he communicated, he felt it, a kind of sizzle of signals.

He heard it several times.

After that, Jiang Zuo directly connected the signal.

"I found you mouse **** again." Ma said in a purely pleasant surprise voice.

"Something?" Jiang Zuo had a black line on his face.

Pure goodness, immediately replied: "I just want to tell you that the last time I broke too fast, I didn't finish it, although Jiu Xi's becoming a saint can solve the chaos in the world.

But you can't shoot Jiuxi.

Jiuxi could not become a saint, nor could something go wrong.

Hope you can understand.

The subjective consciousness said so. "

Jiang Zuo frowned: "That's it? You need to keep looking for me for this kind of thing?"

How could Jiang Zuo attack Su Qi, how could it cause Su Qi to have an accident.

"Yes, if an accident occurs to Jiuxi because of the lack of notification, someone will definitely ignore me.

The subjective consciousness said so. "A purely kind reply, but the voice is a little small, like talking to himself.

Then Pure Goodness said again: "Jiuxi can solve the chaos in the world. On the other hand, the chaos in the world may also be brought by Jiuxi. This is my thought. I hope you can find the real cause.

There may be a way to unlock it at that time.

The subjective consciousness said so. "

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Zuo was taken aback.

Jiuxi brought chaos in the world?

If a normal person hears this sentence, they may sneer, but Jiang Zuo is different.

Jiang Zuo clearly knew that there was no so-called Heavenly Stele Battle at this time in the previous life.

The reason why Shenzhan would fight is because of his variable.

And the one who has the greatest influence on this variable is naturally Su Qi.

And Su Qi can solve the chaos of the world by becoming a saint.

So Su Qi decides to fight for God?

Or do you really want Su Qi to become a saint, to become the Jiu Xi of the previous life, can she save the world if she is immortal?

Jiang Zuo didn't think it was.

But what exactly it was, he didn't know.

Jiang Zuo then hung up the communication.

"Is Su Qi so special?" Jiang Zuo sighed inwardly.

Jiang Zuo collected his thoughts, and then heard the sound of Ximen blowing fire.

"Fellow Dao Xiao Dawn, as long as you are outsiders, you can see this?" Ximen asked, blowing the fire.

Jiang Zuo shook his head: "At least one kind of people can't see it."

Ximen blew the fire and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's impossible to detect anyone who has never practiced a technique other than Human Race, or has never cultivated in another world." Jiang Zuo said.

Simon blew the fire and nodded: "That is to say, a stranger who was born and raised in this world like us."

Jiang Zuo didn't say anything, he acquiesced.

Jiang Zuo then blew fire to Ximen: "Leave as soon as possible, the coordinates have already helped you stabilize."

Ximen blows the fire and worships Xie Jiangzuo. He has already planned to bring Ximen Linglong by his side.

His whole family is also an insider, so they wouldn't put Ximen Linglong at home.

That is more dangerous.

In case of an outsider, Ximen Linglong will definitely be taken away.

After that, Ximen Blowhuo left with the only two-color ball.

Of course also took away the flowers.

Just when he left the door, Ximen Linglong asked inexplicably, "Brother, what did you just say? Why can't I understand?"

Ximen blew the fire and answered the wrong question: "Meaning, I decided to take you to play."

Hearing these words, Ximen exquisitely grabbed Ximen's fire-blowing arm: "Really?"

Ximen blew the fire and pointed to Ximen Linglong's hand and said: "It doesn't matter whether it is true or not, the important thing is take your hand away first."

Ximen Linglong reluctantly let go, dissatisfied: "Brother, you won't find a girlfriend like this."

Simon blew the fire and rolled his eyes: "Do you know why your brother can't find a girlfriend?"

Ximen Linglong said: "Because I don't love my sister."

Simon blew the fire: "Because your sister is too close to me, others think I have a girlfriend, you affect my charm very much."

Ximen Linglong: "..."


On Jingyue's side, they waited for a long time, but in the end they didn't wait for a reply.

Qinglian looked at Jingyue and said: "Senior Sister Saint, he seems to be offline."

Jingyue looked ugly, and looked at Su Qi who was hit by the gravel: "Is he your husband? Everyone except you is ignorant."

Su Qi touched her head and said: "Maybe our charm is not enough, but my charm is used to attract my husband, you and I don't know."

Jingyue: "..."

Isn’t it great to have a husband?

Jingyue said again: "Don't think about it, what if your husband is a hidden super strong?"

Su Qi thought for a while and smiled: "But he can't beat me."

Jingyue: "A girl who was dazzled by love."

Qinglian said, "Isn't it a young woman?"

Yu Yu said: "It's a wife."

Su Qi: "..."

I don't want to talk to these people anymore.

Su Qi's sense of Jiang Zuo is actually very simple. For example, what she cares about is whether he loves me or not, whether he loves me or not.

But one thing she knows is that she loves Jiang Zuo.

It started from a very young age.

Being dazzled also has the happiness of being dazzled.

Sisters and sisters don't understand, after all, they are single.


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