My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1488: Yuanying cultivation

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"It's still not enough." Chu Yi seemed heroic and arrogant, but he knew in his heart that no matter how much he did, even if he killed all the fairy kings, as long as there was a high-level fairy king, they would be finished.

He has read a lot of information in the Dream World. A high-level fairy king is extremely terrible, especially the gray man, who seems to be the second elder of Yutianmen.

Such a position is enough for him to obtain many core inheritance of Yutianmen.

Even if there are more low-level fairy kings, they will not be afraid. The general low-level fairy kings can't help them, and the wilderness won't hide their heads.

"A high-order fairy king, who went to Sun Star, is very mysterious. Even if it splits, it does not manifest its real power, but it still causes headaches."

"He got there, it was hard to receive the signal."

"So, deal with the remaining ones first."

"The **** corpse and the skin sac are together. The two men are very strong. The **** corpse has crossed the Six Dao Xianhe River and the skin sac has crossed the Five Dao Xianhe River."

"Bone Skeleton Wang Ze is with the Dark Giants, and they are all four river fairy kings, slightly better."

"But if it's one, it's a headache when the two join forces."

Chu Yi has just entered the pinnacle of supreme supremacy. He is quite different from those of the top 20 asterisks in the Star Wars.

The main ones are the Famen and weapons.

Chu Yi has already tried his best to learn from the advanced method, but the time is too urgent.

It's just about Famen, he can still use Kendo to make up, but in terms of weapons, there is really no way.

Universiade didn't have any weapons passed down at all, and the sword in his hand was only a weapon forged in this world, which was far from the outside world.

"Fortunately, those fairy kings who came in only took one or two things, and they couldn't take more."

He looked up into the distance and did not intend to go back.

"Now that the two fairy kings are dead, they shouldn't be able to know in a short time, so we can only kill now, how much can be killed." The sword bug jumped up and jumped on Chu Yi's shoulder.

"I have a hunch that there is a bad future." Chu Yi murmured, the existence of the high-level fairy king has always been a hurdle that cannot be crossed.

Whether it is him, or lack of.


Zhu Bajie patted Chu Yi's shoulder and patted his chest again. His eyes flickered, and he was extremely confident.

"Where are the bone skeleton king and the dark giant now?" Chu Yi asked.

Soon, Yan Huang heard the news.

"They are still in the God's Dojo, and they want to find some inheritance from the Universiade. There are many more elixir there, which is useful for their injury recovery, but the two fairy kings were only slightly injured."


Chu Yi said goodbye to Qin Zheng and embarked on a journey.

Ji Dao Xian disappeared, and Huang and Xie Wushuang could not appear. They could be like this, but Chu Yi could not.

In the vast universe, only he attacked alone, but fortunately, there were pig bajie and sword worm.

"Our mysterious realm also hides all kinds of dangerous places. If we want to kill these fairy kings, we also have a chance."

"Fighting for a short period of time is too much for me, unable to fight the enemy, try to outsmart."


In the heavenly dojo, the sky is gray, it seems that this piece of land is about to break, and a large piece of magma erupts from the ground.

As for the ground, it is full of cracks.

All living creatures here are fleeing, but this is the collapse of a whole continent and there is nowhere to escape.

"Morphs are like ants, and do not become fairy kings, even the supreme, they are easy to die, except for those special supreme."

A white bone skeleton, walking in magma, he looked at many creatures screaming, but did not shoot.

The dark giant rumbling walked, his ears were huge, and he continued to incite and curled up the flames.

"This continent is quite terrifying, and it can make the Universiade finally break here. It must be extraordinary. If it came before us, it might still have endless years. Now it collapses. There should be some genius and treasure inside the continent. Perhaps There are treasures left by the Universiade."

"Unfortunately, the magma is shining, there are many flames, and the mainland is wide, which limits our spirituality and makes it difficult to radiate out."



"Skeleton, where there is Xiancao, once swallowed, our sensitivity to treasures will increase within a period of time, a good opportunity, this kind of fairy grass rarely appears, which shows that there are really treasures on this continent "The dark giant made a dull voice.

It's just that the two were about to go, but they saw a figure around Xunxiancao. The figure looked very panic, surrounded by flames. He couldn't care about anything else and swallowed Xunxiancao directly.

The Dark Giant and the Bone Skeleton King were a bit helpless.

They walked over, and the dark giant caught the young man directly.

Chu Yi panicked and said in his mouth: "Gods, two gods came into the world, thank you for saving Caomin."

He burst into tears and panicked.

The dark giant's face was stiff, carved like a rock after another.

"You originally broke our good deeds, we are going to kill you, but you ate Xunxiancao and we saved your life, then you follow us and find treasures for us on this continent."

"Xun Xiancao, what? Is it the Xiancao I just ate?" Chu Yi stood on the palm of the dark giant, his face confused.

The Bone Skeleton King smiled, but he had no skin, and the upper and lower rows of teeth collided together.

"You don't have to worry about it, you just have to walk instinctively. We will guarantee your safety no matter where you go."

"Xie Shenling, Xie Shenling!" Chu Yi bowed quickly.

"The two gods, this is a little heart, it is a special product of my hometown, and it is dedicated to two people."

The dark giant swept away and saw that Chu Yi had only some low-level elixir in his hands, and could not help but sneer.

But seeing his face is sincere and honest, he didn't care.

"No." He shook his head and placed Chu Yi on the ground. Chu Yi walked through this collapsing world under the protection of the two.

"Two gods, thank you for your life-saving grace. I will definitely build a temple for you this time." Chu Yi walked together, but he couldn't help but look back.

All these actions fell in the eyes of the dark giant and the bone skeleton king, and they seemed extremely sincere.

The two saw that Chu Yi only had the status of Yuanying, and he was not alert.


Chu Yi shined on him, he seemed to find something, and went to the same place.

The dark giant easily lifted the rock of 10,000 tons, and saw a spirit grass covered with seven leaves below.

"Bai Muye, it's not bad. Healing the small world, skeleton, if your injury is serious, I will give it to you first."

"Good luck, I can find a spirit grass so quickly."

This level of magic medicine is not in their eyes, but after all, in this world, they do not bring much medicine at all, they can only rely on these elixir to speed up their recovery.

After the bone skeleton king swallowed, he looked at Chu Yi: "After you swallowed Xunxian grass, it seems to have a good effect, which means that your Yuanying is stronger than the average person."

"Dare to ask seniors, what is the law of Yuanying?" Chu Yi quickly asked for advice.

Yuan Ying’s method is too few, and it is extremely difficult to practice. Although he has the secret of hiding the moon, but this is an invincible method, the starting point is very high.

But fairyland does not have a basic framework for Yuanying cultivation.

If the foundation is not good, then the effect of the cultivation of the moon cover will be worse.

And this bone-skeleton king specializes in Yuanying. His body only has a skeleton, but there is only a humanoid Yuanying under his head.

All his small worlds, Daofu, Shenqiao, Supreme Heart Sea, and Immortal River are all among Yuan infants, which is different from the general cultivation path.

Chu Yi took the opportunity to ask.

Bone Skeleton King came to nothing and looked at Chu Yi sincerely, saying: "For the Yuanying cultivation method, the universe has never had a unified conclusion."

"But one thing is certain, that is, to separate Yuan Ying from cultivation."

"Why should Yuanying be regarded as Yuanying, it is clearly shaped, and it simulates the flesh. Since it is so, the flesh can be cultivated, why can't Yuanying be."

"The flesh has five internal organs and six internal organs, and there is a small world of Poseidon Bridge. Yuanying can also be cultivated separately."

"Like my Yuanying, there is everything in the general monk's body, of course, this is because of special circumstances, but the rest of the monks can also completely divide Yuanying into several parts and slowly temper them without the need to quench them all at once. Refining."

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