My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1465: Lead the wolf into the room

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Come to the big dream world, King Chu Yan is so terrible that he wants to kill a lot, he has already killed a lot of people, and now he is about to break into Mo's mansion."

"The frost sky wolf is dead, and the body is dead."

"Come on!"

A piece of news spread that it is clear that such a major event has rarely happened in the entire universe, causing a lot of shock to everyone.

"Since ancient times, there will be a wave of people who appear to be extremely strong. If he can retreat from the Mo family this time, and want to achieve his future achievements, at least it will be the asterisk supreme."

Di Ye followed Chu Yi and exclaimed.

"Grandpa Grandpa doesn't seem to be optimistic about him." Shi Mu asked.

Di Ye shook his head and said: "If it is a general fairy family, maybe he can escape this robbery, or even be able to defeat the other party, but this time, it is the barren hill family, why only four of them can achieve the peak power, It stands to reason that they stand for endless years."

"A pinnacle prince is enough to change everything, you can hardly imagine, I am now one step away from pinnacle prince, but this step, I feel that the gap between mortal and celestial lord is even greater, I can not see pinnacle celestial. The threshold of the Lord."

"Although the peak fairy lord is a fairy lord, but I feel that it has surpassed the realm of the fairy lord, but it is not in the fairy emperor. It should be a special situation in this middle."

"The four families, the horror heritage, all rely on the pinnacle of the lord, their vision is too high, far beyond me, so the four families have only one veto in the Universe Administration."

"Mo family..."

Di Ye sighed, even if the Sanyuan Holy Mountain is even stronger, it is among the best in the Xianjia forces, but it will definitely not be the opponent of the Mo family.

The four major families, especially the Mo family, are extremely deep, and they are vaguely signs of the Universiade.

"Isn't Brother Chu very dangerous?"

"The people of the Mo family will never let him go. With the preparation of the Mo family, even if you don't want that invincible method, I'm afraid you will kill Brother Chu." Shi Mu frowned.

"So I said that as long as he insisted for a while, I would rescue him. Of course, if he didn't come within my expected time, then he would die." Lord Ye laughed.

Shi Mu has persuaded him, but he also knows that these immortals have their own tempers, how can they say save.

If Chu Yi does not show his true value and the vast universe, he is like a dust. With this battle, it will completely end and disappear.

"Little friend, welcome to my Mo family in the barren hills." At the entrance of the Mo family mansion, the majestic, jade-carved facade has a fierce and evil spirit.

He came down from the door, with dozens of knives in his back, his face covered with mysterious patterns, and a ghost fire on his feet.

"The rest of the people stopped, there was a command above, only King Chu Yan could enter, otherwise, the door of my Mo family would not open." The fierce **** said evilly.

"It can't be opened yet, then it will blast away!" The dark flame demon chuckled, and he pulled up sharply, and the dark flames formed a sharp bayonet and attacked the gate.

The fierce **** did not stop, but backed aside, not thinking.


The attack of the Dark Flame Demon descended on the gate, then screamed, and was directly fluttered, landing on four feet, and his body was black.

Chu Yi's face narrowed.

"This gate is made by the elders of my family using Shennian. Elder Mo is the immortal master. If I don't open the door, you won't be able to enter at all."

The fierce **** looked at Chu Yi with a grin and said, "Chu Yan Wang, either, you enter alone, or wait outside the door, wait slowly, and wait until our adults are in the mood to go out, and see you again."

Everyone suddenly realized that the Mo family wanted to close the door and beat the dog. No one helped Chu Yan to go in. I was afraid that there would be a lot of evil, but if I didn't enter, it would be a loss of prestige. I'm afraid that many of the previous performances would disappear.

To obtain the title of title of supreme title, not only strength, but also superman's first-class record, many supremes have been accumulated over several years before they can be awarded the title.

"It depends on how Chu Yan chose. Without helpers, he broke into the Mo family alone, which really embarrassed him."

"The Mo family made it clear that they wanted revenge."

Chu Yi paused and immediately sneered: "The Mo family is really cautious, no wonder they can become a major force."

He was ironic, but the fierce **** didn't pay attention.

Chu Yi turned back, took the sword worm off his head, and told them: "Wait here, wait, I'll come as soon as I go."

"Is it too dangerous?"

"Brother Chu, the Mo family has a deep heritage, and here is a base for them, but it is not comparable to other forces."

"They are trying to catch the turtle in the urn." Shi Mu reminded.

"Whether to catch the turtle in the urn, or to bring the wolf into the room, it may be."

He laughed three times, under the eyes of everyone, he stepped into it.

"Grandpa Grandpa..." Shimu said anxiously.

"Don't care, when the time comes, I will naturally go in. If he is still alive, I will save him. If he is dead, then he will die."

"He is too fierce. If he is brave, he will only become a **** of others in the future." Di Ye was calm.

Everyone regrets that they still want to take a look at the battle inside, but the Mo family did not give it a chance.

"Come and come, bet, big dream coins, exercises, can be used to bet."

"Chu Yan Sheng, or Mo Jiasheng?"

At the Mo family door, the voices of a few fat people sounded.

A group of people is speechless. Isn't King Chu Yan their friend? Why are these people not worried at all?

However, there are still a lot of people who go to bet and want to earn back the big dream currency they lost that year.


When Chu Yi entered, the door behind him closed automatically.

The scene inside is completely different, as if entering a cave, where the mountains and rivers are connected and the scenery is beautiful, but Chu Yi understands that this is just an illusion, but it is very clever and has few flaws.

There is a lake in front of you. The water of the lake is black and white, slowly flowing and intertwined.

On the Huxin Island, there was a shadow sitting.

"There is a guest, please!" Mo Wuwei smiled, his eyes bright, as if Chu Yi had no holidays, he stood up and waved gently, a leaf on the shore fell on the lake.

Chu Yi walked on the leaves, but was not chic.

Mo Wuwei's pupils paused and smiled: "We call this lake Black and White Lake. Black is evil, and White is good. Once we pass through this lake, our hearts are intertwined with good and evil, and chaos."

"I didn't expect that Brother Chu spent it safely, I really admired it."

Chu Yi was puzzled and said: "How come I have no chaos, maybe because I have no evil thoughts in my heart, I am a good person."


Someone snorted, and Chu Yi looked at it. Only Mo Wuwei saw himself standing up on this lake, and the rest of the people, whether young or middle-aged, were about fifteen, all sitting together. For Chu Yi The arrival of, just glanced.

Chu Yi thought: "Mo Wuwei is worthy of the asterisk supreme. He faced me and was able to treat each other with courtesy. The rest of the people, even Mo Wuqing, were far worse than him."

Chu Yi knew that Mo Wuwei wanted to get rid of himself, but the other party obviously had a good heart and knew when to disguise and when to shoot, and would not easily reveal his emotions.

The thought flashed through his heart, and then he looked at the cold-hummed man.

The man's eyes were slightly vicissitudes, sitting in the throne, obviously his status and seniority were bigger than Mo Wuwei.

"Let me introduce you." Mo Wuwei smiled, "This is the Chu Yan king who has been in the limelight recently."

"This, my second uncle Mo Yefeng, is also my biological brother Mo's invincible father."

Chu Yi nodded his attention, he knew that this person was not enough to worry about.

This Mo Yefeng's strength is not high. Otherwise, when Mo Wuwei didn't need to introduce him at all, he also mentioned Mo Wuci deliberately.

Because only this additional honor can make him appear more noble.

But Chu Yi did not care too. After all, the Mo family is the Mo family, and this person must be a master of the fairy king level.

"This is some deacon of my Mo family, they are all fairy king level, they are very interested in Brother Chu."

"A sage who came out of an era, it turned out to be nothing." Mo Yefeng didn't know why, and it was uncomfortable to see Chu Yi.

"Mo Yefeng, if it were not for you to have a good son, I'm afraid there is no place for you to sit here." Chu Yi said directly and poked at the other person's pain.

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