, The fastest update of the latest chapter of my super dark technology empire!

And money is liquid.

Don't look at Datang Technology's disbursement of over 50 billion this month, but next month the money will eventually return to Datang Technology's hands because of the purchase of Datang Technology products.

So it seems to outsiders that everything Datang Technology has done is a big loss, but in reality, he is not losing, and he still has a profit.

More than an hour after the launch of Datang Technology's press conference.

At 9:10 that night, China was still in the midst of the celebration of the Spring Festival, and the whole country was celebrating the Spring Festival.

In the countries around the Pacific Rim, festivals similar to the Spring Festival have long passed, but they have been affected by the Chinese New Year. In order to develop tourism, the streets are inevitably illuminated.

Rising Sun Empire, Kyoto.

In the second half of 2020, the Shengyang Empire can be said to usher in the most severe test since its founding in so many years.

The volcanic eruption triggered by the destruction of Mt. Fuji by a meteorite and the trembling tsunami claimed the lives of 35 million people, and major cities were almost destroyed.

Fortunately, the eruption of Mount Fuji volcano is not long, otherwise the entire Shengyang Empire will be completely erased from history.

Once the capital, Tokyo, has survived the direct impact of meteorites, surviving tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, but it has been rebuilt tenaciously, and it has the posture of restoring prosperity that day.

However, today Tokyo has become a dead city. Only a few people who refuse to leave live here. Today there are no more than 100 people living in Tokyo.

In such a huge city, there are only a few people like today, which can be said to be very incredible.

However, all this is inevitable.

Because a monster attacked Tokyo a few months ago, the city that had been reluctantly built was destroyed once again, and the heavy price of 300,000 deaths was paid.

After the announcement of Datang Technology, everyone in many coastal countries was in danger, basically madly transporting various materials to inland cities.

Because living on the coast, there is always the danger of being attacked by monsters. No one dares to place a large number of industries in coastal cities.

Once attacked, there is really nothing left.

Therefore, coastal Tokyo was directly abandoned, and it was inevitable that the Shengyang Empire moved its capital to Kyoto.

A country in the sea, facing monsters that may emerge from the sea at any time, it can be said that everyone behaves in danger.

Nowadays, many of them have lost hope for the Shengyang Empire, and at the same time they have transferred this hope to Datang Technology.

In any case, Datang Technology also let them see hope, so that they will not be confused.

Rising Sun Empire, Tokyo.

At this time, Tokyo is already desolate, and the city that used to be blooming at night has now returned to silence.

There is no traffic, no people coming and going, and grass grows sturdily on the streets and buildings.

On the road, you can still see some wild animals wandering around. After the loss of humans, the city ushered in a new group of residents.

It is not that there are no humans staying in this city. Although the large forces have moved, there are still tenacious residents who have chosen to stay in this quiet city.

In a city lacking light pollution, you can see the sky full of galaxies in any corner.

"Patter, patter."

A middle-aged man in a military coat was walking on the road carrying a burlap bag, holding a flashlight in his hand, slowly shining everything around him.

Although he looked careless, in fact, he was holding a long-barreled shotgun in his right hand, staring at everything around him vigilantly.

Humans used to be the masters of this city, but when humans left this city, its inhabitants were more than just humans.

Many nearby wild animals, as well as the beasts that escaped from the abandoned zoo, will roam the city for food.

Tokyo, this huge city, has finally become a huge wildlife park.

Before the residents of Tokyo moved to Kyoto, there were still a few die-hards who chose to stay.

Although Tokyo has been cut off from water and electricity, anyway, this is their homeland where they have survived for most of their lives.

They escaped the impact of meteorites, escaped volcanic eruptions, escaped floods, escaped monster attacks, and they chose to survive the vicissitudes of life in this vicissitudes of life.

At that time, the people who chose to stay behind were not only about a hundred people, but more than two hundred people chose to stay behind.

But just a few months later, more than a hundred people remained.

And some of them got into the belly of some wild animals.

Especially last week, the five remaining family members disappeared inexplicably, and their whereabouts are still unknown. Some people said they were eaten by wild beasts, while others said that they could not stand such a difficult environment and returned to the rear.

But the truth is always unknown.

This man wearing a military coat and carrying a spear is a veteran soldier named Fuyuki who has lived in Tokyo for thirty years.

If there were no subsequent series of troubles, he might never pick up a gun again in his entire life.

Last week, after five members of the family went missing, the Metropolitan Police Department found him and handed him a pistol, short-barreled shotgun, and a life detector.

Many of the people who stayed behind were given supplies by the Metropolitan Police Department, but everyone did not understand why the Metropolitan Police Department did not arrest them on the spot and escorted them back to Kyoto.

After all, according to the rules, Tokyo does not allow anyone to live here. However, looking at the current situation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to be tacitly approving such things.

In any case, after Fuyuki had guns, he finally had some courage to protect himself in this empty city.

"Tick, tick, tick."

At this time, the life detector on his watch suddenly vibrated and made a faint sound.

This portable life detector can detect carbon-based life with heartbeats. It is a new product invented by Datang Technology and is more useful than the old life detector.

In the days of natural disasters, this life detector from Datang Technology, in terms of accuracy and battery life, basically kills all life detectors on the market.

This life detector was also used by search and rescue personnel at the time, saving many people under the rubble.

At the same time, this equipment can be used for military purposes. It is more like a radar, allowing users to quickly discover the lives around them.

It can be said that this thing is a radar on the battlefield.

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