My Wife Is A Princess

Vol 2 Chapter 137: not human

Ma Shilong didn't investigate the Buddha's clothes, but the ten people he sent out disappeared without any trace, and even when the Buddha's clothes contacted him again, he never mentioned it, but Ma Shilong would not think that Fo Nishang did not know that he was investigating her. The attitude that seemed like Ma Shilong could not cause her some troubles anyway, made Ma Shilong tremble. He believed that if Fo Nishang felt that he could make him disappear, he Like the ten people, no trace of it disappeared.

Ma Shilong thought carefully that he would answer Li Rong ’s question, but he would not let Li Rong feel that the answer he answered did not have any practical significance at all, but even so, Li Rong seemed to feel something?

Why did Li Rong investigate the Buddha? Ma Shilong was full of doubts.

"When did she first come to you? What was the situation then?" Li Rong's tone eased, without the feeling of persecution.

Ma Shilong sensitively noticed the relaxation of this tone, which was an unconscious expression when he felt satisfied and got something useful. Ma Shilong was a bit worried about whether Li Zhifang was looking for the Buddha and the costumes. Of course, he was more certain and hoped that Li Zhifang would find the Buddha The clothes are purely asking for trouble, Ma Shilong will not remind him.

"After New Year's Day this year, I was dealing with something in this shop at that time. She came in and wanted to exchange a piece of wood for my shop, and I agreed." Ma Shilong saw Li routing staring at his eyes, not panic. He said hurriedly: "That piece of wood is not ordinary wood. It is a treasure of ancient wood fossils. It has no price."

"How do you know that piece of wood?" When Li Zhihua heard the word "Wood", Ma Shilong's tone was very understatement, but Li Zhihua immediately thought of the core of the tree of life.

"I didn't know it, it was the appraisers in the store."

"Where is the appraiser?"

"I've left Zhonghai, and I can't get in touch now." This is a fact, because the appraiser was also the person sent by Ma Shilong to investigate the Buddha's clothes, and disappeared. It can also be said that he left Zhonghai. What Ma Shilong did not say is that at the time He and the appraiser are just treating Buddha costumes as a lunatic, ancient wood fossil? Really worth it? The piece of wood was to be changed for a shop, and Ma Shilong felt a beautiful and nervous woman at the time. This kind of encounter was very interesting.

"You said, you bought a house for Fo Nei, where did you buy it?" Li Zhilai felt that Ma Shilong could not know more. If Fo Nilai caught Li Dao, Li Dao betrayed Anna Nan, then Fo Nisi We can know many things about Annan Soo, but the relationship between Buddha and Ma Shilong is certainly not as close as that of Lee Rong and Anna Soo. Ma Shilong cannot know too much about Buddha.

After Li Rong planned to ask this question, he let Ma Shilong go.

Ma Shilong also felt a little bit of Li Zhilai's intent, and quickly answered: "No. 25 typhoon shelter. She is always there."

Ma Shilong was able to affirm this, just because he sent a few people there to monitor, and these people also disappeared, then it means that Fo Nishang must have been there. As for often and not often, Ma Shilong didn't care about it, and he was misled. It doesn't matter, anyway, Lee could not find it.

"I let you go. I don't need to worry about my life being disturbed by you. Will you take revenge on An Zhishui?" Li Dawei is not a murderous man who treats human life like a must-have, killing Ma Shilong seems to be easier than ever. But even if Li did not have any trouble killing Ma Shilong, but Li did not want An Dongyang, Tang Su and An Zhishui to know that he had killed someone, Ma Jianai could not help him, but it was impossible for Li to kill Ma Shilong ’s rumors. He took Ma Shilong away from the public eye.

Ma Shilong just sneered, "I found that you like nonsense, I said no, do you believe it? I said yes, do you dare to kill me?"

Li Dao nodded, still twisting Li Dao's neck, and took him to the warehouse where Buddha's nephew put the original stone.

"You said that you have seen the Buddha's nephew split these rough stones with one palm?" Li Dawei pointed to the rough stones he helped the Buddha's nephews lay down, large and small, in rows and piles of land.

"Seeing it with my own eyes, otherwise how can I say she is not human? That is not martial art, no matter how powerful martial art, it can not replace the hammer and the cutting machine." Ma Shilong nodded and said.

"Actually ... I'm not human." Li Rongli glanced deeply at Ma Shilong.

Ma Shilong seemed to think of something. He stepped back a few steps, leaned against the wall, his eyes a little scared, and hoped that Li Dao was just nonsense.

Li Dadao cut his hands on a rough stone, and touched the stone with his palm, like a tofu cut with a kitchen knife. A stone fell, exposing the green inner stone.

"It seems to be a good emerald." Li Dao didn't know much about these, but he also thought that it should be worth a lot of money. If it was a gambling stone, Fo Nishang made a sigh ... Li Dao sighed and left the piece Emerald, "Can sell a lot of money, but it's not mine."

"You ... you ... you and the Buddha costumes ..." Ma Shilong finally woke up, and Li Rong looked for Buddha costumes, because they are the same kind of people!

"I can do the things that Buddha's Seduction can do." Li Rongcheng was not afraid to brag in front of Ma Shilong. Mostly, Ma Shilong had no chance to confirm. "I don't kill you today, but I have the same ability as Buddha's Seduction. Let You disappear as silently as those people. "

Li Rong is far from the mysterious and powerful coercion that Ma Shilong can bring to Ma Shilong, but it is because of this that Ma Shilong is more clear that he cannot provoke him. As long as Ma Shilong does not provoke him, he does not have any interest in negotiating Ma Shilong. .

Lee Route is different. Lee Route will stare at Ma Shilong. If Ma Shilong does something, even if Lee Route misunderstands, Lee Route may make Ma Shilong disappear ... Now Ma Shilong believes that Lee Route is by no means naive, Li The man that Route thinks is to protect the things he wants to protect. If Ma Shilong dares to provoked Route Lee in these areas, he will definitely be dead.

Li did not know about Ma Shilong's current psychological activities, but he was not assured that such a threat would allow Ma Shilong to completely eliminate the thought of revenge. Li Luo took hold of Ma Shilong's neck and input a vitality.

Ma Shilong instinctively resisted, his heartbeat almost stopped, thinking that Li Rong was going to shoot himself, but he felt that vitality penetrated into his lower body, and at that moment, he could feel the existence of the lower body.

"In this position, you can't cure even the best doctor. But I can, as long as you are good, you can play with your man and woman in the future." Li Rong gave a stick first, and then lost the carrot.

Ma Shilong knows that he should be patient for a while now, at least he must find out the details of the route, Ma Shilong will not make the same mistake a second time.

Leaving the store, Ma Shilong stood on the street. If he passed away, he wanted to touch his mobile phone, but he felt Li Rong's gun in his pocket. Ma Shilong looked at Li Rong's unguarded back. There was an impulse at that moment. .

"You can't kill me with a gun," Li said, turning to Ma Shilong.

"Look at my mobile phone." Ma Shilong's hand was trembling a bit, he took out his own phone, there were a lot of numbers, but none of them was important. Ma Shilong wasn't surprised that the entire China Sea was **** by him because of his Ma Shilong. When he went away and became confused, the underground boxing he was running couldn't get on the platform, and the Ma family didn't care much. How could Ma Shilong's subordinates be in contact with the important people of the Ma family? The news is still being passed on, but Ma Shilong has been regained his freedom, and he decides to suppress this matter.

Li Rong also looked at his mobile phone. Only Aunt Tang made several phone calls. Li Rong quickly called to Aunt Tang.

"Lee, what's the matter with you?" Aunt Tang had apparently received a report from Zhao Meng, anxious and angry, and disappointed. She did not expect that Lee would try to solve the problem with violence.

"I let Ma Shilong go, and he promised me that this matter was fine and that it wouldn't harass Zhishui." Li Deng quickly explained that since Aunt Tang cares about him, he can't take others' concerns seriously.

"How does it have anything to do with Zhishui? This is ... isn't it you going to find him? What is it about the shop?" Aunt Tang eased a little, because she felt that there might be some inside information, so she forced Li to make a decision. The crazy behavior in Zhao Meng's mouth.

"He insults Zhishui, and I can't stand it." Li Ronglai is not perfunctory. He did not seek Ma Shilong for this reason, but it was for this reason that he stubbornly attacked Ma Shilong.

"Young and vigorous ... Where are you now? Are you okay?" Aunt Tang was silent on the other side of the phone. She understood that An Dongyang and Li Zhiluo had many similarities in their mentality towards An Zhishui, such as being intolerable Others insulted An Zhishui ... though I knew that Lee could call over so calmly, there was nothing, Aunt Tang asked.

"It's okay. Aunt Tang, I'll hang up first, and I'll explain it to you. I ..." Li Rong paused. "Aunt Tang, believe your vision, I won't let you down."

"If I'm really disappointed, I won't make this call, I'm just angry ... it's too messy."

Li Daoli and Aunt Tang said a few words. He knew that Aunt Tang didn't like Ma Shilong's son-in-law. The key is that Li Daoli did not rely on her name or made something that was as boring as those sons. Otherwise, Aunt Tang who regarded him as an ordinary big boy must not stand it.

Li Rang hangs up the phone. Although some headaches, Ma Shilong will not get in trouble, but he will definitely get the news. He will explain the situation today with Aunt Tang. An Dongyang will definitely take the opportunity to think that this is Li Another evidence that Route could not associate with his daughter.

Leaving aside these things, Li Rong did not know if he should go to the Buddha costume now. He could investigate the Buddha costume, because Ma Shilong could not threaten him, but the Buddha costume was different. Li Route was not clear about the strength of the Buddha costume. However, it is quite possible that Fo Nishang is very clear about the strength of Li Rong and An Nanxiu. In this case, Li Rong cannot be impulsive.

Should you contact Qiao Niannu? Li Rong couldn't decide--

Third, ask for a red ticket.

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