Chapter 139

Taiyi is very clear about the current situation. If the monster clan is unwilling to agree, things are still a bit troublesome for them. After all, what they need most is to collect luck, and you want to collect a point that is not enough to deny. All the requirements need to be gathered together, so that there will be enough luck to suppress the homeland, otherwise, even if Heaven Court gradually, if the genes are not enough, everything can be said to be in vain. It is precisely because of this that I am very clear about the main reason for this, so this time when Nuwa loses her directly, there is no need to worry anymore, and after having this one, he can directly give orders to the whole demon clan. There is no doubt. It can be said that he feels very happy in his heart. At least he can guarantee that the words at this moment will never be targeted anymore. Otherwise, this will only make him feel very uncomfortable. It is precisely because of this that this moment is relative. The mentality is still more complicated, and it is undeniable that when he saw this scene.

He can be said to be very happy watching the Calabash in his hand hit from his heart. At least as far as the current situation is concerned, after having this Calabash, he can directly ask all the monsters to agree to it and form it for him wholeheartedly. After this day, I have the ability to be so dependent and able to compete with Jiangyuan machine. Otherwise, if you want to compete with him, you will not have the slightest ability at all. You must know that the current homeland has far exceeded everyone’s expectations. , His strength seems to be an incredible result for everyone. You must know that when facing Sage before this, there is no room to fight back at all, but at this moment, even though Sage is no longer between the world, However, Jiang Yuan is a powerful one between the world and the earth. Although Nuwa has entered the stage of Sage, there is still a very big difference in the strength between the two, especially Nuwa in use. After the strongest formation, Pangu has been summoned directly, but what I never expected is when facing such a powerful blow from Pangu.

It can be said that Jiang Yuan did not have the slightest pressure, but was able to catch him off guard. This is far beyond everyone’s expectations. It is precisely because of this that their mentality at this moment is okay, complicated and absolutely nothing. What I thought was that the strength of the family is so powerful now, especially Nuwa, the mentality at this moment can be said to be more complicated than everyone else, because just now when Jiang Yun directly looked for this one, the breath of countless monsters When I found him directly, he did not expect that Zhang Yuan would be able to threaten him directly. This is what he never expected. It is precisely because of this that he feels very helpless. The undeniable point is now. A result is indeed very speechless, and precisely because of this, everyone’s mentality at this moment is relatively complicated.Although everyone is very clear now, although Jiang Yuan is powerful enough to threaten the existence of many people, it is undeniable that they all understand very clearly. Although the previous is powerful, it feels unbelievable. But it is undeniable that they only need to ensure that if they can suppress Jiang Yun through air luck in the next game, then it will not have a very huge impact on them, otherwise it will be the current one. A result, without a doubt, this is also a headache for them, because everyone also knows very well that the threat of Jiang Yuan is imminent at the moment, just like the original words, I still want to pass these The aura he requested to subdue him, but what he never expected was that Jiang Yuan would suddenly be killed at this time. You know that Nuwa is the Sage of the Yao nationality, but he didn’t expect to have it at this time a year earlier. Come directly and intervene. There is no doubt that this is the most troublesome for them. No matter what they do, it is like a knife hanging above their head, although I don’t know when this knife will be directly. Fall down, but the mood will be very unhappy.

It is with this point in mind that, at this moment, they feel that they must solve this problem thoroughly, otherwise, how can they build this Heaven Court with peace of mind? If there are wolves before them There are tigers, they have to think about whether they will be threatened with inadequacy. It is precisely because of this that at this moment, they all understand this very well, so for them now, the time is relatively relatively high. It is imminent. Considering this point, they are relatively calm about anything they do. They did not put all their eyes on this issue from the beginning. After all, everyone is very clear. Understand, this result is far beyond everyone’s expectations, and it is precisely because of this that at this moment, what they need to do now is not to directly provoke Jiang Yun, but to maintain Now they are relatively calm.

At this moment, in the human race’s Sacred Land on the top of a certain mountain, an old man with white hair in ordinary clothes, he is like a very ordinary old man, constantly walking among the human race, watching the human race. In his words and deeds, although this old man is very ordinary, he has given them extraordinary abilities. Humans can imitate everything to create various Manchu life things, and they are constantly striving to improve themselves. The most important thing is that Humans have a certain ability to multiply. It was very powerful. This scene made Daddy’s light twinkling. Suddenly, a bright sight appeared in his mind. Although it was extraordinary, it lacked a certain degree of education. That is to say, the mouse now understands that it needs to teach the entire human race. After this Dao of Truth, daddy’s Dao heart instantly became very complete, a figure flew out of his body directly, and directly broke through to the completeness of the quasi-sage, he smiled very satisfied, black and white divine light flashed, The Xiantian treasure appeared directly in Daddy’s hands. He stepped out and walked directly into the air. Looking at the entire human race, his eyes showed a very firm look. Daddy looked up and started facing Heavenly Dao. Starting from the beginning, I am Taiqing, Pangu Yuanshen, and the human race is not particularly civilized in the three-part transformation, so today we set up a human education to teach the human race!

As soon as his voice fell, daddy condensed the breath of Dzogchen in a flash, and suddenly a breath directly rushed into the sky, roaring and shaking in the darkness, in the endless void, a huge gap suddenly appeared, the endless Heavenly Dao’s The qi of the Profound King emerged directly, like the Nine Heavens Milky Way, it fell down and flew directly into the body of Daddy, good fortune mysterious, its Cultivation Base skyrocketed wildly, and a purple qi flew out, carrying his vitality. God directly entered into the endless void, and a piece of Heavenly Dao origin, a trace of primordial spirit appeared directly on it with a bang, daddy’s Cultivation Base directly broke through to the barrier of Sage, and continued to condense his body. The avenue of Yin & Yang, rapidly condensed, directly turned into a Yin & Yang Dao fruit breath, soaring wildly.

The endless sacred light spread all over the world of Nine Heavens, Purple Qi from the East, 30,000 miles of Sacred’s self-improvement, self-respect and powerful Sage aura, directly permeated the entire prehistoric world, countless gods and demons directly knelt on the ground, and Sage of Insight Heavenly Dao, who is full of respectful successes and failures, suddenly opened his own eyes and looked at Mantian Sage. He smiled very satisfied. He did not expect to be too pure and honest. Others It’s time for the four Sages to return to their place. The return of the Six Saints can directly help him suppress this world, and Sage can also free up his hands to refine Heavenly Dao and become the supreme of the real Pangu world. Just after speaking, Sage directly After major repairs, the light of the world flew directly out and fell into the prehistoric world.

At this moment Yuan Yuan suddenly woke up and looked up at the image of the sky full of voids. At this moment, there was an indescribable envy in his mind. He didn’t expect that own Dage had already succeeded in preaching, so when would they have succeeded? To be successful, the two of them couldn’t help sighing. Some of them were not tasteful. If you know, for the current comrades, there is no doubt that own Cultivation Base Ascension is called the most important thing, but what should I do at this moment? Being able to bring up their own Cultivation Base Ascension, for them now, it can be said that this problem is very difficult, and there is no more thorough solution to it, and it is precisely because of this that their mood can be said to be right. Very helpless, if they can, they also hope to be able to ascension their own strength in a short time. If so dependent, it is not a very happy thing for them, and it is undeniable. , They are also very clear and understand that, as far as the current situation is concerned, going to the yellow code world is this kind of earth-shaking change. Before Sage has left, it can be said that Sage can still preside over the rules of the entire prehistoric world. But since Sage left, there is no doubt that the rules of the entire prehistoric world have become very terrifying, and they are simply not understandable.

If you don’t bring up your own Cultivation Base Ascension, you may have an irreversible consequence to yourself. It is precisely because of this that everyone’s mentality can be said to be very complicated, if not for this one reason If this is the case, it is not a happy thing for them, but it is undeniable that they also understand very well. If this reason cannot be solved thoroughly, it will produce a very The painful result is precisely because of this. At this moment, the eyes of the two of them are the same, and they show a very complicated and helpless sigh. If you look at the result in front of them, for them, it is currently If this problem can be solved completely, it is not something to be pleased at first sight, but if it cannot be solved, it may have a very terrifying effect, and it is precisely because of this, What everyone is saying now is a state of mind, which is relatively complicated.

At this moment, two situations suddenly appeared. They fell directly from the void, and fell silently and directly into the primitive and heavenly physique. The two people felt that their bodies seemed a little weird, and they seemed to be able to inspire. Dage, Liren teaches the right way, and instructs sentient beings. Therefore, the two of them are naturally primitive and open to teach. They instantly escaped into their own Cultivation Base, the avenue flew out, and introduced their own avenue through the moment of unity. The Western world Among them, when everyone has realized that Daddy is righteous, there is no doubt that their eyes are very surprised. When they look up, they are full of envy. They didn’t expect that Daddy was also righteous after Nuwa, so the two of them I couldn’t help sighing, I don’t know when the two of them can be righteous, and at this moment, when the two of them are envious, there are two auras in the sky, and these auras are directly integrated into this quietly. In the bodies of the two powerhouses, a bright light suddenly appeared in their minds. Since daddy can prove the way through an interchange, they naturally can also think of this. After just appearing, their successive lines are disconnected, and the way is even faster. Enhancing the avenue in the body, constantly making a huge roar, quickly gathering together.At this moment, Taiyi and Dijun walked out of the palace. When they saw the image of Sage, they looked very happy. Daddy is now sanctified, and now Jiangyuan is the winner of the human race. There is no doubt that Daddy will definitely want it. To grab luck with Jiang Yuan, I have to say that the courage is indeed very big. At this moment, the eyes of the two of them suddenly brightened, and they looked at each other and then laughed. I have to say that God is really helping them at this moment. They stand. Heaven Court’s opportunity has finally come. Now that Jiangwon has another Sage opponent, and daddy will pin him down. If they build Heaven Court, there is no doubt that the opportunity will become even greater, and it will not be against them. It has a very huge impact, and based on the current situation, they should hurry up and publish this news and let everyone know that they are planning to build Heaven Court.

At this moment, Nuwa’s face became very ugly. It could sense the continual separation of human luck. He never thought that since this daddy had passed his testimony by holding back, the Tao really wouldn’t put it in To put in one’s eyes. , There is no doubt that it had been squeezed before it came, and now even the ancestors bullied him, it is too arrogant, Nuwa suddenly got up with murderous gaze, originally planned to go to daddy to settle the account, and then He seemed to have thought of something, so the corners of his mouth were slightly discarded, and he waited for a smile. Now the luck is directly separated. There is no doubt that someone is more anxious than him. Daddy dares to provoke Jiang Yuan at this moment, so he will definitely I was directly beaten up severely.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan had a bad premonition in his mind. Suddenly he was able to sense that a huge turmoil had taken place in the fortune of the owner’s human race. He suddenly separated a part, and instantly understood what was happening, but he didn’t expect this mouse to turn out to be. To be sanctified through the human race, this is Jiang Yuan’s very angry, murderous in his eyes.

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