My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1402: Peerless weapon

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The two big stars, even if they are refined to become smaller, can still be as large as the moon, with countless secret patterns intertwined and connected to each other.

In the center of the two stars, an eye emerged, which was made of a part of Soul Yuan Emperor's eyes, and then filled with other substances, so it became a muzzle.

The muzzle was tightly closed and never opened, but if there was any chill, it was enough to shock.

The hearts of everyone were horrified, and the Dark Flame Demon shuddered, and his heart was timid.

When the muzzle opened, it was a strong man who fell.

Chu Yi opened his mouth, it is still difficult to imagine, there will be such an exaggerated fairy artifact, you know, every peak supreme, almost all after years of hard work, reached the ultimate, there are a variety of life-saving means.

Even if he and Tianzi and others reach the summit, they may not be able to leave the rest of the summit.

And this star cannon, as long as it is not immortal, will definitely die.

"Peerless weapon!" Qingyou elder stood here cheeky, showing a smile.

During this time, he has gained a lot here, and his natural mood is also good.

"This star cannon, with the resources in our hands, can fire a total of thirty times."

"Thirty times, it represents the fall of thirty peak and supreme supreme."

"It's terrible to think about it. You once said that there is a magistrate in heaven, who controls the time, but in front of this cannon, it has no effect."

"Xuanji's fake immortal can't stop it at all. This is a big killer. It's hard to resist non-celestial beings. I really didn't expect that there are such terrible crafts in the world, which exceeds my cognition. There are several fields. Can be forged."

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Although the fairy world is changing with each passing day, our planet is the one that changes the fastest. From the production of the star cannon, there are countless new methods of growth, whether it is deduction, painting, or forging, all because of this star. The artillery has advanced our level by at least tens of thousands of years."

Qing Emperor asked, "Chu, do you want to fire a shot?"


"No! It's a waste!"

Chu Yi shook his head quickly, although he wanted to try it himself, but the price was too heavy, how much resources would be wasted under this gun.

There are only thirty opportunities for the four realms on earth, plus the gods and gods, Dingtian Palace, and Chu Yi’s own wealth.

"This star cannon needs some monks who are proficient in formation to start, not too many, as long as there are dozens of people. Brother Huang, I will trouble you." Chu Yi said.

Huang Yushu nodded happily, even he couldn't wait any longer, and he was very excited.

Chu Yi looked at the sky, and everyone was watching him.

There is a feeling of faintness, maybe the time is running out.

"Go, go to heaven."

Can't wait any longer, he must be slashed before Tingtian transforms into a new life, otherwise, with Tingtian's perverted means, maybe he will be able to take another step forward in the future and cross the second Xianhe, and arrive At that time, no one could stop him.

What's more, nowadays the seals in various places are loose, and the fate is over there.

No one speaks when the wind blows.

This day has finally arrived, the sword refers to heaven!


In Xitian Temple, the Great Mi Buddha is chanting. He faced tens of thousands of golden Buddha statues, and the beads in his hands kept turning.

Numerous statues of Buddha seem to come alive, the truth is manifested, illuminating the entire Xitian Temple.

The sound of the chanting is very gentle at first, but later, it gets faster and faster, more and more hurried, like the violent wind and the rain is coming, the whole main hall wind, various candles are flying, it is really gorgeous.


Suddenly, the bead in the hand of the Great Mi Buddha broke, and Guru rolled to the ground.

His voice came to an abrupt halt, and immediately after that, the golden Buddha statues also stopped chanting.

Thousands of Buddha statues all opened their eyes and looked in the far direction.

The Great Mi Buddha turned his head to look around, and seemed to see a huge city flying at a very fast speed in the vast universe, breaking through for nine days and ten days.

"Shenmao City!"

The city is so grim, there are many pillars of gods and spirits that suppress everything, making it impossible to see the situation in the city.

"Great Buddha... did you find it?"

"Shenmaocheng is born!"

Suddenly, an illusory figure appeared in the Xitian Temple, and then the Demon Lord and the Nine Cloud God also came out.

At the moment, the two men had no confrontation, but instead looked anxious.

"I have a bad hunch."


"Not good! Over there, it seems that many chaotic creatures have also disappeared!" After a while, many supremes immediately got the news.

"There was also a change in Dingtian Palace, and Bai Di was gone."

"Someone saw the Lord of Nine Nethers leave with Nine Nether Rivers!"

The Great Mi Buddha was shocked.

"This is to go to war, Yan Luo supreme them, dare to go to war with heaven, is it crazy?"

"Shouldn't it..." Some supreme murmured, unspeakable.

"I'm afraid it really is. Such a movement. If you are not fighting against the heavens, then you are also with us. Obviously, the direction of the Shenmo City is not here."

"Fight against heaven!"

Everyone was horrified for a while, what the heavens were, they didn't even know, even a trace of news.

However, only those who come down from the heavenly court can know that the entire heavenly court is already so powerful.

They secretly discovered from ancient books, from the ancient to the ancient, sometimes, some days suddenly disappeared, and even a strong race disappeared.

It is now confirmed that he was taken to heaven.

How terrible this is. Heavenly Court has collected geniuses from several eras, plus a fairy king sitting in town, it is absolutely difficult to overcome.

"Crazy, now that there is a mystery outside, Yan Luo Supreme chose to go to war at this time!"

"This time, no matter what, there must be a big defeat, which is very unfavorable to my fairyland, and this side is almost certainly Yan Luo Supreme."

"Go walk!"

"We follow..."

They can't sit still at all, nor can they stay here all the time.

"Master, the war has begun." Ming Zhe smiled. "Sure enough, as the Master expected, Yan Luo Zhizun will fight in a short time."

In the dark, Ji Dao Xian smiled: "It is exactly what I want, they will not care about our mysteries as soon as they start the war, you will take the opportunity to steal some strong bodies, and monitor the situation by the way. I want to know the specifics of both sides. Fighting power."

"Yes, Master." Mingzhe smiled and left.

"It's finally war."

In a void, Xie Wushuang sat cross-legged, his breath faint, he looked away, his eyes full of smiles.

"It's almost what we expected, and I don't know who will live or die in this battle."


In the center of Xie Wushuang's palms, countless blacks stretched out, intertwined continuously, like a fast thread, staring into the distance.

"As soon as they go, the earth is empty."

"Everyone's eyes will be placed on Heavenly Court and Supreme Master Yan Luo."

"No one will notice us." The black thread laughed lowly.


"Long biomass." The black thread gazed at the earth.

"When we found it, the elders of the Yanhuang people have been on the earth, and we are not good at shooting."

"Even now the Yanhuangs have left, but the old guy must still pay attention to it."

"I don't believe it. In this war, at a critical moment, his elder will still be so calm?"

"Waiting for that moment is our time."

"First get the long biomass, then go to Kunxu Cave and take the dead substance."

Xie Wushuang grinned: "Congratulations to the master."

Shenmo City, walking through the void, Chu Yi stood on a pillar of God Demon. Behind him, there was a mist in the City of God Demon, even the fairy king, could not watch.

"Tianting, Tingtian!"

"All the hatred finally has a day to end."

Chu Yi stood proudly.

"Supreme Yan Luo, come here to narrate." At this moment, a misty voice resounded.

"Xie Wushuang!"

Chu Yi suddenly looked up and saw a fragment in the void, Xie Wushuang was smiling at himself.

Xie Wushuang is very peaceful, with his hands on his back: "Don't be nervous. Although you and I are enemies, today, we are not enemies. We have a common purpose, and we hope that the heaven will be destroyed."

"So, I don't mind giving you more information about Heavenly Court, I hope it will be useful to you."

"Don't worry, I'm really not here to make trouble."

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