My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1089: Sword Devil Buddha

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"God Demon Church..." Chu Yi was stunned, but did not expect that he had all returned to the earth, and he could still meet the people of God Demon Church.

However, the gods and demon religions have always been mysterious and continuously developed, and no one knows how many forces there are.

"Dare to ask the number of your ancestors?" Chu Yi asked.

"Evil Dove Immortal Venerable!" Long Yu Wang Xianglu proud, although they were born in the corpse world, but did not break the lineage, know their identity.

"It turned out to be him..." Chu Yi murmured, he heard a little, this is a casual repair, notorious, and was also famous in the fairy world.

However, the evil dove immortal venerable did not enter the reincarnation well when Dashou was approaching.

"Evil Dove Immortal Venerable, killing countless people, was wanted by most of the Immortal Realm at that time, and then disappeared. Unexpectedly, it was the person of the gods and demons, and he did not expect that he escaped to the earth." Chu Yi smiled.

The gods, demons, and gods are mixed, and there are those who are wicked and unforgiving, as well as those who are holy and great.

"Husband, why don't you talk to him so much, he destroyed my son and killed him directly, even if it was the monk of Xitian Temple."

Taixian Taoist's voice was sharp, Liu Liu's eyebrows stood upright.

"I am the **** and demon leader, you can't kill me." Chu Yi smiled and said amazingly.

The dragon feather king was startled, and immediately sneered, but the expression changed again in the next second, because Chu Yi really turned into a brand of the leader, like a rising cloud of smoke, that the brand of the demon slowly circulated, directly Dissolved the war demon array behind him.

The husband and wife looked at the past in shock, and saw the relics around Chu Yi, and the relics flew over, turning into golden Buddha statues, but the immortal imprint was so real, reflecting the void, giving them the idea of ​​surrender.


"No!" Taixian Daoren couldn't believe it, "How could you be a **** and demon leader, husband, don't believe him? If he is a **** and demon leader, then there must be more than just the devil's brand, but there is a leader token. ."

"Yes, the leader token!" After the Dragon King's heart was shocked, calmness was restored.

According to the ancient books left by the ancestors, the **** and demon religion is an existence comparable to the top forces. Among them, the token of the **** and deity leader is the supreme authority.

"This is trouble, those two old guys, but they didn't give me a token." Chu Yi touched his head.

"You don't have a token, maybe it's counterfeit. Although the probability is very low, it is still possible."

The Taixian Taoist stepped forward, her long hair flying, full of murderous.


Inside this manor, all buildings suddenly disappeared into powder, leaving only a wasteland.

Those rich businessmen have been completely paralyzed and can't say a word. What's more, even if they are all **** and urine, if Chu Yi protects them, I'm afraid this group of people will die long ago.

"It's too irritable, the earth can't stand you so destroyed."

Chu Yi smiled, "Where do you come from, please go back again, Earth, with me in town, it's not your turn to talk about things."

"I don't know if the sky is high and the ground thick, I really think that our corpse world is not as good as the fairy world?"

"There are countless geniuses in the place of origin. It really needs to be compared with Immortal World. Speaking of the proportion of geniuses, Immortal World is afraid to lose."

The Taixian Taoist smiled, Lian Bu moved slightly, and all the hair fell down, which turned into a colorful snake snake in the sky. Every snake python seemed to bring a world with it, roaring and flourishing.

"Even if it's the gods and demon religions, we are located in the place of origin, after occupying the earth, and capturing the long biomass, the gods and demon religions must bow down and claim their titles."

The colorful snake python covered the sky and sun, and swallowed colorful poisonous fog, flooding the sky and the ground.

Here, it seemed to be purgatory, and every flower and grass turned into a fierce, and the gravel quickly turned into a giant, the surface flipped, and even a devil came out of it.

This is illusion and killing.

Both true and false, can kill people.

However, Chu Yi looked at the terrifying attack, and at this moment, he didn't even move his eyes.

He has already achieved psychic powers, even if the other party is the peak of psychic powers, it is impossible to kill him.

In particular, this Taixian Taoist is good at illusion killing array. For Chu Yi, who is proficient in sword array, it is not difficult to break it.

He flexed his fingers, and his index finger fell gently on the demon sword. In an instant, the surrounding air became extremely cold.

From the demon sword, a gust of wind was rolled up, which turned into a demon and a ghost, filled with aura.

Countless demons, armed with sword lights, have three heads and six arms, and some have the first beast, like a long snake, like a demon, all rushed out in a flash.

It didn’t take long for those colorful snakes and pythons, as well as the extended fantasy world, to be torn apart, and the world regained its clarity.

Chu Yi sadly said: "Hey, my leader is really suffocating. He was chased by the gods and demons in the fairy world. On the earth, he still needs to be chased by the gods and demons..."

Long Yu Wang frowned slightly: "Your talent is good, the strength is strong, I am afraid it is the genius in the so-called total list."

"I am not a genius, but also a genius in the corpse world. I don't know how it compares with the genius in the fairy world.

"Madam, let me do it. We are the first time we met, from the fairyland."

After the King Longyu finished speaking, he opened his eyes again above his horns.


In the void, it seemed that two lightning bolts were struck, the air was cut, the space was twisted, and it had reached the edge of fragmentation.

Above his head, the fairy was twisted into a crown.

In his right hand, the endless dragon pattern galloped, and the dragon gas spread out, and the sound of dragon chanting came.

"It's a place of origin. You really don't lose to the top gang of immortals."

Chu Yi marveled, he could feel the terror energy escaping from the other party's body surface.

The number of creatures in the four worlds is not as strong as the fairy world, but I am afraid that the true top masters are more terrifying than the **** son Buddha and others.

After all, this is the place of origin and contains all possibilities.

However, the more he is, the more excited he is.

He has defeated the genius of his peers in the fairy world, unless the older generation's shot, otherwise he is invincible.

But now, he saw hope on the earth, the battle in his body was burning, and the fighting intention was in his eyes.

"I heard that after killing the leader, I became the leader." Long Yuwang said word by word.

Chu Yi touched his nose: "Unexpectedly, this vice was actually passed down."

"I may be the most sad reminder in history."


The Longyu King did not despise, even if Chu Yi had just entered the **** of communication, but he knew that since the other party had the brand of the **** and demon, the absolute status was extraordinary. Such genius cannot be measured by common sense.

In a word, the air condensed all within a thousand miles.

Their figure changed and appeared directly above the Pacific Ocean.

The dragon feather king stood, and the sea water rushed to the sky one by one. What is more strange is that there is an endless flow of magma flames in the sea water.

"Flame World!"

This is the inner world of Dacheng, the pinnacle of the gods, the twelve-party world is completely formed, and the power of the mature world is bred.

At this moment, seawater is no longer water but fire.

The air, the flying birds in the sky, and the distant islands have all become flame creatures.

Tongshen Pinnacle has been able to control part of the power of heaven and earth, turning this heaven and earth into its own realm.


The Dragon Feather Taoist exudes flames like a **** of flames.

He whispered, banged, and the endless flames turned into a huge spear. Most of the Pacific Ocean seemed to be turned over.

The flame spear pierced Chu Yi with a huge wave of tens of thousands of meters.

This is terrifying. Most of the earth seems to be shaking. Many humans on many continents have seen this devastating scene.

This is still because of the imprisonment of the earth, otherwise this move, I am afraid that a galaxy will burst.

However, in the face of this trick, Chu Yi laughed excitedly.

"Old friend, can you still fight?"

The Demon Sword is buzzing, and the sword is screaming.

"The sword cuts through the chaos, the river is turned upside down, and the Buddha overwhelms the world."

"Sword! Demon! Buddha!"

Slashing the Demon Sword violently roared like a giant devil.

The devil's body was flooded with sword light, and he was surrounded by relics.

This is a weird combination that seems to violate the world and the concept of sentient beings.

The Buddha and the demon blended, holding a long sword and chopping the sky.

The terrible blow split the vast waves, turned the yin and yang, and fell the sun and the moon.

The water vapor in the Pacific is rolling into endless clouds and spreading across the globe.

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