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In addition, since it was agreed that the relationship would be announced today and there were some recent disturbances on Weibo, the studio did not shy away and found several authoritative media to report.

As soon as Xiaoju arrived at the birthday party, she felt the cameras coming from all directions. She has been a star for a long time, and there are countless cameras facing her wherever she goes.

But today, she was unusually nervous. She was not nervous for herself, but more for Xu Yi.

At the beginning of the birthday party, Xiaoju secretly opened the live broadcast to watch the bullet screen in the live broadcast room. There were still many people scolding Xu Yi on the bullet screen, saying that he relied on women to get ahead and used himself, that he was a gigolo, a scumbag... and asked him to leave him quickly.

Seeing that the fans' reactions were still so intense, Xiaoju was a little worried. Later, if she announced her relationship with Xu Yi, it would bring a greater negative impact on Xu Yi.

Thinking of this, Xiaoju began to miss Xu Yi very much. Xu Yi said that he had some personal matters and would arrive later, so he did not come with her.

Xiaodi and Sister Lan told her not to worry, saying that Xu Yi must have gone to prepare a birthday surprise for her. But Xiaoju was still worried when she saw these unfriendly comments.

If only Xu Yi was with her now, it would be great. She felt that she was becoming more and more dependent on Xu Yi, especially in such a helpless time.

Only Xu Yi could give her the sense of security she wanted.

When Xiaoju was missing Xu Yi, her besties—Sister Mi, Xiao Reba, Xiao Yan, Yu Lang... all came to the birthday party one after another.

The fans who were fortunate enough to attend Xiaoju’s birthday party were so excited to see so many big-name actresses at one time that they pressed the shutter button frantically on the spot.

The live broadcast room was also boiling.

"Our Xiaoju is very popular and has a good reputation!"

"So many seniors and big names in the circle came to celebrate her birthday!"

"That's natural. Our little Ju is so cute.~"

"I get even more angry when I think about such a cute girl like Xiaoju being used by a scumbag."


Several female stars did not come empty-handed. After sitting down, they began to take out the gifts they prepared for Xiaoju.

A contest between besties was played out silently.

Fans squatting in the live broadcast room were eager to try and see what gifts the female stars gave to each other.

The first one to give a gift was Xiao Yan. The gift she prepared for Xiaoju was a bottle of limited edition Tiffany water.

As soon as the green packaging box came out, it caused a boil in the live broadcast room. Tiffany brand is a girl's dream.

Xiaoju also likes this brand, and loves perfume even more. She happily accepted Xiao Yan's gift. Xiaoju was about to hug Xiao Yan, but Xiao Yan kissed Xiaoju mischievously in front of the camera, which caused a scream in the live broadcast room.

The second person to give a gift was Yu Lang. She gave Xiaoju a set of high-end skin care products customized for Xiaoju's skin.

According to an insider in the live broadcast room, the skin products are worth 20,000. Fans sighed that the faces of female stars are really expensive.

The third person to give a gift was Xiao Reba. Compared with Xiao Yan and Yu Lang, she is more well-known and has several levels of financial strength.

Therefore, fans are looking forward to her gift.

The birthday gift that Xiao Reba prepared for Xiaoju was a limited edition Chanel bag worth six figures.

Fans were surprised by such a generous gift.

But even so, she was still outshined by Sister Mi who gave the last gift. Sister Mi took out a gift box from her bag, took out a pair of earrings from it, and put them on Xiaoju herself.

It seemed ordinary, but what she said next made everyone unable to remain calm.

"I saw this when I attended Ms. Kayle's auction in Paris. I know you like her very much. This pair of earrings suits you very well. I decided to buy it for you after seeing it."

""Thank you, Sister Mi!" Xiaoju was flattered and hugged Sister Mi with emotion.

The previous second, the comments in the live broadcast room were still immersed in the friendship between Sister Mi and Xiaoju. The next second, the wind direction suddenly changed.

Because they saw Xu Yi appeared.

Seeing him coming empty-handed, the comments began to be unfriendly again

"Rumored boyfriend appears!"

"This is such an awkward timing."

"Tsk, you came empty-handed."

"He is a pretty boy who got to the top by relying on Xiaoju, so don't expect his gift."

Because the live broadcast room had a good response to the gift-giving session just now, the staff projected the situation in the live broadcast room onto the big screen at the birthday party venue.

At this time, all the barrages in the live broadcast room were on the big screen. Xiaoju, Xu Yi, and several girlfriends saw it clearly.

When they saw Xu Yi coming empty-handed, the scene was a bit awkward.

Xu Yi felt it and said to Xiaoju directly:"I have prepared a gift for you."

Seeing the reaction of the fans in the live broadcast room, Xiaoju was very nervous. Looking at the current situation, she was afraid that no matter what gift Xu Yi took out, they would be ridiculed by them.

Xiaoju immediately said:"I am very happy, let's wait and see."

Xu Yi saw through Xiaoju's thoughts and said with a smile:"We really have to wait and see, this gift can't be seen here, you have to go to a place with me."

After hearing Xu Yi's words, several girlfriends and fans in the live broadcast room who were not expecting Xu Yi's gift, all started to make a noise:"What gift is it? It's so mysterious that we have to move to another place to see it!"

Xu Yi looked down at Xiao Ju and said lovingly,"I can't tell you now. I want to give Xiao Ju a surprise."

When her girlfriends heard what Xu Yi said, they became even more curious. They said to Xiao Ju enviously,"Xu Yi came so late. It turned out that he was preparing a surprise for you.""I really envy you for having such a considerate boyfriend.""……

On the other side, they also saw Xiaoju standing there without any reaction, and urged her,"Don't just stand there, hurry up and show us the surprise Xu Yi has prepared for you!"

Xiaoju stood there and saw the live comments posted by fans in the live broadcast room scrolling in real time on the big screen, all of which were sarcastic.


"This must be because she saw Xiaoju's girlfriends gave such good gifts and felt that her own gift was not good enough, so she came up with this idea."

"There were so many cameras here, and he was afraid that the gift he brought out would not be presentable, so he tricked Xiaoju into going outside."

"Xiaoju must not listen to him. Such a cunning man should be publicly executed."

Xiaoju saw these comments with mixed feelings and a dilemma. She knew that the Jiuzhou crew had not yet paid Xu Yi's salary and was in the calculation application stage.

She thought that Xu Yi could not have any money now, and he could not give her expensive gifts. Xiaoju didn't care at all. After Xu Yi helped her book the presidential suite last time, Xiaoju understood Xu Yi's thoughts. She knew that he was a man who was willing to spend money on her, that was enough. She didn't care about these empty gifts for others._Please download to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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