My Wife Is A Princess

Vol 2 Chapter 144: Original owner (third)

Like long black satin hair scattered on the sofa, Annan Soo's tight little feet were put down, and she sat down softly in Lee ’s arms. She felt that she had to tell the information immediately, so It seems that it's really just checking ... No ... It's not like it's really just checking. An Nam Soo didn't believe that he would have any other purpose, feeling, or thought that would motivate himself and Lee to do this kind of thing.

If he dares to doubt, he will be electrocuted, and Annan glanced suspiciously at the route, wondering if he was thinking wildly.

"It does not pose a threat to you, because although it has an autonomous consciousness, this consciousness cannot be better than the owner. This situation is similar to the owner and the summoning beast." Anna Nanxiu stared ahead, the red halo on the small face was still, But it has been scientifically, objectively and professionally studying the narrative under the guidance of the spirit.

"No!" As soon as he heard the word Summoning Beast, Li Rong glanced at Xiu Xiu hung on the window sill. He felt that Xiu Xiu's IQ was lower than it was when he was an ordinary crab. such?

"Few are more stupid than Xiuxiu's summoning beast. The chance of summoning beasts even more stupid than Xiuxiu is only one in one billion, let alone a high-level armor of life with autonomous consciousness." An Nanxiu knew that Li routing What was worrying was another burst of resentment. It took a lot of pill and magic to open the wise, but Xiu Xiu still didn't know how to do it. Anna Nanxiu inspected his brain and found that in addition to electric hot pot, pork flavor hot pot hot spring, beef Wei hotpot hot springs, sweet, dog walking, Erhei and so on have not installed anything else at all.

"How is this autonomy consciousness?" Li Rong didn't want the soul of Buddha's nephew, his consciousness disappeared, but he wanted to let him be free and unwilling in his body.

"This sense of autonomy is for you. For example, when you are in danger and your ability to think and react cannot respond even, this armor will instinctively help you to minimize the harm." Did not show it, but of course she would worry about Li Rong, she really did not feel relieved after the inspection, she found that things related to Li Rong had no way she could rest assured by purely rational reasoning.

"That's good." Li Rong breathed a sigh of relief, holding An Nanxiu's small hand.

"It's usually in a dormant state, and you have to provide a lot of vitality to wake it up. In fact, you can't really use it now, it has little meaning to you." Anna Nanxiu hated looking at Li indiscriminately. Routing, "If you can get to Su Muzhe, you can barely use it."

"It's so powerful, even Su Muzhe reluctantly?" Li Dao was startled. The Buddha's costume came a bit too big. He took out the small box. "Fo costume told me that if I chew this thing, I can Summon her. "

"This is the leaf of the tree of life. It comes from the same tree as the core of the tree." Annanx squinted and looked at the contents of the small box, and closed the box again, and the feeling of vitality disappeared. "You put it away, this thing is very useful. The level of this armor of Buddha is not under the moon pot, cloud stick, daylight and shadow orchid."

"You have too many good things!" Li Rongyan said enviously, a piece of life armor that Su Muzhe could only reluctantly drive, but he only got a comment that was not under XX, Yue Nan was given by An Nanxiu Xiuxiu, Yunzhang is the scepter used by An Nanxiu to release the magic increase, Nikko is the name of her necklace, and Yinglan is the **** robe.

"Now I have one more armor of life. The defense ability seems very good." Annan said proudly.

"Obviously mine." Routine reminded her.

"You are mine. You have my hair from head to toe, every bone and every toe." Annan said naturally, originally, Lee had such a defensive armor. Originally, It is to better protect Annan Soo, there is no difference between it and Annan Soo. Annan Soo thinks that as long as Lee has this ability, he will desperately protect his Royal Highness.

"You want toes too? You're disgusting enough." Li Rong, who belongs to Annan Soo, held Annan Soo, who belongs to his arms, and kissed her tender and delicate hair. "Is your thing mine?"

"My ... mine ..." Annan Soo thought for a while and stretched out a little finger. "The fingernail on this finger is yours."

"No, it's too unfair." Li Rong pinched the thin little finger, and it looked even smaller in his big hand, staring at the round and shiny fingernails.

"Are you dissatisfied? Do you want to take my fingernails as priceless treasures to protect, protect, cherish, know? In this case, I will not say it a second time, you dare to despise my fingernails and be careful of me in the future It will be very angry and hate you. "Anna Nanxiu wrinkled her nose and warned Li Rong very seriously, this is not a joke.

"Well, who made you your Highness Princess?" Li Dali sighed and said cheerfully, "Ah, I'm so happy, Princess Xiu's fingernails already belong to me, I feel that I have the whole world! "

"It doesn't look like it!" An Nam Soo lifted his lips, but decided to encourage him and looked at him for a while. When he finally stopped pretending, his eyes showed only that he looked at An Nam Soo. When the uniqueness and gentleness that only existed, Annan Xiu whispered in his ear: "But if you have always liked me like this, continue like this ... I can give it to you little by little, next time I will hand over I have more nails ... "

"You think you are not mine, but I think you are already mine, because anyway, you will not belong to other people, but may belong to Li Dao." Li Dao embraced An Nanxiu, the little girl in his arms, It will always belong to him, and he believes it.

"Self-righteousness." An Nanxiu snorted proudly, but the soft body was lying softly in his arms, the corners of her mouth outlined a sweet arc. She liked Li Dao to say such things with her, and she liked to eat white sugar popsicles with An Nanxiu. Similarly, the girl's lovely ears cannot refuse the honey that her favorite boy feeds her ears.

The hot evening wind was blown into the room outside the window, and the two of them hugged silently. Both of them had forgotten what they were talking about with An Nam Soo. An Nam Soo leaned for a while before mentioning the original Things: "Now your vitality is not enough to call this armor, but you can call it at any time after you have cultivated to the corresponding level, but I want to remind you that I told you that it is a The conscious higher life armor is separated from the body. "

"That is to say, it still has a master, it belongs to another god?" Lee is not a stupid person. In this sentence, Lee did not understand the meaning in the original. When Annan brought it up again, Lee knew it. The problem is.

"Not necessarily a god." Annan nodded and shook her head.

"Not necessarily a priest?" Li Rong looked at her in doubt, wasn't only the priest able to condense the armor of life?

"If I still have the comprehensive strength of the original Great Sage Wizard, I can check the information of this armor clearly, even how it was born, the year of birth, what kind of evolution it has undergone, and why The reason has been stripped out and become an independent individual ... you can all know, but now I have no way to do it. "Anna Nanxiu was a little irritated again." Now I have no way to judge its origin. I told you that there is a double-minded theologian The magician can actually condense the armor of life, but the vitality of the magician is far from being comparable to that of the gods. Even if he is condensed, it is impossible to spend his whole life to strengthen his armor like the gods. But There are always exceptions. A fool like Su Muzhe has a nondescript armor of life. "

"This one seems to be much stronger than Su Muzhe." Since Su Muzhe will be forced to drive this one, it is naturally stronger than Su Muzhe.

"This is nature. I mean, the owner of this armor of life must be a person who has been trained to a very high level of divine magic and apprenticeship, otherwise she does not have enough vitality to condense the armor of this level of life, and at the same time she There wasn't enough mental power to separate a ray of consciousness and let the armor of life have its own soul. "Annanx squinted her eyes and thought of something.

"Now that the Buddha has a master, why does she have to be my armor, and she has to be my master?" Li Rong asked strangely. Obviously, this armor of life is precious enough. I don't know how much effort was spent on the original master.

"I don't know about this, maybe it's a legacy?" Annan Soo thought about it, "There is a possibility that your mother is dead, and you have always thought that you are your own mother. This is actually this life. Armor. Changing looks is a breeze for a human life armor. She follows your mother ’s death and cannot take care of you like an ordinary mother, but still appears before you from time to time. Until today, according to you Mother ’s request, you can no longer need to take care of her, she will be your mother ’s last legacy, and the most important legacy, to complete all of her original owner ’s request. You must know that the summoned beast may have a like show A stupid such as Xiu has no awareness of the true relationship between him and his master, but has created a self-conscious armor of life. There is no doubt about the loyalty of the master. It is impossible to betray the original master. With the passage of time, the vitality gradually dissipates, and eventually disappears, and I will not find a new owner. "

Li Zhixi was shocked, only to feel a sudden contraction of his heart, and actually felt a colic that spread throughout his body—

Some readers like the kind of plot that brain supplements do not like, and then say oops, this is really boring.

I'm helpless, the warmth of my writing, can't stand you wanting ntr every day?

Has anyone ever thought that Buddha's clothes are armor? Does anyone think of this possibility that Annan Soo finally said?

No dust has settled, please do n’t make up your own mind. After all, it ’s me who wrote the book. As an officer, you can only analyze it based on what I wrote, but I have to do it according to the front, middle, and now, the most important thing is that you are difficult Determine the plot behind the layout.

Please rest assured that you do n’t want to abuse your brain, pay attention to details. If you do n’t want to read carefully, please take care of my emotions, and do n’t blame Xia Hua.

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