A series of characters flashed on the big screen, and everyone in the Space Defense Council command center stood still on the spot.

All the staff on Anthony's side stopped everything in their hands.

There is no doubt that their system has been inexplicably hacked, and the means of this intrusion is very clever, they can't even find any source of intrusion.

"Damn it, most of the space equipment of the Space Defense Council is locked!"

Anthony hit the table with a fist, his eyes staring like a copper bull, and his voice was almost squeezed out of his throat one by one, very hoarse and weird.

"Sir! Cheer up, we are trying to regain control."

An information technology expert behind Anthony was busy with several of his assistants nervously. Their hands quickly typed one character after another on the keyboard, while drops of sweat dripped onto the keyboard. .

This information technology expert is a well-known presence in the entire network engineering community of American. When he was fifteen years old, he hacked into American’s Ministry of Defense and obtained a large amount of information.

Later, he was recruited by the FBI. With the FBI's extensive resources training, he became a top hacker in Amegian and also a top cybersecurity expert.

The firewall set by his team can provide the greatest degree of defense with the lowest power consumption. Several of the top Internet company firewalls are operated by his security team.

The firewall of the Space Defense Council, together with all the space facilities of the Space Defense Council, its encryption measures can be said to be the world's top existence, and it also uses the most advanced quantum communication technology.

With the super computing power provided by supercomputers, coupled with the super firewall built by several top hacker teams, and the natural secrecy of quantum communication technology, their information security can be said to be solid.

Even the top supercomputers in the world cannot break through their defenses in a short period of time, unless it is the super computing power of quantum computers.

But quantum computers, no one in this world has developed them yet.

"Xiete, enable the backup key, close the main line connection at the same time, open the backup communication line to force access to communication, even if you can’t take back control,

At least they must each have half of the control, and at least they must control nuclear missiles to avoid our space facilities! "Information security expert Nit said in a deep voice to his assistants.

"Okay Mr. Nitt, I want to show these so-called aliens how powerful people on Earth are. We must know that computers are an important cornerstone of our human development to this powerful moment. We will not be easily defeated! "One of Nit's assistant spoke confidently.

He was the first group of people who followed Nit. Nit is now well-known in the hacker community in Armager. Even he is also the top figure on the hacker list.

It can be said that this group of them represents the top existence of known hackers in the world. Except for those freaks who can't get out of isolation, their right to speak in the hacker world is absolutely unique.

They have always been the only ones who invaded others. Under their noses as they are today, they have taken away all their control without knowing it.

It doesn't matter if they have taken control, they still locked the target of nine nuclear missiles on most of the space facilities of the Space Defense Council in front of them.

This is a shame for them.

Now that the nine nuclear missiles have completely changed their trajectories and flew directly toward the earth, there is no doubt that these nine nuclear bombs will hit most of the space targets of the Space Defense Council.

Including the space telescope they have spent a lot of money to build, as well as the space missile launch platform, there are several under construction but not yet completed orbital defense facilities, and a large electronic data transfer database.

These main target facilities represent most of the assets of the Space Defense Council today.

Especially the large electronic data transfer database, once it is destroyed, at least the entire Northern Hemisphere Space Defense Council facilities will fall into a state of disconnection.

In particular, the Space Defense Council uses quantum communications for all space equipment for security and under absolute confidentiality.

They want information hegemony based on electronic chips, and then transition to quantum communication, so as to form quantum hegemony and continue to harvest the wealth of the world.

And what the Space Defense Council has built is nothing more than the quantum technology they have mastered, which is initially used in military applications.

Even if the potential of silicon-based chips is fully tapped in the future, it will take at least ten to twenty years. During this time, it will be enough for them to decentralize military quantum communication technology to civilian use, and at the same time cost expensive Lower it down to form a hegemonic monopoly and continue to reap the glory of the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So if that large-scale data transfer library in space is destroyed, they will not be able to continue to build them for a while. In the northern hemisphere, the space defense facilities are linked.

However, at this moment, Anthony and Sam and his party had no way at all except sitting in the control center in a hurry.

Although drones and unmanned equipment are convenient, they have a very serious drawback. Once the communication channel is intercepted, or if the enemy establishes contact with the unmanned equipment and gains control, then your own The military force will directly "anti-water", from the sword soldier in his hand to the sword soldier that stabs at him.

"Fak!! We just activated the backup communication, cut off the connection with the main line, and used 256-bit Chinese characters, English and Arabic numerals encryption keys, but it was breached in less than 0.1 second!"

Nit almost collapsed, and he slapped his keyboard with a slap. You must know that this is the top password in the world today.

Even if the Chinese character password is two characters, there are infinite combinations, not to mention a 256-bit Chinese character password. If there is no codebook, even with a supercomputer, it will take at least 10,000 years to break the password.

However, their keys were brute-forced and it took less than 01 seconds.

"It's useless. Compared with theirs, our technology is too low-level. We are like using electronic calculators to compete with supercomputers for performance. Their performance alone is enough to crush us."

Nit hung weakly on the chair, his hands on the keyboard twitching slightly.

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