My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 630: He's not exactly a good guy (2 in 1)

The wife is the boss of the first episode, volume 0630. He is not a good person. I don't know where to start. He can't understand what the husband said.

People who are close to immortals divide greed, ignorance and hatred into the three poisons of the heart. Thinking about it... From the realm of practice, having a greedy state of mind is a bad thing no matter from which angle you think about it...?

Li Zhibai said that his greed is a good thing, how does Xu Changan understand this.

"You don't have to look at me like that." Li Zhibai looked at Xu Changan's increasingly puzzled expression, walked up helplessly, and reached out his hand to lightly touch the center of Xu Changan's eyebrows under Xu Changan's surprised gaze.

The slight push made Xu Changan lean back, but more importantly, the cool fingertips from between his brows shocked him mentally.

Such an intimate gesture made Xu Changan feel his husband's love and trust for him.


"You don't have to think about things you don't understand, as long as you know...what I said is right, that's all right." Li Zhibai smiled lightly.

"...Understood." Xu Changan sighed.

All he had to do was trust Mr. as if Mr. Trusted him.


Xu Chang'an could probably sense that Li Zhibai didn't think being greedy was a good thing, it was just because...he was the one who was greedy, so there was no need to worry about it at all.

It seems that he is a perfect man in Li Zhibai's heart?

But Xu Changan knew his own character.

"You too..." Xu Changan shook his head and smiled wryly, "Student...not as much as you think..."

"Not as good as I thought?" Li Zhibai interrupted Xu Chang'an's words, with a smile on her face, but when she looked carefully, her eyes were serious: "Chang'an, it's okay if you are greedy. In other words, let alone me, even Mr. Tong will be annoyed."

No mother can bear the fact that her child "underestimates herself".

So, she is really unhappy.

"Understood." Xu Changan faintly saw a ruler on Li Zhibai, and his wry smile became more intense.

What kind of image do I have in my husband's mind? I can't even say that I'm not good...?

But Xu Chang'an really knew that he was not a kind person from the beginning, and his so-called bottom line was Yun Qian from beginning to end... So, as long as it is for Yun Qian, he can do anything in the true sense out.

How can such a person be called a good person?

"What do you want to say, say it." Li Zhibai saw Xu Changan's hesitation and stared at him.

"..." Xu Changan paused, and then said: "Sir, I have always...wanted to be a gentle person."

Compared with the high requirements of a gentleman, Xu Changan thinks it is impossible for him to do it, so as long as he is gentle and good.

"" Li Zhibai realized something.

Changan meant that he was not a gentle person at this time, so he wanted it.

Surprisingly, everyone rated Xu Changan as a 'gentle' and 'kind' person.

From the point of view of ordinary people, Xu Changan has clearly achieved gentleness.

"Some bad thoughts in your heart?" Li Zhibai asked.

"It is." Xu Changan bowed his head, and said softly, "Sometimes there are too many calculations... I can't say it feels good."

For the sake of cultivation and for Miss Yun, he did not know how much he calculated all the way... Many times, even the obedience he showed in front of Mr. Yuan and the generosity he showed in front of Zhu Pingniang were all for Miss Yun.

Xu Chang'an himself didn't know how much was out of his original intention.

"After all, I'm still a child." Li Zhibai laughed. Chang'an, who should be able to think about these things... finally gave her a sense of immaturity.

How can a person be perfect?

Who in the world doesn't have dark thoughts.

Even if it's the head of the sect, even Mr. Tong...even herself, it's not always bright and warm.

Chang'an really seemed too mature on weekdays, but at this time, he seemed a little innocent.

Ah Qing: "..."

Ah Qing's heartbeat kept accelerating in the distance.

Lovely Lovely…

As a woman, she should feel the handsomeness and handsomeness of her sweetheart, but at this moment she looked at Xu Changan's expression, which she couldn't tell whether it was self-blame or guilt, but she only thought it was cute.

Perhaps it is a common problem of being an old woman. When she sees her sweetheart at a loss, she unnaturally feels compassion in her heart, and wants to hold him in her arms to comfort him—there is no **** here, it is true maternal love flood.

Compared to that incredible Yun girl who is mature both physically and mentally...Young Master has a youthfulness that makes people's heart beat, but it's not green, after all, it's like Young Master is still at such an age in the world A person who is stable, clear in his goals, and firm in his thinking is definitely not a young person...

Maybe it's the contrast.

Xu Changan's 'weakness' that can only be revealed in front of Li Zhibai directly hit the softest part of Ah Qing's heart.



Now I am very envious of Li Zhibai.

As for the matter that Xu Chang'an said that he was sometimes embarrassed, it was directly ignored by Ah Qing.

She is not a nice person.

Mr. Zhu Tong is not a good person either.

Even Shi Qingjun, the Chaoyun Fairy, used to only have the Dao of Heaven in her eyes, Chaoyun Sect and Qingzhou common people are nothing but ants, what kindness can I have with her?

Even if Xu Changan only cares about Yun Qian, he is not as kind as he looks at all... so what?

It doesn't matter at all.

After gritting her teeth a little jealously, Ah Qing continued to watch.

"Chang'an, it seems to be me... Sometimes I feel from the bottom of my heart... Mr. Tong is a bit annoying." Li Zhibai glanced at the direction of the banquet table: "This is nothing."

"..." Xu Changan was silent, and after the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, he sighed: "Sir, you must never say this in front of Senior Zhu."

"I don't need you to remind..." Li Zhibai shook her head, then opened the window, feeling the cold wind blowing on her face, she turned around and said with a smile: "So, don't force yourself to be a kind person, do things as long as you don't violate your heart good."

She never thought that Chang An must be a good person.

This is the gentleness of being a gentleman, and it also highlights Li Zhibai's expectations for Xu Changan.


Do things that you will not regret, simple and unpretentious thinking.

"Not against my heart..." Xu Changan stared blankly at the woman in front of him.

Li Zhibai, who was taller than him, stood in front of the window, his ponytail and black hair swaying slightly in the wind, and his image was reflected in those cold eyes.


"That's over." Xu Changan took a step back a little later, and then said: "Sir, I was thinking that you could wake me up and let me try my best to be a good person... But how can you be like this? As long as I don't It doesn't matter if you go against your heart, even... there is no bottom line?"

If he followed Li Zhibai's words, he would really focus on Miss Yun in everything he did... Thus, he would lose any bottom line.

This is a dangerous thing.

"No bottom line?" Li Zhibai asked calmly, "Sister Yun, isn't your bottom line?"

Xu Changan: "..."

Nothing to say.

For a moment, he really didn't know what to say.

What he means is that he may do anything for Yun Qian, and the things here include all kinds of heinous things in the eyes of the world...


Assuming that the mysterious family behind Miss Yun is the 'villain' character in his cognition, the kind who commits all kinds of crimes and is too difficult to write down, and Yun Qian has to stand on the other side...

Then he would stand by Yunqian without hesitation.

Therefore, Yun Qian is his bottom line.

But in the eyes of others, this is no bottom line...


Xu Changan was stunned for a moment, he stared blankly at the tall woman in front of him.


The husband said that Miss Yun was his bottom line, that is to say, from the very beginning... the husband was thinking from his point of view.

What Li Zhibai wants is not "the good person she knows, the kind Xu Chang'an she knows", but him as a person.

This kind of emotion that no longer knows whether it is trust or blindness, even Xu Changan himself was moved for a while.

You know, even if they are parents and husbands and wives in the world, they are rarely like Li Zhibai... The people they know and get along with day and night are often the person they know, so when the other person is different from what they think After that, friction occurs.


Xu Chang'an laughed a little heavy, but then smiled helplessly.

"If you are like this, you really don't worry that the students will really become greedy people in the future?"

"Greedy?" Li Zhibai squinted her eyes. She first took out a ruler and shook it twice in her palm, and then said, "If you are willing to take the ruler twice, what do you want... It is not greedy to me."

As long as he opens his mouth, no matter what he asks for, it will definitely be useful.

Therefore, Li Zhibai will give it to him.

It's about...whatever.

As long as he says he wants to.

Li Zhibai gently tidied up his long hair that was blown by the wind, and then looked at the bright moon in the distance...Suddenly he asked something that surprised Xu Changan.

"Chang'an, do you think... I'm a good person?"

A fake Taoist nun named Li Zhibai, will she be a kind and good person in the eyes of the world?

"Sir, of course." Xu Changan nodded without even thinking about it.

In Xu Changan's view, if Zhu Pingniang and Li Zhibai are not good people in this world...there will be no good people in the world.

When he went up the mountain, he had nothing, and his talent was in shambles. Only Li Zhibai was willing to teach him according to the rules, and later he learned the charm of his husband through getting along with him.

certainly. This does not mean that he thinks that Li Zhibai is the kindest one... If you really want to say that there is no reward for giving, it still depends on Zhu Pingniang.

Li Zhibai is good, after all, he faces very few people.

Zhu Pingniang was different, she seemed to have no rules... But in fact, Xu Changan always felt that this sister Zhu was really a 'living saint'.

Therefore, in Xu Chang'an's heart, if it is good, Zhu Pingniang, who loves to worry, ranks first, and Li Zhibai is second.

"Look, even you think so." Li Zhibai smiled and didn't say anything.

It's different from Mr. Tong.

A woman named Li Zhibai is definitely not a good person.

Many times... In the eyes of ordinary people, "Wicked people who do evil to themselves" and "Those who have the ability to save themselves but stand idly by"... Which one is more hateful?

Perhaps there is no difference, or the latter is more repulsive.


Li Zhibai used to be the latter.

Her way of practice and her personality make her watch everything, always stand on the sidelines... She yearns for the actions of the master to clean up the world, but she has never wanted to follow her actions...

A woman named Li Zhibai has always been a bystander. As the number one person in the world, she is clearly capable of saving many people and saving more people... But what Li Zhibai did was "returning to the mountains and forests". If it wasn't for Zhu Tongjun With her tough actions and Shi Qingjun's temptation in Chaoyunzong, she will not set foot in the fairy gate.

Is this weird?

Actually not surprising.

The so-called Dao Wuwei, the way of heaven is a bystander, all good deeds and evil deeds are meaningless to the way of heaven, so Li Zhibai who knows the white and keeps the black will be like this.

But what about...the old people who came to her for help but were turned away.

In their eyes, what is Li Zhibai's image?



Who knows.

Li Zhibai only knows that compared to Jun Tong's actions, she is definitely not a good Even Zhu Tongjun, who cared the most, back then...Zhu Tongjun insisted on breaking into the magic door, saying that he would fetch the "Tao Jing" for her She didn't stop the other party when she asked.

At that time, Li Zhibai believed that people should be responsible for their own choices, and outsiders could not interfere.

And from then on, when she watched Jun Tong holding his dying body and putting the "Tao Sutra" in front of her with a smile...

For the first time, Li Zhibai began to doubt the correctness of her choice.

She began to regret that she should be stopped.

That was the first time Li Zhibai regretted his choice after enlightenment.

Thinking about it now, Li Zhibai noticed something.

Perhaps, these are all plots by Mr. Tong to make her change...

But so what.

Let's say she wins.

If Tong Jun forced his way into the Demon Gate back then on purpose, then Li Zhibai can only say that she was right.

Indeed, since then, she began to change slowly, and her way began to change from "observing nature" to yearning for "rules".

Rules are also the most important feature of the Dao of Heaven.

Therefore, she will live an ordinary life, she will regularly make alchemy for Baicao Garden in Chaoyunzong, and she will have three meals a day and two teas, these are the rules she has set for herself.

Also because of the rules, she is the master of the sword hall, so she will not turn away the students who come to study.

So she accepted Chang'an not because of any kindness, but part of the rules... Even if it wasn't Chang'an who came here at the time, the result would not change.

This is the essence of the woman named 'Li Zhibai' before the change, before meeting Yunqian.


Is she a good person?

"..." Li Zhibai smiled.


Even Chang An thought she was a good person, so it didn't matter whether Chang An himself was a good person or not.

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