My Wife Is A Princess

Vol 3 Chapter 396: Girls in the sewer

Annan Soo did not intentionally hide her trace, so Li Lisi followed Xiu Xiu's breath, all the way to the sea near Zhonghai.

Huge clouds are still in the sky, like dormant beasts. It seems that they can burst out amazing power at any time. Sunlight leaks in from far away, scorching the dark clouds of Phnom Penh, and towering buildings. In the end, it spread to the city's margins, and from time to time, roaring flying vehicles passed quickly in the sky. Lilith looked at all of this, and her sword as thin as a cicada wing turned into a pink fingernail.

"It turned out that this is a city in a different world, a highly sophisticated non-theistic production system, a unique social culture, and a unique civilization. The old antiques should really be taken a look at. This world deserves our attention as a strategic base. "Li Lisi squinted her long and narrow eyes, and a thin mole in the corner suddenly bloomed, forming a hollow crystal swan that flashed." The death of so many powerful people last time was too much for the Empire. Heavy, I can only do it all alone, if there is no way to talk to her, I'm afraid I don't have to go back. "

Lilith sighed to herself, sighing, and was about to rush into this strange city in a different world, suddenly vigilant.

"Annan Xiu is a cunning guy. She has been in this world for a long time. Maybe the entire city has been occupied by her. I rushed in ... just now she didn't ask, probably just wanted to relax my vigilance." Lilith sneered, "When I'm a fool, will I be fooled?" [

So Lilith stopped and looked at the city ahead.

Lilith did not rush into the city. She cruised the nearby sea every day and watched the large and small ships wandering. Although she felt that she could easily defeat these ships, she could still move forward without the array. She was very interested in the ships, especially one night, she now had a ship printed with the word "Marine Police" and fought another tall ship. Some people used very powerful mechanized weapons, which was full of The lethal voice made Li Lisi more careful. Maybe these people were the ones that Annan sent to pursue her trail.

"Unfortunately, the information returned by Paris is not complete. I must be cautious." Li Lisi was not discouraged. She moved away from those areas with many police officers and came near a half-mountain island.

Lilith has n’t eaten for a long time. Although this is not a big problem as an imperial priest, she has been exhausted and needs to eat something to alleviate this problem.

Lilith came to the seaside, and now a little girl is sitting on the reef, singing while eating a creamy pastry.

"Cerro Riccer ..."

Lilith has never heard such an unpleasant and unclear song. Sure enough, although the creatures of this world exhibited different ordinary technologies, their low biological characteristics have determined that they have reached a very high level in the field of music. .

"Child, give me half of what you eat." Li Lisi emerged from the water, looked around, and said.

"No ... this is for Xiu Xiu ... Xiu Xiu!" Said the little girl stuttering.

"What is Xiu Xiu?" Li Lisi did not expect that she was rejected.

"Xiuxiu ... Xiuxiu is just as sweet ... all crabs!"

crab? Li Lisi remembered the crab of Annan Su, and he was vigilant, this must be a trap! Maybe there is some poison in these foods. With Annan's personality, she will definitely do it.

"Wanting to poison my body with poison, making me weak, so that I can continue to humiliate you? Would I be so easily fooled?" Li Lisi immediately jumped into the water and left far away, grateful for her quick response, otherwise If she could escape in the hands of Annan, she would be humiliated by her.

A few days later, Lilith decided to sneak into the city, because she has found that this city, like the major cities of the South Lake Empire, has a very large and complex sewer system, which can infiltrate into the city from the sewer.

Annan Soo's mental power is very strong, as long as she does not exude an unusually strong vitality, Annan Soo will definitely show herself.

Lilith looked at the dark, dirty water, and the stinking smell of the sky, and she looked stunned.

"Sure enough, Annan Soo even laid poison in the sewer!" Li Lisi stained her fingernails with the black water analysis, and immediately concluded that the magician who specializes in the poison of the South Lake Empire can also make such a complex and complex composition. Changeable poison.

"She actually used the entire sewer to lay out poison ... Anna Nanxiu was indeed more toxic than her character. She would definitely do this while using dirty water as a cover while flooding various chronic poisons. If I accidentally inhale these venoms, Or eroded the skin, maybe it will leave the mark she needs, let her show me. "Li Lisi carefully analyzed, and then entered the dark world along the edge of the sewer.

Li Lisi doesn't worry that An Nam Soo is presenting herself in the sewer. An Nam Soo always thinks she is as noble as a god, how can she come to this place? Annan Xiu will only calculate the possibility that Li Lisi will enter the sewer, and arrange the poison. [

"On how smart a person is, as long as there is something in her personality, she can't be perfect." Li Lisi concluded that the sewer was the biggest weakness of An Nanxiu's perfect control of the city and Li Lis' biggest breakthrough.

Li Lisi flew in the sewers, and within half a day, he drew a map of the city's sewers. Of course, the sewers in this city are not as complete as the underground world in the large cities of the South Lake Empire. Many places Liz arrived by all means.

Even so, Lilith was still not poisoned with the slightest sewer, but she was an imperial priest and couldn't even do this.

In this way, more than ten days have passed and Lilith is still in the sewer. Lilis is not in a hurry. The so-called revenge of the gods is not too late ... The gods are not the same as the wizards. It is not so easily affected, and because the magician requires the purity of spiritual power, if there are any obstacles affecting the mood in the magician's heart, it must be broken, but the gods are not necessary. It is also so-called to revenge after a hundred years.

Li Lisi has been waiting for the opportunity of revenge, after so many years, Li Lisi has learned to wait impatiently. She is very clear that people like Annan do not have to defeat her by herself. Seeing her defeated, An Nanxiu herself would feel the humiliation and pain at the side. By that time, as long as she smiled beside him, it would be enough to make An Nanxiu feel anguish.

Rao is so determined, Li Lisi still yearns for the world outside the sewer, and she often hides near the inlet of the sewer to peer into this world.

Dirty poisonous water, almost no vitality air, and marginal stench all made her miserable. Although this is also an exercise, it does not mean that she likes it here.

So Lilith finally left the sewer one day in the dark and walked a few steps near the entrance to the sewer. She carefully converged on her vitality ... She had a thing called a camera far away, these things The city is monitored almost everywhere.

After the cameras appeared, Li Lisi felt that she had found a way for Annan Soo to control the city. These are the cameras. Annan Soo must be monitored by these ubiquitous cameras. As long as she is not exposed to these cameras, Annan Soo herself The probability will be very small.

Because there are many cameras, there are not many exits that Li Lisi can choose to go out. On a few occasions, even ordinary humans have revealed themselves, but ordinary humans in this world do not seem to have much curiosity. They never approach Li Lisi. I will not look at her more, occasionally give pointers, and leave quickly, for fear of causing any trouble.

Li Lisi knows that this gesture is called indifference, and often in Nanhu Empire, you can see such indifferent eyes, indifferent to everything around you.

Lilith doesn't mind, she doesn't need the enthusiasm or welcome gesture of these lower creatures, because that often means disappearance, Lilith thinks so.

"Hey ... why are you sleeping here? It's dangerous."

Li Lisi woke up. She is now in an inaccessible park. Depending on the situation, it seems that she intends to demolish it for other uses, so basically no one, even the camera is turned off. Li Lisi was at ease leading to it. Sleep on the sewer mouth of the small lake in the park.

She was so nervous, so exhausted, coupled with not eating for too long, and spending a lot of life to avoid contaminating the filthy water everywhere, she fell asleep like this and was not even aware of being approached.

Li Lisi's vitality is hidden very well, she let her breath completely converge, looks like ordinary people, so Li Lisi does not panic when she wakes up.

But Li Lisi immediately became vigilant, because the person in front of him had very pure vitality, at least above the king level.

It was the second time Li Dawei saw this little girl sleeping near the sewer. After he saw her for the first time, she went into the sewer. At that time, Li Dawei thought that it was a naughty child who used it as a hide-and-seek place. .

Today I saw again that she actually slept by the sewer mouth, and accidentally fell into the lake. It was very dangerous. Li Rong looked carefully at her dirty clothes and the stench from her body. Can't help but have pity. Where is this poor child hiding in hide and seek? She is homeless at all and regards the sewer as her own shelter.

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