My Wife Is A Princess

Vol 2 Chapter 114: help

Annan's eyelashes didn't look denser than ordinary people's, but there were more in number, and her eyes looked softer and brighter, especially bright and dark.

The eyelashes trembled gently at this time, but like a small brush, brushed gently on Li's heart.

Li Ling kissed her forehead, her eyebrows, her eyelashes, and carefully stroked her earlobe, letting her body tremble gently, and then bit her nose.

"Your saliva smells bad." Annan Soo couldn't help repeating this sentence over and over again, opened her eyes and glanced at Li Dao, and closed her eyes again, hoping Li Dao continued.

An Nanxiu's lips exuded a warm fragrance, which attracted Li Dao and let him get closer.

The ringtone of the cell phone rang at this time, and both of them were startled, opened their eyes and looked at each other, and Annan turned to watch TV.

Li Rong quickly groped with the phone in one hand, because Anna Nanxiu turned his back to him, but still pillowed his arm and held him in his arms.

"You forgot to call me." Li Banzhuang complained unhappy.

Li Rong quickly cut off the phone, and Li Banzhuang was shocked that the elder brother actually hung up his own phone, and then saw the elder brother calling again, his lips flapped, and he waited for ten seconds to answer.

"Time is not up yet," Li Rong explained with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Li Banzhuang accepted the explanation, otherwise she would wait all the time, or she wouldn't call up early. Actually, it wasn't because her brother had forgotten it, but she was bored.

"Watching TV with Annam Soo." Lee Rong looked down at the quiet Annam Soo, and she glanced back at Lee Rong. There was no emotion in her eyes, as if two people had almost kissed just now.

"She must be lying in your arms." Li Banzhuang hummed jealously.

Li Rong smiled and did not deny it. Anna Nanxiu hummed, but did not pay attention to let Li Banzhuang over there.

"Today ’s military camp hosted a welcome show. They were amazing. I was scared to see it. I don't think anyone dared to break the discipline." Li Banzhuang felt scared after thinking about it. They were too cruel, with a brick on their head. Then, hit the brick with a hammer, and bend the steel spear with the throat against the steel spear. What makes Li Banzhuang's body soft is that a soldier took a brick and patted his head with 20 bricks. His head was bleeding when he was blocking, but he stood there and finished shooting the remaining five pieces. His blood was still standing upright. After returning to the team, he remained motionless and waited for the show to finish.

"Anyway, I won't really ask you to do the same as them. The purpose of military training is to allow everyone to integrate into university life as soon as possible. The conditions of the school are always worse than at home. After training in the barracks, you will not feel that the school is worse than at home. Li. It is clear to the public that there are few freshmen who can persist in complaining to their families for a week.

"I'm okay. I've heard some people call home saying they don't want to go to school, and another one asked dad to come to the barracks to pick her up." Li Banzhuang lowered her voice again. "There is also a girl who has a boyfriend and talks. So numb. "

"Pu Gao also engages in underground relationships, and the university campus is free." Li Rong laughed, thinking that his sister should not be so surprised. The senior executives in the park are no longer strict, but the social atmosphere is so, junior high school students feel that their peers are in love. Already.

"And the boys came to talk to me. They were mature, stable, and socially experienced, but I thought it was funny." Li Banzhuang's ears sharpened, but unfortunately he couldn't see the expression on his brother's side.

"My worry is right. The charm of plum is irresistible. I don't blame the boys. If it were me, I would pretend to be very mature and very stable. It ’s not strange. Lee is not surprised. There is no such thing. Strange, so do not be jealous and do not meet the needs of my sister.

"Hate, who do you want to say, so courageous, I will come and warn him tomorrow, dare to pay attention to plums!" Li Banzhuang was dissatisfied, and then lowered his voice to learn how to speak in a rough voice. A bit like.

"Come here right away," Li Rong said with a smile.

"Come in my dream, I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted today." Li Banzhuang and his brother were satisfied after a conversation, and he urged: "No sleeping with Annan Soo."

Hanging up the phone, Anna Nanxiu took a look at Li Rong, she could hear clearly.

Interrupted by the phone, the two went to watch TV as if the incident of kissing just now had not happened. Lee did not care about An Nam Soo's physical data, and An Nam Soo didn't have to know Lee ’s data.

"How's the training of vitality cohesion?" Annan asked.

"When I encounter a bottleneck, I always feel that the vitality is condensed outside the body, but there is no way to compress it into substance." Li Rongzhi knew that this was almost the key to qualitative change.

Annan stood up and threw the square bronze box in the center of the living room. This set of armored lees passed through before.

"Gods armor and weapons are very important to the gods. If they are stripped, they will basically be discarded. Recondensing will be more difficult than first condensing." Annan Soo told Lee to open the box, "You know How old was the master of this set of sacred armor?

"How do I know?" Li Rong didn't know this. He only knew that the deity was unlucky. This was the booty of An Nanxiu, which was naturally stripped by An Nanxiu.

"At the age of eighteen, although it is not as fast as Su Muzhe, it is also very fast among the gods." Annan Soo said objectively, but this was not a compliment.

"It's a pity that people are also geniuses. When they meet even more great geniuses, they die." Li Rong really feels sorry, because of the existence of Annan Soo, many of the people who should have been dazzling in Tianyun's realm have become Dimmed, unfortunately like the owner of this armor, it became a teaching material directly.

"What kind of genius? Only with the help of a great sage wizard, can I be so quick." Annan Soo's cheeks were red.

"How to help?" Annan Soo is also a great sage magician, but now it ’s a little less authentic, and Lee Rongdo remembers that Annan Soo said that she can help Lee Dou another way, because the "Ladder of God" There is no way to translate the classics, you must use another method.

"First of all, you have to remember that a great sage theologian who has the pride of being a theologian and clearly understands the identity of the theologian can never do this kind of thing." Annan Soo actually said that, It means Annan Soo will never provide that kind of help.

Li nodded his head and said that he understands it, and he is a little bit slanderous. Since this kind of help will not be provided, why is it specifically mentioned? But he still wanted to know how it helped.

"This is also a taboo law of the shrine, so when I was on a study tour, I captured the wizard and killed the **** by the way ?? She is no longer qualified to be called a wizard The respect of the wizard, he even honored himself and gave up his body, even at the cost of betraying the temple. "An Nanxiu was full of contradictions, was he really doing something he could not accept?

"So serious? You still don't need to help me." Li Rong shook his head.

"I didn't say I want to help you. Are you so scared of death?" An Nam Soo was very angry, he moved the idea, and he refused. Although An Nam Soo didn't have the psychological barrier to serve the customer, at least he had the idea. It's not easy.

"I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want you to violate the taboo laws of the temple." Li Rong still shook his head, his expression is very determined. In practice, he generally obeys Annan Xiuyan, because he has never considered himself to be clever in his studies. There is no need to show anything in the face of absolute authority such as Annan Soo, but this time, Annan will not accept the help of Annan Soo.

"I violated it, not you." Annan Soo said quietly, looking into his eyes.

"So it's even more reluctant. The attendant officials should work hard for Her Royal Highness, but shouldn't let Her Royal Highness take risks." Li Daoxi gently embraced Anna Nanxiu. He already understood it in Anna Nanxiu's words. The temple in the mouth is very powerful. The ancestral seat of the temple is at least on par with the empress of the Tianyun Empire, and may even be a bit higher in name. It seems that the theologian of the entire Tianyun **** realm is under the jurisdiction of the temple, and can even be killed directly. Any great sage theologian, like the medieval Holy See, engages in religious oppression everywhere.

The status of the shrine is aloof, otherwise hostile empires can't let the heirs of their own country study in it, just like Lilith of the Nanhu Empire in the junior Royal Academy and Annanxiu of the Tianyun Empire are classmates.

Such a force, of course, Lee did not want Annan Soo to offend. Even if Annan Soo was on the earth, sooner or later, she would return to the Heavenly Cloud God Realm and deal with the temple.

"In fact, there is nothing remarkable about the shrine." Annan Soo said with a small mouth.

"That is of course. After Princess Xiu defeated the shrine ancestors, then trample on their taboo laws." Li Rong looked down and smelled the scent of her body. When she said that, she felt like she had pinned her pride and hope. brother.

"Sooner or later." Annan had no way of knowing who was more powerful, Her Majesty and the Apostle of the Shrine, but she was sure that even if she violated the taboo laws of the Shrine, the Shrine would put pressure on the Tianyun Empire. Sanctions on Annan? This is just a joke.

What can restrain Annan is actually herself, she is willing, nothing is a problem, she is not willing, and nothing can be done.

"But I'm curious. What exactly is the method of the great sage wizard in your mouth for the gods to quickly condense the armor?" Li Rong also wanted to know something, otherwise, An Nanxiu suddenly helped him. To--

First and third, red ticket

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