My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1414: Walking in all directions

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Ji Dao was immortal, and there were some surprises: "Interesting, no one has spoken this sentence for a long time, but I have to advise you that the destiny will not kill, according to my inference, even the God and Devil Ancestor can't take him The way is to make fate disappear indirectly."

"But I won't stop you. Although you and I have different methods, I also want to see."

"Daoyou, I'll take you there. Destiny's body is here with me, but the seal is okay, never turbulent."

The elder nodded indifferently, without sorrow and joy.

"I always thought that you will not be born Daoyou..." In the wilderness, the yellow sand was full of light, and the faint black smoke was circling, and the two people walked, and the black mist gave way.

The elder said: "Anyway, you are going to die, why not give it a try, maybe it will leave you with some experience and clues."

"The Yanhuang family is really amazing. In the war between the Taikoo years and the following battles, the ancient and modern times, even the Immortal Realm was broken down and divided into 36 realms. The Taiyin Sun Star was split."

"That was the time when Heaven Road was about to be sealed by the fate of heaven. You Yan Clan, but there are so many strong powers of the fairy king level, it is really terrible."

"Then I fought my life and suppressed some of Destiny's body."

Ji Dao Xian sighed very much. He witnessed that period of time with his own eyes, and even their celestial conscience did not reach such glory, but even so, the Yan and Huang clan still fell, and in the end there was only one big elder who continued to breathe.

And this also strengthens the thought of Ji Dao Xian, destiny, really can't kill.

The elder elder listened silently and did not answer.

Instead, Ji Dao Xian is more and more interested: "You came not from the deity, no, to be precise, just a part of the deity, I am curious, what are you going to do, so confident to kill the destiny?"

The elder said: "Destiny has been sealed for many years. I didn't believe that he would always be strong. At least his strength was also lost. And he was sealed separately. Every part is separated, and the strength is not strong. The reason why we were not His opponent did not absorb the turbid gas, and in the realm of the fairy king, there was no fairy spirit."

Ji Dao Xian still wants to listen, but they have arrived, and the elders no longer speak.

The yellow sand depression, the vast land in front, is all rolling sand. Countless quicksands flow toward the center. At the deepest point, it seems that there are extremely terrible sounds after another.

"I don't know this place, it was suppressed by a master in the age of the gods and demon. The master left a seal, but he was nowhere to be seen." Ji Dao Xian explained.

"The Yanhuangs, the elders?" Suddenly, the quicksands of that vast land surged wildly, forming a giant monster similar to a starfish.

"What are you doing here?"

The elder sat down cross-legged, the wind blew, and a lot of yellow sand was caught in his robe.

"kill you."


"Daoyou, I haven't seen you for a long time." In the hall of the ghosts, the figure of the elder walked in slowly.

The old eyes looked at the lonely emperor in the center, rarely showing a trace of sympathy or pity.


The Lone Emperor seemed to notice that someone was coming and slowly raised his head.

How tragic this once strong man is now, there is no trace of flesh on his huge head, like a skull wrapped in a leather.

"Fate, come out, if you don't come out, I can't talk to him." The elder said calmly.

"Ji Jie... The great elders of the Yanhuang people, I haven't seen them for a long time. I think you will die shortly. Why, do you want to say goodbye to your old friends."

A tentacle reached out and invaded into the body of the lonely emperor, seemingly did not mind helping.

The other tentacle is far away from the elder.

"Daoyou..." The lonely king made a hoarse voice alone.

The elder nodded and said, "I haven't lived long. I was seriously injured by the fate of that year. Anyway, I was going to die. I came here to try it.

"Are you going to kill me?" Tentacle smiled weirdly.

The elders ignored him, but looked at the alone.

"I help you, anyway, I have difficulty suppressing him, and this guy will break the seal soon."

Tentacle laughed loudly: "The lonely emperor alone, you want to help him kill me? It's ridiculous, once you exert your last power, if you don't kill me, I can get out of it immediately."

"It's just the last stroke." The Lone Emperor laughed alone, although his teeth were rotten, his face pulled, like a puppet.

"Sons and grandchildren have their own grandchildren, and I believe in them."

"And if the elders plan to move forward, if they are not sure, even if they die, they will not let their bones be buried outside, and stay in the Yanhuang family, wouldn't it be of greater benefit to future generations."

The elder elder was very calm. His eyes flicked over a post, and then sat cross-legged.


Above the evil earth, the figure of the Great Elder walked between heaven and earth.

He has seen this piece of land with his eyes. This was once the place where the Yan and Huang tribes fought for battle. Later, in several eras, it has become a land of sin. Although it has been restored, there is no longer the prosperity at that time.

He was speechless all the way to a deep abyss and jumped down.

In the middle of the **** world, the elders stood up.

"Emperor Soul..."

"The elders of the Yanhuang family, do you really want to make up your mind? Here I can still seal for thousands of years, but once opened, I will be in trouble."

The elder smiled slightly: "Thousands of years, almost."

"Now that you think about it, I won't stop you, Dzang Wang. After I disappear completely, take my eyes away."

"Yes, Senior." The king of Tibet was sad, but he silently retreated aside.

"Do you have any way to tell me to listen, and I will try my best to cooperate with you, anyway, I'm already a dead person." Soul Yuan Emperor's laughter spread throughout the land of condemnation.

Ten small coffins are scattered in a small room below the ground.

The figure of the elder bowed slightly to the monk who was sweeping the floor.

"You leave. After today, you don't have to come over. By the way, all the monks in the temple are dismissed."

"Yes." The sweeping monk nodded silently.

The elder looked back and saw the nine coffins about to move, the coffin lid trembling violently.

"Great compassion and religious Buddha..." The elder whispered, his palm rested on the central coffin. Inside, a relic shone with golden light, and then broke open the coffin and planted in the void.

Sprouting, flowering...

Soon, a golden lotus bloomed, and the rhizomes spread throughout the room.

A lotus seed fell in the hands of the elder.

The elders watched for a moment, handed the lotus seeds to the sweeping monk, and instructed: "Bring this lotus seed to a place where the mountains and rivers are clean and clean. Don't break the inheritance of the relic Buddha."

On the Dragon Corpse Island, a group of dragons silently watched the back of the elder.

He stood under a waterfall, which suddenly stopped, and then turned into a dragon soul.

One person, one dragon, no words, just nodded to each other.

The dragon corpse island fluttered, and the dragons left with tears in their eyes. From a distance, the whole island seemed to stretch out and transform into a true dragon shape.

Then the real dragon began to sink into the seabed.

Yanhuang Realm, once the land of the Yanhuang Nationality, on the back of the stone mountain, with piles of rubble, statues, radiant, just like the heroic heroes before the battle.

The elder went down all the way, and finally came to the open space that belonged to him.

His limbs disappeared, leaving only his head and body. He floated over and sat on the stone floor.

Below, there seems to be something looming.

"You Yan and Huang clan suppressed my endless years, but now I can't wait, I want to see, how do you kill me?" There came a roaring voice from the underground.

"When I'm born, I will eat your Yan and Huang clan one by one, make their eyeballs into my jewelry, and hang their hearts on my waist."

Below, there are countless sounds that can only be heard by the elders.

The elder elder didn't answer, there was no one in the mountains, there was no clan sound, and even a bird didn't appear.

The statues of the years and the messy gravel, only a gust of wind blew through, carrying the freezing cold of the severe winter.

The stream beside it froze, and from the mountain down, clusters of ice flowers bloomed, pale and desolate.

Occasionally, stones rolled down, empty and echoed.

"The last one left." The elder looked at the sky and to the heavenly court.

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