Chapter 146

If you are facing a more powerful opponent, you naturally need to think carefully about how to recover, but at this moment when the two Sages are facing Jiang Yuan, they may have a little other consideration, but Now, there are three Sages directly appearing. In front of the increase in staff, he can say with certainty that as far as the current result is concerned, if there is not a better solution, then Jiang Yuan must be in bad luck, after all. If you want to get more benefits in such a situation, it is definitely impossible.

This also directly caused everyone’s mentality to be very bursting, and even more uncomfortable. It is undeniable that they would not be able to accept this result in their hearts. It is precisely because of this. This makes it relatively difficult for them to understand their mood. It is undeniable that if they had been before this, they would naturally not have such thoughts, but at this moment when they saw this scene, I just feel very uncomfortable from the heart. I don’t know what they said before that they can at least solve it when facing Jiang Yuan, but when they see this scene at this moment, they can be said to have a very mental state of mind. Explosion, there is no doubt that their mood has also been seriously affected. If it were not for this reason, the current one would not appear, which makes people think no. Jiang Yuan once again emphasized that it is a bit weird, and it is exactly that. because of this.

Now, when facing the three Sages in front of him, Jiang Yuan maintained a very calm expression. He did not have the slightest timidity or the slightest influence because of such a powerful opponent in front of him, because Jiang Yuan always felt that No matter how powerful they are, it will not have any impact on him. If it were before this, such an idea would naturally not appear, but at this moment when such an idea reappears, it will It didn’t make people feel a little surprised. Instead, I felt that all of this was taken for granted. It is precisely because of this that this directly led to the current result. It is undeniable that everyone can say when they see the source of the pulp at this moment. I was very surprised by getting through my heart. I didn’t expect the speaker’s words to be so powerful. When facing the three Sages, you could maintain such a calm mentality. The mentality has already been lost to Sage, if it were for them, they would have been scared of not knowing how to express their feelings in words.Daddy Tongtian has other powers. When the gods and demons saw this scene, they snorted and looked at Zhang Yuan and did not put him in one’s eyes. For the current result, they are naturally too. It is very clear that if they can, they are trying to solve the problem of the amount directly at the first time. If it comes, it will be more beneficial to them. Otherwise, the network will only bring them more. At this moment, with the passage of time, they have gradually discovered that for the current result, if they do not have a better way to solve it, it will cause them greater The trouble is precisely because of this. Now, when they see that Gangwon is facing such a strong opponent, they can still maintain such a calm mind. Everyone has their eyes bright, and he can say that from the heart. I admire them very much. They believe that as long as Jiang Yuan is given enough time, there is no doubt that no matter how powerful opponents they face, they can be solved directly. It is precisely because of this that they finally discovered that it is undeniable. One point, Jiang Yuan’s words in front of us are so powerful that it feels a bit unbelievable. When facing the three Sages, they can still be blown up. Before that, no one can imagine the idea like this. of.

As time went by, everyone gradually came to understand. It is not that he is so powerful, nor is it because of how severely he was affected, but Jiang Yuan’s words themselves have such a powerful ability, even if they are face-to-face. When facing such a result, he was able to maintain such a calm state of mind, and flee to the opposite side. When seeing this scene, how can everyone’s state of mind remain unaffected? It is undeniable. Everyone knew very well in their hearts before. As far as the current results are concerned, there is no doubt that such a strong opponent can put all their eyes on him, especially like Jiang Yuan. A powerful opponent is able to attract everyone’s attention, and it is precisely because of this that everyone understands the current words more clearly that Jiang Yuan is able to maintain such calmness without any serious influence, because he has enough of his own. With confidence, he can still maintain a relatively calm mentality when facing such a strong opponent.

The main reason is because he believes that in such a battle, he will definitely be able to gain an advantage and be able to defeat the opponent steadily. It is not for this reason, and naturally he will not have these ideas. It is precisely because of this. This has led to this result. At this moment, when everyone sees this scene, their mentality is relatively complicated because their previous impressions have always been in a relatively weak state, despite the words in between. It is a very powerful existence. But it is undeniable that when everyone sees this scene at this moment, it can be said that they agree with this point of view from the bottom of their hearts. If it were not for this reason, they would not have these complicated ideas. It is precisely because of this that they directly do not know how to face their own minds in the first place. At this moment, they finally realize the gap between themselves and Jiang Yuan, but it is more than just one. It’s just the difference above Cultivation Base.

Even in the face of the three Sages, Jiang Yuan can still maintain such a calm and powerful state, which is far beyond everyone’s expectations, and everyone sees Jiang Yuan’s gaze now. He also gradually became admired from the previous jealousy. He did not expect that Tang Yi could have such a strong strength when facing the three gods. How could this keep his mentality so calm, if he continued If this goes on, the results they want to produce can be said to be far beyond everyone’s expectations, and it is precisely because of this that this directly causes them to feel very uncomfortable now.

Jiang Yuan stood directly above all the clouds. When he saw this scene, his expression was unusually calm. He didn’t feel the slightest timidity because of the strength of the opponent, but he was seeing the opponent so strong. At the time, he snorted, because he knew very well that even though the words on the opposite side were very powerful and not wrong, it was undeniable that for him now, it was not enough to receive a very serious threat. Faced with such a powerful opponent, they have not received any severe impact, because they know very well that even now, they will not have such a terrible Wei on the powerful river. Ya, after all, Jiangling has no time to take care of their gradual changes. Anyway, they put all their eyes on those powerful opponents, because they can clearly feel the words of these three Sages. It is true that society broke out in a short period of time, and it is precisely because of this that the current result will appear, and it is undeniable that they can indeed feel their strength. Like before education, there is It made a qualitative leap, and it is precisely because of this that they can have such a huge mental contrast in their current words, directly catching up with the so terrible in front of Jiang Yuan.

Before that, these people would definitely not dare to be so happy in front of Jiang Yuan, because they knew very well that as far as the current result is concerned, it is undeniable that the power of cooling is beyond all. People’s expectation is that they have no way to deal with Jiang Yuan now, and it is precisely because of this that this directly caused their mentality to burst like this. If they were given enough time, they would naturally be able to radiate a glow. More powerful strength, but such strength is not that it can be directly condensed in a short time. Although their current words have reached Sage’s Cultivation Base, from Jiang Yuan’s point of view, their foundation is not at all. Steady, if they want to get more benefits in this situation, it seems to be absolute, and it is impossible because of this, which led to the result that they have now. If they were given enough time, they would naturally be able to achieve a state of surprise, and with such strength.

Appearing between any of them will not make people feel very abrupt. It is undeniable that the results at the moment are indeed beyond everyone’s expectations. It is also what makes everyone feel that they have been affected. A very serious impact. It is undeniable that if they are given enough time, they will naturally not suffer such an impact. It is precisely because of this that it directly leads to their current words. It would be so uncomfortable. Before this, everyone knew very clearly in their hearts that before this, Jiangwon was indeed not a particularly worthy of attention for them. They did not expect this to pass, just a few hundred years. Jiangmen has become the biggest demon king between the world and the earth, and the one that makes people feel the most deadly crisis is such a great demon. Nowadays, when facing three sages, you can fight so impressively. It feels unexpected. This is something that none of them thought of. It is precisely because of this that it made them feel that this result was something they did not expect. If they left it with enough time, they believed that Jiang Yuan was facing even more. When a strong opponent is a strong opponent, they will definitely be able to fight the opponent without any room for counterattack, and it is undeniable that they finally understand.

The words of these three powerful Sages, the reason Jiang Yuan can maintain such a calm mind in front of Jiang Yuan is because Jiang Yuan has enough ability to defeat them. Only two of the voiceprints can be recognized. Very powerful formation, and there is a violent vibration between the whole world and the earth, and in the process of directly hitting, the whole world is changing color, and the world seems to be about to burst. Generally, when you see this scene, there is no doubt that it is really It feels a bit weird, and in terms of the current results, you will feel very scary. It is undeniable that when everyone sees this scene, their mentality is also very bursting, if they are given enough time If they do, they are naturally able to achieve a result that feels very unexpected. It is precisely because of this that the current words, the result they have seen, when facing such a powerful opponent, There is no stage fright in the battle. Anyway, it is possible to fight with ease, and it does not give the opponent or the opponent the slightest chance to relax. This is far beyond everyone’s expectations. If they are allowed to have this for a long time. In terms of ability, everyone believes that Jiang Yuan’s results must be expected by everyone in the operation. Moreover, although Jiang Yun has not yet reached the strength of Sage, when he forcibly transferred his own Cultivation Base Ascension to Sage Cultivation Base, Everyone showed a very surprised expression.Prior to this, bucking was not only the first time to bring up own Cultivation Base Ascension, but before that, when he faced the Dragon King, the generals were forced to be professional when facing the punishment of heaven. Cultivation Base Ascension came up, and this was able to prevent him from being seriously injured, but it is undeniable that when everyone sees this scene now, they gradually understand that the end times are giving him enough time, then such a The result is far beyond everyone’s expectations.

Prior to this, there has never been such a powerful three Sage in this world before, after all, there is no Sage Realm before this, and the only Sage has left this prehistoric world. , So everyone only has a certain mysterious color to Sage’s words, and they don’t know much about it, but at this moment when they see this scene, they really feel very surprised in their hearts. If they have enough time, then there is no doubt that these will become very powerful, and it is precisely because of this, everyone now, when they see Jiang Yuan facing the three Sages, they originally thought that Jiang Yuan would definitely be able to receive A very serious impact, but because they never thought that Jiang Yuan was not seriously affected, it may be that they found more benefits in the process like this, and everyone’s mentality immediately burst, especially In a process like this, I never thought that even when facing the four Sages, you would have such a powerful strength. This is not something everyone can do, and this is such a powerful one. Strength, after all, is far beyond everyone’s imagination.

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