Then some of the lush surrounding trees suddenly withered. This is a forbidden technique on earth escape in the book of seals.

"Shadow Shuriken Technique?" Bai thought about it for a while, then nodded, and then the white jade hand exploded again with three Frost Thousands. The writing wheel of the blood song can clearly see the shadows of the three Frost Thousands on the ground, which is surprisingly real.

"Ice Escape Forbidden Art, Hand of Ice Demon."

Blood Song's hand is one-handed knot printing. This year, Blood Song is also practicing one-hand knot printing. At this moment, the speed of blood song knot printing can finally be comparable to Uchiha Itachi. After the ice escape forbidden technique was displayed, the Hanbing Qianbon, who was originally heading for the blood song, seemed to be vaguely grasped by a pair of invisible hands, and settled in the space.

After that, Hanbing Qianben moved towards Shiro.

The white that was stabbed by the three branches of Frost Chiben turned into a puddle of clear water.

"Water body? It seems that you have mastered Shui Dun very well, and the time to activate this ninjutsu is quite good." Blood Song nodded in satisfaction.

And the cold ice pierced into the ground, and the ground where it was, the plants were covered with layers of frost and withered completely.

This is also one of the forbidden techniques of the Book of Seals.

Blood Song's domineering perception felt for a while, and then disappeared in place with a move. By the small river in the woods, Bai quietly sat on a large pebble, quietly watching the flowing stream. She would compete with Blood Song once a month, and Bai already knew that the man she liked was definitely a monster.

She is making rapid progress!

But Blood Song's progress is faster.

"What? Are you tired?" Fei Lei Shen's light moved, and the blood song appeared behind Bai.

"Sorry, big brother, Bai let you down." Bai Qiao said nervously.

"Disappointed? No, you are not disappointed! You are already considered a genius when you reach Zhongren at your age." Xuege reached out his hand and touched the soft black hair, and said. "Okay, let's go back."

"Yeah." White nodded and got up from the big pebbles, but his legs softened and he almost fell down again. Xuege's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he also hurriedly held on to Bai.

Bloodsong can tell that Bai has good strength, but the amount of Chakra is too small. In the case of a girl, unless there are weird girls like Tsunade, girls generally have fewer chakras than boys.

With a smile at the corner of Xuege's mouth, he squatted down.


"Stop talking. I will carry you back." Blood Song said. And Bai nodded shyly, and threw himself on Blood Song's back, wrapped his hands around Blood Song's neck, and there was a burst of sweetness in his heart.

Blood Song carried Bai on his back and returned to Akatsuki's base. On the roof, Xiao Nan saw this scene, with some loneliness between her pretty expressions.

"You seem to like him," the weak Nagato said slowly. The current Uzumaki Nagato's physique has become worse and worse, and he has been put into a container for treatment.

"Nagato, don't worry, I won't like people until we realize our forbearance." Xiaonan said.

And Uzumaki Nagato nodded helplessly. He always treats Xiao Nan as his own sister, and he also hopes that Xiao Nan can be happy.

But their forbearance, their dreams have not yet come true, they are not qualified to pursue their own happiness.

When Xuege returned to the room with Bai on his back, he found that Bai on his back was already asleep. The pure face sleeps like a fairy who can't eat fireworks in the world.

Blood Song didn't wake Bai either, just put Bai on the bed, and then Blood Song left Bai's room.


Suddenly, a majestic voice rang in the ears of Blood Song. This was the voice of Heavenly Way Payne, and then the blood song was sitting cross-legged directly on the white bed, and the magic lantern body technique was activated.

After the members of the Akatsuki organization arrived, Fei Duan complained, "Oh my God, I was praying to my great Cthulhu Lord just now, what is it for me to come??"

Heavenly Dao Payne glanced at Fei Duan coldly, and under the pressure of the reincarnation eye, Fei Duan who talked too much nonsense also quickly shut up.

"I'm calling you here this time because there is news that Konoha may have something serious." Tiandao Payne said.

Upon hearing these words, Akatsuki's blood song stared at each other.

What will happen to Konoha?

There was faint speculation between the blood song.

The others in Akatsuki's organization were puzzled. Konoha, known as the strongest existence in the Five Ninja Villages. Although the four generations are dead now, and Konoha Sannin has also gone, but Konoha is still stable, what big things will happen?

"Blood Song, you are from Konoha. You go to Konoha to pick up Uchiha Itachi." Tiandao Payne said directly, "I want you to bring him over, and I want him to become a member of our Akatsuki organization."

Sure enough, was the Uchiha clan annihilated? ? ? Blood Song thought for a while, and couldn't help but wince.

"I'll go too." At this moment, the Oshe Maru in the phantom also said coldly. In the past few years, Da She Wan has finally developed the technique of immortality. Of course, it refers to change. The art of immortality is nothing at all.

He needs a human body!

For the blood song, Dashewan is very afraid. A few years ago, Dashewan could barely see the bloodthrough song. But over the years, the blood song has become more and more unfathomable in Da She Wan's eyes.

Immediately, Oshamaru set his sights on the Uchiha Itachi of the Uchiha clan.

Chapter 807 Naruto Chapter 88 The Power of Uchiha Shisui (

Chapter 807 Naruto Chapter 88 The Power of Uchiha Shisui

Naruto Chapter 88 The Power of Uchiha Shisui

Uchiha Itachi. A genius of the Uchiha clan, Oshemaru also believes that Uchiha Itachi has the potential to become the next Uchiha spot. If you can get the body of Uchiha Itachi, the blood of the Uchiha clan.

Da She Wan wants to come, he should be invincible!

How about Uzumaki Nagato? Oshemaru believes that he got the body of Uchiha Itachi, and with Uchiha Itachi's aptitude, he can definitely step into the super shadow.

"Okay, Oshe Maru will also go." After Tiandao Payne said this faintly, the slide body disappeared!

And Blood Song, Konoha White Fang, Oshe Maru, and White gathered at the entrance of Yuren Village, ready to go to Konoha.

"Is this Bai?" Looking at Bai, Oshemaru smiled evilly. And Xuege glanced at Dashewan and said coldly, "Tell me, what are you thinking?"

If Da She Maru dares to say that his dialogue is full of greed, Blood Song will definitely kill him! The cold killing intent of Blood Song's call was also suppressed for a while.

How is this pressure... possible? Feeling the immense pressure from the blood song body, Da She Wan couldn't help thinking of the half **** Sanjiao Yu Hanzo.

Once Oshemaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade once played against Sanshoyu Hanzo, and the strength of Sanshoyu Hanzo made Oshemaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade unmatched.

Of course, Osamaru Jiraiya, Tsunade, also because of that after the war, they are famous in the Ninja World! There are ninjas who can make Sansho Yu Hanzo be merciful, and Sansho Yu Hanzo can appreciate it, so Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Oshomaru were given the name Konoha Sannin.

And the pressure that I felt from Xuege now called Dashemaru to think of Sansho Fish Hanzo.

"What I was thinking about was Junmaro, Shirao and my subordinates, who is better?" After returning to his senses, Oshemaru said.

Blood Song smiled, did not speak. The Hui Ye clan, this is also a powerful clan, the Hui Ye clan is a militant group that likes to fight without thinking. For them, the battlefield seems to be the only place where they can feel at ease.

Special ninjutsu: special blood relay boundary, able to freely manipulate bone bud cells and osteoclasts, and even control the concentration of calcium to generate bones. The number of bones is not more than 200 bones like normal people, but an indefinite number.

But the Huiye clan has a fatal birth defect! Almost the mediocre of the Huiye clan will live a peaceful life. But a genius will die young.

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