My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1474: Local lord

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

There are countless stars circulating, like a small universe, with various celestial bodies.

The terror is so desperate that it is crushed into the dream world in an instant.

The sky turned upside down, and the entire void seemed to be reversed. The sky was the earth, the earth was the sky, the universe was reversed, and the yin and yang were reversed.

No one could move, and his eyes were horrified.

No one thought that the Lord of the Dust will really do it at this time. You must know that the Cosmos Administration attaches great importance to the title of Supreme. These are the mainstays of the future universe. If even these talents are not properly protected, they will be It's ironic that the Immortal Lord killed at will, especially when he was banned.

But Mo Yutian is challenging this authority, even at all costs.

"Lord Dust Master, stop!"

The big dream beast snorted, and the energy of the whole big dream world was madly gathered.


Mo Yutian's eyes are like vast stars, and a galaxy flows out of his right eye. Looking closely, every flickering sand and dust is composed of stars, just strangely shaped, all over the inscriptions.

This galaxy violently collided with the Dream World, the rocks were flying in the sky, and one ripple after another was enough to easily kill the strong king level fairy.

"The big dream world is far from being able to prevent this seat from killing."

A star descended from the sky and rolled towards Chu Yi. Chu Yi's pupil shrunk, and he felt his life was in danger.

This blow, not only his mind, even the deity will be implicated.

"Is this the Immortal Lord? It's just a piece of star sand in the endless galaxy that splashed out during the fight against the Dream World and killed me." Chu Yi was horrified. Today he saw the means of the Immortal Lord.

Even if the opponent is less powerful than him in creating kendo, his understanding of kendo is refreshing to him.

Immortal Lord, dominated by heaven and earth, awe-inspiring, extinguished all realms.

Just when Chu Yi wanted to exert his full strength to resist the opponent's blow and let this body be destroyed as soon as possible--

Suddenly, a huge stone mountain descended from the sky and stood in front of Chu Yi.

The stars smashed on the stone mountain, flying sand and rocks, crushing the void, and in the end, both were destroyed.

In front of Chu Yi, a very short figure appeared.

"Grandpa?" Chu Yi stunned. He looked at the Grandpa, his brain was not enough.

"The only one who can fight against the fairy lord is the fairy lord. I have overestimated his strength as much as possible. I didn't expect this person to be a fairy lord of Sanyuan Holy Mountain."

Chu Yi's heart shook, but he had long known that Di Ye was a master. Judging from his talk and some inadvertent news, at least the status of Sanyuan Holy Mountain was not simple.

Even the relationship with the Universiade was good, but Chu Yi did not dare to gamble.

He can only see the truth inside when he stays outside. Once more and more forces are involved, the water becomes muddy.

The void exploded like a cannon.

Big Dream Realm slowly recovered, but in the distance, Mo Yutian's complexion was already gloomy.

"Earth Immortal Lord, are you going to stop this block from killing people?"

But the latter is not afraid.

Di Ye sits on a pole with his fingers holding his beard, and smiles wryly: "Mo Yutian, what are you shouting at me, the old man is not afraid of you, if you are an old bone coming today, you still have this qualification, as for you?"

"But I grew up watching you. I still have a picture of you when I was a kid. Would you like to show it to everyone!"

Looking at the appearance of the little old man, the crowd was breathing again.

"My god, this immense old man is the lord of the earth element?"

"Shimu, you pit us, your grandfather is here, and you didn't even say a word."

"Fat trough, I have scolded him, he stole my big dream coin last time."

Several monks who had a good relationship with Shi Mu were shocked.

No one can imagine that a fairy master has always been by their side. How free is this.

"Grandpa Grandpa wouldn't let me say that." Shi Mu touched the back of his head.

A monk of the Xian family said, "If it is the lord of the Earth Yuan, then the life of King Chu Yan is preserved today."

"The Lord of the Earth Yuan has lived too long, and can even be comparable to several Peak Lords. Speaking, the Lord of the Dust is indeed grown under his eyelids. The relationship between the Sanyuan Holy Mountain and the Mo Family was Very good, but unfortunately..."

He paused halfway through the speech and stopped speaking, because taboo was involved.

However, the Diyuanxianzhu is indeed a strong man who is rarely qualified to teach the Mojia lord.

As for the old bones in his mouth, it is the ancestor of the Mo family's ancestors.

"Earth lord, don't get too much." Mo Yutian warned.

However, he was observing the other person's expression at the same time, and he should not know Chu Yi's identity. Otherwise, with this strange old man's attitude, it is absolutely impossible to do so, fearing that he will be desperate with himself.

In fact, until now, Mo Yutian could not determine Chu Yi's identity. The other party obviously knew something, but he couldn't be 100% sure, but when it came to the Universiade, even if there was a trace of doubt, he would wipe it out.

"It's really sad. You called me grandpa in those days, but now you call me celestial lord. I call you Xiaotiantian." Daye regretted.

Chu Yi almost spurted out old blood, and the old man's choking ability would not be much weaker than him.

Especially the grandfather's generation is too high, and it can really crush the other party's curse.

"Uncle Di, look at this younger generation, it's too rude to us, how should we deal with it?" Chu Yi looked up with a mean look.


Everyone was spurting blood, which was too intrusive.

At that time, the Lord of the Dust and Dust called the Master Dianyuan "Grandfather", but the Supreme Master Yan Luo immediately called the Lord Uncle to the Earth, wasn't it clear that he would take advantage of the Lord Dust.

Di Ye is covered with black lines. If he is not protecting this kid, I am afraid that he will unite Mo Yutian and beat him up. This is awful, it is a typical representative of death.

Mo Yutian's face was already black and he couldn't be any darker. As an immortal lord, it was a shame for him to eat deflated again and again here.

It is a pity that Mo Yutian knows that there is an old fellow of the land lord Immortal, and I am afraid I can't take another shot today.

"It's not humiliating. Today, I will visit Sanyuan Holy Mountain in person in the coming day."

"Earth Master, since you are here, the law of this seat is not suitable for Yan Luo Supreme, then this seat will inform the elders and let you teach on behalf of this seat."

Mo Yutian gave Chu Yi a fierce look, and then his figure dissipated in the sky.

Chu Yi was relieved inwardly.

"Mo Yutian is not easy to mess with this person, don't underestimate him." Earth Lord warned with narrowed eyes.

Chu Yi bowed his hand and said: "The younger generation understands that without a palace and scheming, how could it be possible to sit at the head of the Mo family? Be my watch."

"Grandpa assured, I will not be deceived by him."

Earth Master was surprised: "I didn't expect you to understand, sometimes I really doubt whether you are the reincarnation of an old fox."

"But you are right, the strong level of the Immortal Lord will not be so easily affected. They are all dominated by one side, which is terrible. What you see is only what they let you see."

"But boy, who the **** are you?!"

Suddenly, Master Di asked sternly, "I was watching Mo Yutian grow up. I know his character. His behavior this time has seriously violated the regulations of the Universe Authority. The loss of his shot will be huge."

"Mo Yutian will not make such a move for a supreme purpose."

Chu Yi touched his face and shyly said: "Maybe he has coveted me."

"Get out!"

Di Ye didn't hit one place, only felt that this kid was shameless, so beaten.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, Brother Chu's shameless look, has the style you were back then." Shi Mu advised.


Di Ye flipped his eyes and kicked off the grandson he didn't know how many generations.

He exhaled and said, "Forget it, everyone has a secret. Since you don't say it, then I won't ask, but if you want me to rescue you next time, you have to be paid accordingly."

Chu Yi was also entangled in his heart. The sword worm repeatedly reminded him that this matter was of great importance. They could not believe others easily.

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