Chapter 164 Smash

Two palms collided, and one palm was carrying a rolling lightning, surrounded by Immortal Qinggong forever.

A powerful impact burst out in the collision center of the two palms, causing each palm to pop out tens of meters.

“Jiang Yuan raised his hand, and the power of rules and principles burst out and turned into a Kunpeng bathed in thunder and lightning.

Kunpeng spread its wings, split the sky at a very fast speed, and instantly hit Wu Wushou’s body.

Void Misty flew back tens of thousands of meters, and when Kunpeng attacked again, it had stopped altogether.

She stretched out her palm decisively, and a bright light shot from her palm, like a fairy flying towards Kunpeng.

boom! boom! boom! boom

When the lightning and the fairy light intersect, Kunpeng quickly becomes “Jiangyuan”, but it has Kunpeng wings on its back.

With a flap of his wings, he stabbed Shattering Void, appeared in front of Void Sorrow, and placed the fairy ring of Void Sorrow with his palm.

A terrifying thunderous explosion erupted from Jiang Yuan’s palm and hit the fairy ring.

Immortal’s ring gleamed, not broken.

The vanity of the present is much stronger than just through ordeal, so the power of constant technology has also increased by several grades.

“Jiang Yuan’s move was unsuccessful, and his body appeared in the distance in a flash.

He used the’Kunpeng Treasure’, which gave him the last speed in the world.

“What speed.”

The grief of vanity is also a bit surprised.

His speed is at the highest level among all beings in Constant Realm, but compared with Jiang Yuan, the gap is not small.

“Jiang Yuan’s hands gathered thunder and lightning and drew a circle in front of him.

A circle of lightning appeared in front of him, and a beam of thunder and lightning shot out from it, rushing towards Xu Murong at a dangerous speed.

boom! boom! boom! boom

Because the speed of the thunder beam is too fast, the illusion of nothingness has only time to release more power into the fairy ring outside the body.

At this time, the Light of Thunder had hit the fairy ring.

The light of lightning penetrated heaven and thus the earth, only to dissipate after dozens of breaths.

The Ring of Immortal still exists. Therefore, the 9 Immortal Rings on Bad Omen emit Sacred’s Immortal Light, forming a pure land, which will be fixed every once in a while.

“It’s my turn!”

Unholy Sorrow spoke, with a confident smile on her face.

She raised her hand, a brilliant celestial light radiated from her palm, and then a bow that radiated celestial light appeared in her hand.

She controlled the bow with one hand, and gathered light flying weights in the other hand to form a light flying weight combination arrow, which was placed on Immortal’s light bow.

When the light of Immortal mixed with the light of flight, she opened her bow and shot an arrow.


Flying Qinggong’s arrows showered Immortal’s Qinggong, and instantly penetrated the endless void, showing their “Jiangyuan” eternally energized kind in the void.

“Jiang Yuan” waved his wings, very fast, his body exploded in thunder and lightning.

Then he appeared 10,000 kilometers away through the void.

boom! boom! boom! boom

At the moment Jiang Yuan appeared thousands of miles away, a flying arrow of light bathed in fairy light appeared on his chest from the darkness, piercing his body in an instant.

Unparalleled power erupted from this arrow, and as a result, both Flying Qinggong and Immortal Qinggong went crazy, and finally burst out with white and black dual-color light.

“Jiang Yuan’s body exploded, and finally disappeared in trial Qinggong and Immortal Qinggong.

The seventh thunder trial was successfully conquered!

An evil smile appeared on Wushen’s face, and she thought to herself that she had defeated her master and was extremely happy.When she was on the happy side, a thunder burst from the test cloud high in the sky.

Thunder burst from the air to the ground, releasing endless lightning.

After a dozen breaths, the thunder dissipated, revealing a figure.

In addition, this is a man, very young, exuding a kind of majestic pressure that has nothing to do with anything else, and revealing a kind of self-confidence in his body.

The unquenchable sorrow was shocked when I saw this man.

Then she quickly looked at Jiang Yuan on the ridge in the distance and they smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

She once thought it was this mysterious and violent guy himself, but it turned out that it was the assistant of Nursing Sect who cheated again.

That’s right, the person under Thunder is “Jiang Yuan”! “.

The “Jiangyuan” that was transformed by the Tianfang Organization has the same appearance and temperament as Jiangyuan.

“If I can’t beat the sixty-four thousand man, I don’t think I can beat the liar given by Sect, Associate of Nursing.”

Godless wailing sounds one after another, and she once again called her Associate Doctor of Nursing bow and shot a light-stolen arrow bathed in the light of Immortal.

Under her gaze, the stolen light arrow shot through the void and instantly appeared in front of “Jiang Yuan”.

At this time, Jiang Yuan raised his paw and extended his index finger to satisfy the stolen arrow.

“Associate Professor Sect of Nursing, how dare you be so arrogant?”

Seeing this scene, Murong, who is not good at words, gritted his teeth with anger.

She had been beaten by Jiang Yuan just now. At this time, she should be forced to avenge the liar.

boom! boom! boom! boom

When Jiang Yuan’s index finger touched Feitian Qinggong’s arrow, an earth-shaking Feitian Qinggong broke out, and the Immortal Qinggong hit Jiang Yuan’s body.

“Jiang Yuan flew back tens of thousands of meters, hit a mountain, and then rolled back to the bottom of the mountain.


Seeing this, the nondescript Murong Fu showed a satisfied expression on his face and showed a frustrated expression to Jiang Yuan. They were sitting on a ridge of Otherworld.

With this action, she seems to have created an example given by Sect, associate nursing.

“This girl.”

Jiang Yuan said with a smile, crying and laughing.

However, her Heavenly Tribulation incarnation is actually not easily traumatized.

At the foot of the mountain, Jiang Yuan stood up again, golden light gathered in his hands, and a golden bow and a golden sun arrow appeared in his hands.

Then he drew his bow, shot the arrow out, and just let it go.

The golden rays of light burst, causing a Ruyi Scepter grass to appear, a kind of golden sunlight offending the unclean pain.

“To deal with arrows, who are they afraid of!”

He did not show the assistant’s weak nursing, but also fired a fleeting arrow.

A stolen light arrow bathed in Immortal stone light shot through the house and collided with the golden sunlight in the sky.

Two completely different forces clashed. As the energy continued to Nirvana, eventually every arrow became Nirvana and fell into silence.

This time, facing the arrow, the two sides are evenly matched.

“Come again!”

The godless mourning was very hostile.

She slid her bow quickly, firing countless destructive lightweight arrows in an instant.

And Jiang Yuan was not to be outdone, and shot countless golden arrows in an instant.

After that, the arrow became uncoordinated in the air, and the white light and golden light emitted continued to increase and decrease.

It is as if a firework blooms forever in the sky, it is extraordinarily beautiful, but the harmful power contained in this “firework” is enough to destroy the soul of the Lord! “.

Jiang Yuan watched the fireworks explode with a smile on his face.

I have to say that vanity is outstanding and broke the shackles during this trip to heaven.

This follower is much stronger than Jiang Yuan’s follower.

After firing tens of thousands of arrows at Jiang Yuan, Vanity also felt a little bored and tired.

She knew that each of her arrows contained amazing celestial energy and flying light, and it was easy to kill a master.

On the other hand, “Jiang Yuan” seems to be tireless, constantly shooting arrows of golden light.

“I won’t bother playing with you anymore.”

The godless sorrow checked the golden sun vector shooting at her, her voice was very cold.

She closed her eyes and made a mark with her hand, and the divine light of Immortal radiated from her body.

Around her, 9 Immortal rings appeared, blocking the golden light carrier from entering.

A moment later, ominous sorrow opened his eyes.

“The fairy roots change-the red mud fairy!”

As her crystal clear voice sounded, her aura also changed, and the fairy light from her body showed very fast.

If they used to be an associate doctor of nursing who were higher than the earth and not affected by the soil, then she is now a red mud fairy with a red earthy flavor.

“Awakened the Immortal Root Technique so soon?” Jiang Yuan, they were far away, considering this scene, a little shocked.

He had thought that before the awakening of the Immortal Root Technique, Xuxu should be forced to grow for a while, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

This also means that the time for Xiangen to return will not be too far.

When Webber, who is not good at words, feels the powerful force flowing in her body at this moment, the smile on her face is particularly bright and confident.

When she transformed and ascended earlier, a special kind of Cultivation Technique called Immortal Root Technique appeared in her mind. She was ready to use some of these Cultivation Techniques without needing to apply it specially.

She only thinks this is the natural technology of the natural fairy body, and doesn’t care too much.

“Jiang Yuan stopped archery when he saw the illusory sadness. His aura was completely different.

The bow and arrow in his hand exudes brilliant golden light, and then condenses into a knife.

This knife is exceptionally the same as Jiang Yuan’s Human Sovereign Blade.

“Are we going to see a destructive battle now?”

The crying godless man looked at the golden knife in Jiang Yuan’s hand and jumped up happily.

She stretched out her hand, and a long knife with Immortal light appeared in her hand.

The next moment, two figures passed through the void and suddenly collided in the air.

Two swords were torn apart, one glowing golden light, and the other glowing fairy light.

The two rays of light collided, producing a rapid energy impact of Nirvana, shattering the house and producing countless small black holes.

The godless sorrow still has a sly look on some childish faces.

The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Jiang Yuan.

Immortal’s Death Instant Death!

“Jiang Yuan’s body froze. After a while, countless small cracks appeared in his body, emitting an Immortal light.


Said hypocritically and sorrowfully.

Behind her, a white fairy light bloomed, and “Jiang Yuan” dissipated in that fairy light.

The eighth thunder rage has been successfully overcome.

“Come on, no matter how many thunder tribulations, I will bear it!”

The Void looked up at the visiting cloud in the sky, raised his hand and pointed the knife at the cloud, his voice was extremely confident.

In her current state as a red mud fairy, her power is stronger than her traditional state, providing her with strong confidence.

Although she is very young, she already has the appearance of a powerful woman.

Feiyun was silent for several minutes, then shrank in a crackling manner, and finally reshaped himself into a kind of person.

After Lei Yang weakened, Yun’s gender changed slightly, becoming a girl.The whole body of this girl exudes the celestial aura of the deputy head of the nursing department, which is completely different from the ominous red celestial aura, but a supreme and solemn aura.

“The change of fairy roots-the supreme fairy”.

The girl spoke, her voice terribly cold.

She looked at the unkind sorrow, her eyes made a kind of contact in the air.


Sects said angrily.

This aunt who was transformed into a thief cloud looked exactly the same as her. If the person they hadn’t caught was here, they might not be willing to tell them that this was the woman with sixty-four thousand dollars.

“The supreme immortals are strong and weak to the red mud immortals.” Jiang Yuan Universe was on the highest mountain, watching with interest the two young women who exuded completely different fairy charms.

This is the final visit to Tianzun. If she is willing to experience the unholy chagrin, then she will become the real Hengzun, and there will not be too many opponents in Tianzun Realm.

boom! boom! boom! boom

The space was shattered because of the figure of the Supreme Immortal, and the whole house was shattered.

The Supreme Immortal Cadance swallowed the world, and his figure emerged from the shattered void, surrounded by 9 Supreme Immortal rings, exuding the halo of Lenovo Nurse, which was powerful and exciting.

“Counterfeit, what can you brag about?”

Godless sorrow spoke against her heart, and once again vented her Spiritual Qi.

However, his Spiritual Qi is completely different from the Supreme Immortal. He is a similar existence and equally powerful.

The 9 red mud fairy rings outside his body were bathed in the red mud fairy light, forming a face of the red mud pure land.

The next moment, the two figures collided.

The Supreme Immortal Ring and the Red Mud Immortal Ring clashed, and the Supreme Immortal Force and the Red Mud Immortal Force clashed.

“Flying Immortal Palm!”

The hypocritical cryer shouted, raising his hand and hitting a flying fairy Qinggong.

Flying fairy Qinggong flew horizontally, hitting the supreme fairy ring, but failed to interrupt it.

The Supreme Immortal turned around and charged, and hooked another flying fairy Qinggong, which was blocked by the red mud fairy ring.

Next, Jiang Yuan used all the natural spells she knew, but her opponent also knew these spells and knocked them all back.

She fought the Supreme Immortal for a long time until she was exhausted.

“A liar, why does he monitor my every move.”

After fighting against the Supreme Immortal again, Chaklin, who was not good at words, spoke in anger with embarrassment.

She has lost patience because she cannot defeat the Supreme Immortal in a long battle.

At this moment, her state changed back to the previous state, and she or he lost the aura of red mud.

The time of the Red Mud Immortal has passed. After all, it is also a spell and cannot be maintained forever.

Taishang Laojun drew out his palm, and the power of Taishang Laojun turned into a big handprint, suppressing the ethereal sadness.

Her power seems to be infinite, she doesn’t feel tired, and is ready to maintain her highest Immortal status all the time.

The hypocritical cry was struck with every palm, and her mighty celestial power was incompatible with the huge handprints.

boom! boom! boom! boom

The Immortal power she played was destroyed, and the handprint smashed her to pieces.

Outside her body, the sun of the 9 fairy rings dimmed for a while, apparently blocking this strike, without a value.

“I am not going to witness the failure of a liar like you.”

The godless sadness checked, the Supreme Immortal had risen into the air, gritted his teeth.

She folded her hands, closed her eyes, and a dazzling fairy light radiated from her body.

A special feeling rushed to her heart. In an instant, she gave birth to many concepts and merged all the feelings and concepts into one.

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