My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 39 The first few, etc.

The moves are very good, so five or six people with some skills can't last a minute under his hands, and he doesn't show mercy at all when he punches people, so he can beat a few people with one punch and one leg. The house of the month.

He didn't know at that time that he was the tyrant Junliu in the first middle school, and he didn't know it later. It was when the class teacher brought the transfer students yesterday and Junliu introduced himself on the podium.

In the past two days, Jun Liu's performance in the class really didn't look like a school bully. Even in front of his tablemate, that is, Xia Yunshu, Jun Liu was a little bit well-behaved.

But he always felt that it would not be a good thing to pass by and meet someone who had been bullied so badly by his classmates and still walked past without changing his face as if he had not seen anything.

It is clear that Jun Liu's skill can easily solve those people, but he is too lazy to do it.

Looking cute and handsome, he should be a ruthless and cold-blooded person in his heart.

As the monitor, it’s okay for the public not to want any classmates in the class to make trouble and damage the image of the class. As a person who was rescued by Jun Liu unintentionally, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t want anyone to provoke Jun Liu for his own sake. The idea hit Jun Liu and Xia Yunshu.

Yes, not only Jun Liu, but also Xia Yunshu.

In front of Xia Yunshu, people like Jun Liu completely put away their sharp edges and looked good, and even called Xia Yunshu the boss. He didn't think that Xia Yunshu was really as weak and deceiving as she looked.

Anyway, it's the third year of high school, everyone spent the last year in peace, and he, the monitor, can also graduate smoothly.

It is not easy to be a monitor, and it is even more difficult for someone with a collective sense of honor to be a monitor. I don't know why he ran for monitor when he was a freshman in high school, but he couldn't do anything perfunctory when he was elected.

It seems that sometimes being too responsible is not necessarily a good thing.

Thinking about it, Chu Zhan has walked downstairs from upstairs.

Suddenly a voice came from my ear.

Xia Yunshu?

It was a girl's voice. Although it was very small, he could hear it clearly. It was right to call Xia Yunshu's name.

Chu Zhan heard the sound and looked over, and saw several girls in the crowd, one of them was staring at the direction where Xia Yunshu and Jun Liu were leaving, but their figures were completely hidden by the crowd and could not be seen.

It should have been this girl's voice just now.

The girl's expression was a little strange.

Frowning, like an accident, like dissatisfaction, and like disgust.

Jingjing, what are you looking at? the person next to the girl asked curiously.

Nothing. The girl called Jingjing retracted her gaze.

I thought I saw a very annoying person. I must have seen it wrong. She can't be here.

A very annoying person? Who is it? Do I know?

You don't know, but you have been a guest at my house and have seen my stepmother. I just thought I saw my stepmother and her ex-husband's daughter. Speaking of my stepmother's daughter, I visited my house a few days ago to find my stepmother. Well, I was chased away by my stepmother.

Du Jingjing sneered: My stepmother is also really ruthless. In order not to affect her status in the Du family, she didn't even look at her biological daughter for five years after the divorce, and she was called after five years, and she was treated like a plague. Avoid your own daughter.

I heard that her daughter committed suicide five years ago. She was in a vegetative state on the hospital bed for five years, and she just woke up recently.

It takes five years to wake up in a vegetative state? Didn't your stepmother even take a look?

That's not.

Then your stepmother is really ruthless, you can't tell. She looked at the soft and weak, but she was such a hard-hearted person.

She's not only hard-hearted, she's also stupid and selfish.

How to say?

I can bribe her with just a few nice words, isn't that stupid? For my own sake, I don't care about the life and death of my own daughter, isn't it selfish?

Okay, Aina, let's not talk about her, it will affect the mood. What do you want to eat later? I'll treat you to your second brother.

Call my second brother again, Jingjing, honestly, do you like my second brother?

What do you say!

Okay, I know you're thin-skinned, so I won't tease you. I'll call the second brother and ask him to come to us later. However, Jingjing, what you just said, your stepmother's daughter has been in a vegetative state for five years, why do I seem to be Where have you heard of such a person? Where did you hear about it? It sounds familiar.

Aina, why did you mention her again, it affects your mood!

Okay okay, I won't mention it.

Several people talked and walked away.

After listening to their conversation, Chu Zhan said: ...

The footsteps are slightly paused, and the mood is very complicated.

Xia Yunshu still has such a complicated life experience and experience?

Just thinking about it, a voice came from beside him: The ones in front, wait a minute!

It was a female voice, and the voice sounded not only not gentle, but also very arrogant.

Look sideways.

Oh, celebrity, the first sister of Yucheng Middle School.

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