My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 357: Miss Yun is an ugly person (2 in 1)

in the car at this time.

"Yes, that's how it feels... that's how it feels."

Xu Changan's excited pupils were trembling. Obviously, this was the most beautiful dress-up puppet he had ever seen.

Miss Yun was wearing a light blue and white mixed-colored long skirt. At her heart, the blue color was dotted with a touch of orange-red embroidery, which looked like a firecracker that was about to explode. The corners of the wide embroidered cloud dress were also embroidered with elegant gold threads.

Cyan, blue and light white mixed with the temperament of Yun girl, not only did not appear balanced, but gave Xu Changan a dazzling surprise.

For some reason, Xu Changan felt that this blue and white color was very suitable for Yun Qian. He just glanced at it and had the idea of ​​confirming it.

This is the most suitable color for girls.

This should be the original color of Yunqian.

It's just too suitable, three-point gentle and seven-point affectionate, full of femininity.

Yun Qian felt Xu Changan's suddenly hot eyes, and tilted her head: "Does it look good?"

"..." Xu Changan's eyes trembled: "Miss, if we don't tie the boat here, it will become a mess."

Xu Changan looked into the mirror.

Now that he is open source, he has been reborn, but at this time he is standing in front of Miss Yun, really like her valet.

Yun Qian's naturally indifferent gaze, she doesn't need to speak, as long as she stands there, she will look noble.

What is Miss Qianjin, this is it.

No wonder whoever met Yun Qian would think that he had kidnapped which daughter of a big family, and would think that they had eloped.

"Smashing the field?" Yun Qian didn't quite understand, she gently stroked the blue silk that reached her waist and said, "I'm asking, do I look good?"

"It looks good." Xu Changan said truthfully.

Yun Qian was very satisfied, and sat down to let Xu Changan do the finishing touches for her - tying her long hair with a cyan ribbon, and then making a bun.

"Miss, look really good with loose hair, what man would not like it with long black hair." Xu Changan said seriously, holding Yun Qian's long hair.

"I'm going out." Yun Qian said.

"Yeah, it's illegal to wear hair." Xu Changan shook his head.


Feeling Xu Changan's fingers running through his hair, Yun Qian looked at himself in the mirror.

Is she good looking?

It's pretty.

In fact, what Yun Qian knew was because her husband always said she was beautiful, so she became more and more beautiful.

"I've never looked so good before." Yun Qian shook her head.

Not kidding, she really thought that she didn't have the charm of her daughter's home before.

"That's what you think, in my eyes, Miss has always been so amazing." Xu Changan said very seriously: "I liked it at first sight."

"Is that so?" Yun Qian blinked, but felt that it wasn't so, and said, "You like someone, but that's not what you see."

Yun Qian is very clear that the good-looking in his husband's eyes has always been not referring to appearance, but the fingertips of human nature.

It's those warm, rare and bright things.

Therefore, Liu Qingluo will be good-looking, and he also said that he likes it.

Li Zhibai is also pretty.

What about yourself?

Yun Qian knew that she didn't have the rich past and wonderful life of other women. She looked at the past, but she only had those "treasures" and a man.

Such a self, the so-called "good-looking", is only the appearance, and only the appearance.

"I'm a lascivious person." Xu Changan smiled: "Who said that liking someone's appearance is superficial and wrong?"

Appearance, that is part of Miss Yun.

"In this case, I'm not happy to hear it." Yun Qian shook her head, her eyes drooping slightly.

"I'm not too embarrassed to tell the truth, miss...let me go." Xu Changan sighed.

What was it that Miss Yun really attracted to him?

Before walking out of the bamboo forest, she was a lazy girl.

There are wash feet by the stream.

There is a nap in the woods.

After she had breakfast, she held her face and quietly looked at herself, who was still devouring herself.

These are cloud girls.

For Xu Changan, he watched Yun Qian's piece of white paper gradually dye his color, and he began to feel his daughter's family feelings.

Like is like, what more to say.

I was embarrassed to say it, so I coughed and said I liked her appearance.

In fact, although he is a sweethearted person, the appearance of Miss Yun... is already among the things he likes about her, and it is relatively unimportant.

After all, when we first met, the girl's arrogant and frosty appearance... Xu Changan felt ashamed even when she saw him, let alone dared to hold filthy thoughts.

Therefore, Miss Yun's appearance was even an obstacle to the progress of their relationship at first.

"If you say I'm good-looking, then I'll be good-looking." Yun Qian nodded lightly, thinking that she was not only good-looking, but also a villain.

My husband said that he doesn't like evil people.

Are villains also good-looking?

I don't quite understand.

Just thinking about it, Yun Qian suddenly noticed that the hair Xu Changan had done for her was a little strange, so she put away her thoughts and looked at it carefully.

I saw Xu Changan brushing her long hair here, first combing some bangs up, parting the top hair to one side, the long hair below is still draped, and the blue silk is like a waterfall.

Then, Xu Changan picked up the blue-green ribbon and gently tied a circle at the end of her hair.


Looking at the woman in the mirror who was a few years younger out of thin air, Yun Qian blinked briskly, and then saw Xu Changan's smiling face in the mirror.

Miss Yun gave him a dissatisfaction and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Don't play with her hair.

"Why, when I was on the island, the lady also wore this hairstyle for many years. Why don't you miss me now? Instead, she blames me." Xu Changan smiled.

"That was before." Yun Qian looked at him.

Now that she is Xu Chang'an's wife, it is not suitable for her to tie this kind of hair anymore. After all, her husband has said the rules of pulling her hair.

in the rules.

Generally, women who have not yet reached the pinnacle of soda and pickle.

When they are adults, they put a bun in a bun, and tie a tassel thread around the bun to show that they are tied.

On the island, before they moved in together, Xu Changan added such a thin belt to her to show that she had not left the cabinet and was a clean girl.

But now that she is already a married woman, she would feel strange when she sees such a hairstyle again.

There is always an illusion that one's identity as a married wife is about to be taken back.

How could Miss Yun be so happy?

"I miss it a little... After all, when the lady surprised me in the past, she was dressed like this."

After Xu Changan realized that Yun Qian was really unhappy, he untied the tie.

Seriously began to comb the long hair.

Skillfully wrapping the blue ribbon between the thumb and ring finger of the right hand, the blue silk passes through the green ribbon, then bends the arms, tilts and pulls, and the beautiful and refreshing bun is tied like this.

His movements were neat and tidy.

Yun Qian shook her hair and looked at the much more mature woman in the mirror.


That's what he called it.

He likes it, he likes it.

At this point, Miss Yun's dress was completely over.

Yun Qian nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Xu Changan: "So, why did you try to make me a tinged hair from the past?"

Miss Yun did not believe that he would act on a whim.

"Ah..." Xu Changan sighed helplessly when he heard the words: "Forget it, I didn't think I could hide it from you..."

Xu Changan put the rouge on the table into the storage bag, and said at the same time: "I was thinking that if the lady entered Mu Yufeng when she was still single, it would definitely cause quite a stir."

If Miss Yun didn't wear a woman's bun, anyone who saw her would be moved.

Even the wishing girl.

"Single?" Yun Qian looked strange when she heard the words.

When she was single... how long ago was that?

do not know.

The time before the husband appears is meaningless, so there is no need to think about it.

Anyway, when she was single, let alone Mu Yufeng, this piece of heaven and earth is perfectly logical, the impermanence avenue is nothing, where did Zhu Pingniang come from.

Yun Qian thought for a while, looked at Xu Changan, and said softly, "If you weren't here, I wouldn't be here either."

"Yes." Xu Changan nodded.

Although she thought that if she wasn't there, Miss Yun would definitely attract everyone's coveting in Xianmen, but there is no such thing in the world.


"Who said that if you marry someone and become a wife, you won't be stared at?" Xu Changan sighed.

Don't think about it.

If Miss Yun was dressed like this every day in Xianmen, then even if she wore the appearance of a married woman, there would definitely be men who thought she shouldn't.

Undoubtedly, after Miss Yun showed her face, she, the well-known "face head" of Mu Yufeng, had something more enviable.

"?" A question mark appeared on Yun Qian's head, and she said in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, the lady is too good-looking and will cause trouble." Xu Changan said truthfully.

Yun Qian nodded.

It was he who said he was good-looking that she would be good-looking.

Trouble, like cultivation, is only meaningful if it is overcome, so Yun Qian never thought of solving his troubles in the past. After all, according to her husband's logic, Miss Yun herself is the biggest and biggest trouble in the world.

"Never underestimate a man's pursuit of beauty." Xu Changan stretched out a finger: "The so-called common man is innocent, but he is guilty."

Then he pointed to himself: "I'm a man."

"Then I'm the wife of a husband?" Yun Qian blinked.

"Miss is Yubi." Xu Changan twitched the corners of his mouth.


Yun Qian nodded, then shook his head again: "I don't understand."

"You don't need to understand." Xu Changan stretched his back and smiled: "Miss, fortunately, I don't really have any background, otherwise... I really have to be afraid of the trouble that may come."

"Backstage?" Yun Qian was thoughtful.

"Sir." Xu Changan said, "Sir... but he is a very powerful person, as well as Senior Zhu."

Logically speaking, he shouldn't entrust the protection of Miss Yun to outsiders, but in an open source environment, he can only do so much.

Less self-confidence is a good thing, because you can be more cautious and consider all aspects.


Although Yun Qian wanted to say that she just wanted to be protected by him, but what her husband said was what she said.

"Senior Zhu is a very protective person." Xu Changan adjusted Yun Qian's clothes and said, "Having a good relationship with her is the only way to rely on Mu Yufeng and even Chaoyun Sect."

"She's amazing?" Yun Qian asked, becoming interested.

"That's quite powerful." Xu Changan sighed: "Miss, you are finally interested in senior again. I thought you didn't want to know about her."

"Tell me about it." Yun Qian glanced outside.

That girl Ah Qing was sleeping with an umbrella in the rain at the moment.

Is she great?

Huai Bi is guilty, I wonder if Huai Umbrella is there?

"Senior Zhu seems to have several names. The senior sisters call her Sister Zhu and Pingniang, and the husband calls her Tongjun."

Xu Changan thought for a while and said, "I don't know the specifics, but the senior sisters said that I wished the seniors to explore hundreds of schools when they were young, and set foot on the practice. Then, the seniors should also be from a family of cultivators, after all, they were not in Mu Yufeng. When Mu Yufeng was still part of the Hehuan Sect, she was already famous in the world of immortal cultivation."

Zhu Pingniang was rarely mentioned in Mu Yufeng's biography, but only a few words showed that Xu Changan could already know that she was almost at the forefront of the cultivation world.

"Just like this?" Yun Qian listened to Xu Chang'an's introduction, looked at the strangeness on his face, and felt that he had nothing to say.

"Of course not only, but it's very strange." Xu Changan sighed: "Whether it's the seniors I know from the deacon's hall, the legends in the mouths of the senior sisters, and the paintings by Mr. ... they are all very different from the current senior Zhu. "

Xu Changan said in a low voice: "Miss, in the past, Senior Zhu was probably similar to you. They were all kind of aloof fairies, but now... how did it become... like this."

From a fairy like Xuemei, to a female rascal who would tease her a bit when she saw her.

Is this really a person?

Xu Changan was speechless, but he didn't know what to say.

"You don't like this?" Yun Qian looked at him.

"What do I like or dislike? Seniors are seniors, but... maybe this will be better." Xu Changan shook his head: "Senior sisters also said that today's seniors are more humane than ever."

Being human, he will protect his shortcomings, so for him, it is natural that Zhu Pingniang today is more reassuring.

It's really like Miss Yun, if she is pessimistic about everyone's life and death, then where does he go to find backing?

When Yun Qian heard the words, she was thinking about one thing.

The husband said that Zhu Pingniang was like her in the past, but now she looks better, because he wants to learn from her... and go to the brothel to train his heart?

Fortunately, Miss Yun is very smart, and she figured it out herself and knew that Xu Changan would not think so. So I didn't ask him, and quietly digested the question.

"In short, today's senior Zhu is very reassuring to the juniors, but it's true." Xu Changan shook his head: "I heard from Senior Sister Dongfang that when she was young, Senior Sister let other people from Immortal Sect steal the treasure. Bad breath."

Zhu Pingniang makes a move and doesn't care whether you are a demon or a fairy.

Because I don't care about the rules, it makes the junior feel at ease.

"By the way, Senior Zhu and Demon Sect are also mortal enemies. Now, in the contribution of Chao Yunzong in dealing with evil cultivators, no one can match her."

Magic door?

Yun Qian suddenly She wanted to know this.

But at this moment, Xu Changan was talking, and suddenly hugged her, causing Yun Qian to be stunned.

Until she was put on Xu Changan's lap, she was still confused.

"Miss, I forgot... I held you on my lap to talk about senior's gossip, what should I do." Xu Changan said solemnly.

Yun Qian: "..."


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