My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1074: Is **** or demon

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Old Man Gu Tian's breathing also became rapid, and it was only then that he remembered why he was somewhat familiar with this person.

"Mr. Chu Yan, he is the real owner of Qian Yan Villa who has disappeared for seven or eight years."

When Chu Yi became famous, he was nothing but a general, and even Chu Yi had never seen him, so he didn't remember it for a while.

"The times are different..." Old Gu Tian suddenly said, "Although he is very powerful, he is not a person on the black list after all, even the black list is already the existence of a god, not to mention, in those new worlds There are many more terrifying creatures, a king of Chu Yan, who can no longer turn up too much storm."

"Even, the group of people in the Twelve Temples, after knowing that King Chu Yan is still alive, I am afraid he will come to China to cut him."

However, Shen Ru aside, but still indifferent.

"Wait, we don't have to rush, first find out the strength of this Chu Yan king."

He has already achieved the state of planting Tao, and he is quite confident, but he is facing Chu Yi because Yu Wei at that time was somewhat dazed.

Wind and rain.

"Teacher Chu..."

"Teacher, let's take a look at Mr. Dong... He doesn't seem to work anymore."

Guo Feifei wiped away her tears. She kept trying to stop the blood on Dong Guohao's body. But the wound was left by the innate environment, and it was not cured by ordinary healing techniques.

Chu Yi did not hurry and walked to the crowd. He looked at Dong Guohao, a little sighed.

I did not expect that those people who were timid and afraid to bully people would have such a side.

He was about to squat down, but he heard a roaring sound behind him. A rain like a bullet hit the back of Chu Yi's head.

"Be careful!"

Cried subconsciously.

But I saw Chu Yi slightly tilted his head, the water drop passed by, and fell into the night.

At the next moment, everyone was horrified to find that a teaching building collapsed into ruins.

Kaka Kaka!

Immediately afterwards, a huge crack appeared on the ground through which the water drops passed.

Everyone's eyes were horrified, and all shivered.

Is this still rain? It is clearly more terrifying than missiles. In the face of such an existence, ordinary people have no room to fight back.

"Huh? Your luck is so good that you escaped my attack."

Senil was a little surprised.

"However, you have delayed me a lot of time, and I won't be able to explain to the boss when I go back."


He waved his hand and suddenly behind him, dozens of people in black took out their submachine guns one by one and aimed at Chu Yi's group.

The black muzzle seemed to spit out the smell of death.

"Trouble...When did so many ants on Earth dare to point the gun at me?"

Chu Yi, holding a black umbrella, put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the crowd.


Sinier frowned and ordered.

At the next moment, countless gunshots sounded, and the dense sparks penetrated the rain, and it was extremely dazzling in the night.

Tan Yu and others held their breaths, the scars clenched their heads.

In the distant luxury car, Shen Ru frowned.

For a moment, those dense gunshots suddenly disappeared, and then everyone saw that countless bullets stopped around Chu Yi, and Chu Yi walked among the bullets.

Everything seems to be still.

Sinier's eyes narrowed: "It turns out to be a fellow Chinese, who is your Excellency, and sign up for the name."

"The person you can't afford." Chu Yi said indifferently.

In this way, he stepped forward.

Sinier laughed wildly: "There are many people I can't afford, but you are definitely not included."

He breathed violently with his mouth, his stomach swelled, and then screamed out. The horrible sound waves, like a violent wind and a huge wave, swept all the rain, forming a huge tornado, and roared towards Chu Yi.

"Sinier's strength is good. Over the years, he has made punches with his own efforts." Shen Ru praised.

Gu Tian also nodded. He hoped that the other party's move would kill Chu Yi.

However, as if nothing has changed, Gu Tian was shocked to find that the water tornado, which was so horrible enough to kill himself, stopped just half a meter away from Chu Yi, just like those bullets.

Even, Chu Yi did not change the route at all.

He walked forward holding the black umbrella, and the water tornado automatically split from the middle, forming a passage.

This scene shocked everyone.

"How can it be!"

Sinier was stunned. In the storm, Chu Yi threw his hands in his hands and supported the umbrella in one hand. His eyes were indifferent, and he came step by step.

Those winds made his clothes hunt, and the rain wet his shoes.

However, the bullets and the horrific attack of Sinier, but there is no way to take the other side.


"I do not believe!"

Sinail shouted frantically, and the men beside him, like tigers, with weapons in their hands, rushed away.

Among them, there is no shortage of guru or even congenital existence.

But all these people stopped halfway, unable to move, only a pair of eyes, revealing a terrified look.

"What's the matter?" Old Gutian shivered violently, looking at this incredible scene.

"Sure enough, it's still so powerful." Shen Ru's heart seemed to be pierced severely, with cold sweat on his forehead.

At this time, Sinier's eyes were dull. He continued to use various means of attack. However, to Chu Yi's side, everything was fixed.

"Do not!"

"You can't kill me, I'm from the Twelve Temples."

"Moreover, this matter already has a contract with your upper Chinese executives. If you kill me, it will be contrary to the Chinese intention."

Sinier could no longer remain calm and shouted in horror.

"What about that?" Chu Yi smiled, but this smile made Sinier very chilled.

Suddenly he found that his hands and feet were weak, his limbs were soft, and his whole body could not be used, so he was paralyzed on the ground.

"Do you think the law is useful to me?" Chu Yi closed his umbrella, and everyone suddenly found out that the rain had stopped.

Sinier watched as the other side took the umbrella and took a poke towards the position of his heart. In an instant, he only felt his life passing by quickly, losing consciousness in extreme panic.

After everything was done, Chu Yi held up the umbrella, and it began to rain again.

Everyone was stunned, staring blankly at this scene, even Chu Yi's students felt incredible.

He put away his umbrella and the rain stopped.

He held up the umbrella and it rained.

He is not a person, but a god!


Chu Yi turned and walked back, the rain hit the umbrella, and the blood in Sinier's heart dripped down the umbrella.

The ticking blood beads jumped on the ground, very cheerful, but the next second, it burst out and penetrated the eyebrows of everyone in Sinier.

Boom Boom Boom!

Those people, like Domino's, kept falling down, the silence around them was even more horrifying.

Gu Tian old man opened his mouth wide, and after seeing this scene, a twig came out of his throat, as if crawling into a mouse.

Is that a human?

Clearly a demon!

No, the devil is kinder than him.

He turned his head mechanically, but suddenly found that the predecessor in the realm of Tao next to him was more terrified than himself.

Shen Ru breathed heavily, and there was no trace of blood on his face. He only felt his hands and feet cold.

Seemingly feeling the old Gu Tian's gaze, he finally recovered and then gave him a hard look.

"You are letting me die, this guy is more terrifying than he was then, even I am not his opponent!"

"He is back!"

"Some people are going to die...but we must not die first!"

"Go! Drive away for me, don't provoke this guy, tomorrow! No, now, leave Jiujiang City immediately and leave China!"

If Shen Ru is crazy, he can't wait to leave the earth.

Old Gu Tian drove quickly, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out of the alley.

They are still some distance away from the school entrance.

But not long after the car drove out, suddenly, an indifferent voice recalled around them.

"come back!"

That was the voice of King Chu Yan, and everyone shivered.


All the cars stopped, the doors were solid, and no matter how they attacked, they could not be damaged by half.

Old Gu Tian and Shen Ru looked at each other, and their eyes were full of panic, like falling into an ice cellar.

"It's over..."

The existence of a realm of truth now collapses into the seat in fright.

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