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"Hahaha! That’s the momentum!"

After hearing what Xu Yi said, Sister Mi exclaimed,"You have great ambition! Then use this momentum to overshadow Cai Xukun!""

Looking at Sister Mi's reaction, Xu Yi knew that she had misunderstood. Xu Yi was not pretending, he really didn't know Cai Xukun.

Before this, although he didn't know much about the entertainment industry, he seemed to know excellent hosts like Teacher He, veteran actors like Qi Lao who played the old eunuch before, and female idols like Xiaoju who had both talent and beauty... Xu Yi knew them all. Xu

Yi knew them because they all had a common feature, that is, they all had the strength to match their status.

This absolute hard power made their names known and even people like him who didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry could know them.

As for people like Cai Xukun, who had no real skills and only relied on... Xu Yi didn't know what he relied on. Anyway, Xu Yi didn't know any traffic stars who had no real skills and whose strength didn't match their status.

Of course, he wouldn't be afraid.

Originally, when Xu Yi heard that the director said that he didn't want him to go because he thought he was too unknown, he was a little worried. But when he heard that his peers were this kind of stuff, Xu Yi instantly became full of confidence in himself.

Although Sister Mi had some misunderstandings about his attitude towards him, Xu Yi was grateful for her strong recommendation and assured Sister Mi,"Don't worry, Sister Mi. I will perform well and will not let you down or embarrass you in front of the director."

Sister Mi was very touched and said,"I was right. I think it's enough that you have this intention. Besides, I have confidence in you, so I insisted on letting you go."

Sister Mi walked to Xu Yi and patted him on the shoulder,"Relax! As long as you can play your normal strength, I believe you can beat Cai Xukun. The director and the audience will see your excellence. Sister Mi believes in you!"

""Thank you, Sister Mi!" Xu Yi thanked her sincerely.

Xiaoju heard the conversation between the two. She was also very grateful to Sister Mi for helping her and Xu Yi. She followed Xu Yi and said to Sister Mi,"Thank you, Sister Mi!"

Sister Mi looked at the two people standing together in their home clothes, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart: They are really a perfect match~

After seeing the actual state of the two at home, Sister Mi became an even greater supporter of the young couple.

She waved her hand and said very considerately,"You're welcome. The business is settled, I won't disturb you two here and affect your world of two. I'm leaving!"

Xiao Ju politely tried to persuade Sister Mi to stay for a while, wanting her to stay and have supper with them. But Sister Mi felt that if she stayed any longer, her whole body would turn sour, and she would become a real sour lemon.

She declined Xiao Ju's kindness and insisted on leaving, so Xiao Ju didn't try to persuade her to stay any longer.

After Sister Mi left, only Xu Yi and Xiao Ju were left in the villa.

Thinking of what"Longing for Life" had said about Xu Yi on the phone just now, disliking his low traffic and small status, and saying that he would be crushed by Cai Xukun who starred in the same show, Xiao Ju began to worry again.

Xu Yi saw Xiao Ju frowning and felt that she was worried about him. He raised his hand and touched Xiao Ju's eyebrows, and smoothed them out for her a little bit.

Xiao Ju quickly adjusted her demeanor back to a calm state.

Then, she heard Xu Yi ask her with a smile,"Are you worried about me being on the show?"

Xiao Ju shook her head and said very frankly,"I was a little worried at first, but I can't now."

As she said that, she threw herself into Xu Yi's arms, hugged him and said,"The situation looks a little unfavorable for you, but I believe in you! Think about how you have been through so many unfavorable situations in the past, and you have been able to turn the tide. I believe in your ability!"

Xu Yi raised his hand and rubbed Xiaoju's head, saying in agreement:"That's right! There is nothing to worry about. I hope you are happy every day with me."

""Yes, I will!" Xiaoju buried her head in Xu Yi's arms and said firmly.

On this point, she also believed Xu Yi. Since she has been with Xu Yi, although there are occasional moments of worrying about him and their relationship, every day she is Xu Yi's girlfriend, she is happy from the bottom of her heart.

The two stood and hugged for a while, and Xiaoju moved out of Xu Yi's arms and suggested:"Let's watch an episode of"Longing for Life"! Before officially going on the show, learn more about this show"


Xu Yi was not familiar with this program, and he felt that Xiaoju's suggestion was indeed necessary.

Do your homework well, and you will be more proficient.

Xu Yi picked up Xiaoju horizontally, and in a princess hug, he carried her back to the sofa and continued to sit in front of the TV.

After watching one episode and understanding the program process, Xu Yi was full of confidence in himself.

Xiaoju half-leaned on him and asked Xu Yi with expectant eyes:"How is it?"

Xu Yi put his arm around Xiaoju's waist and said calmly:"I like this program very much. The format is very close to life. The two of us go on it together once, just in time to prepare for married life"

"Married life?" Xiaoju was very happy to hear Xu Yi say this, knowing that he was considering their marriage.

But on the surface, Xiaoju patted Xu Yi's solid chest with her little hand and said proudly:"Who said I want to marry you?"

"You don't want to get married?" Xu Yi teased Xiaoju maliciously,"Who was disappointed that day because I prepared a necklace instead of a ring?"

Xiaoju felt embarrassed and buried her head in Xu Yi's arms and waist, protesting,"Oh, don't say that!"

Xu Yi felt the heat on Xiaoju's cheek and stopped teasing her.

The two rested in the villa for a day. In the evening of the next day, they came to the airport and embarked on the road to the recording of"Longing for Life".

The program group asked them to gather at the hotel in Mayang City first, saying that there was a special task.

Xu Yi thought of the previous show when he watched it. There was a link that required the guests to order dishes in advance. He guessed that it might be this that they were going to record. Or there might be some links that he couldn't imagine. The program group needed to explain and complete them in advance before filming. This was the first time Xu Yi participated in this kind of reality show, and he didn't know much about the process.

But he also felt that it would be better to arrive early and prepare in advance, and he didn't mind this in advance.

After arriving at the hotel designated by the program group, Xu Yi and Xiaoju put on hats, sunglasses, masks... got out of the car fully armed and walked quickly into the hotel.

When he walked to the gate, he saw a group of people standing outside the hotel, crowded and very noisy. The hotel security was there to maintain order on the scene, but the scene was still very chaotic.

Xiaoju turned her head and glanced at the center of the crowd, then pulled the corner of Xu Yi's clothes and whispered to him:"It's Cai Xukun."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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