My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 465: Is the only child, take a step back

"Some of you will embark on a journey that will last three hundred years. You will no longer see your parents, and you will no longer have any contact with the world now.

The military will give your family generous subsidies and the honor of being a hero, so that you will have no worries.

If the earth is not destroyed, we will send a light-speed spacecraft to welcome you back and enjoy the treatment of a hero. If the earth is destroyed, what you need to do,

As a kind of fire, the last hope of mankind, to continue our civilization in another world, so tell me loudly, you are not afraid! "

"Don't be afraid! I am willing to give my life for the continuation of Chinese civilization!" Three hundred officers and soldiers shouted in unison, their voices resounding across the sky.

"If you sign up voluntarily, take a step forward!" Tang Xue looked at them full of passion and shouted.


Everyone took a neat step forward. From the moment they stepped into the barracks, they decided to dedicate their lives at any time.

They can come here not for themselves, but for the thousands of people behind them.

Whether it is the natural disaster day disaster or the destruction of Tokyo into rubble, it shows that the world is not peaceful.

In danger, there is no shortage of people who are willing to dedicate their lives to the ideals in their hearts.

"Who is the only child among you, take a step back!" Tang Xue glanced at everyone present, but no one backed away.

"I'll say it again, it's the only child, take a step back!" Tang Xue had to increase her voice, but everyone was still unmoved.

"Liang Wu! Qin Shan! Xu Zhou! Aren't you the only child!" Tang Xue walked up to several people and asked.

"Reporting chief! We are not the only child!"

"Tell me out loud, you are!"

"We are not!" the three people who were named yelled in unison.

Tang Xue patted the shoulders of the three of them and walked to the front of the team.

"I know that every one of you wants to go, but now we only have one tinder spacecraft, so this time there is a limited number of places. At seven o'clock tomorrow morning,

After a three-day selection, you have no room for regret after passing the selection. Do you accept it? ! "Tang Xue asked again.

"Accept!" The three hundred people present shouted again in unison.

"Good job, now listen to my command, go back to camp and rest!"



The next day, at this air base, a vigorous selection began.

At the same time, the headquarters of Datang Technology. 110 e-books

After the grand annual meeting, the employees all took the transport plane of Datang Technology and returned to their homes.

To be honest, when such a large transport plane was flying across the country, it still caused a great sensation, but when they saw the name of Datang Technology, everyone was relieved.

However, when the employees took out the magical medicine and the holographic projection mobile phone, there was an upsurge on the Internet.

Even many rich people began to secretly inquire about this super potion, because rich people always spare their lives.

Some wealthy generations have worked hard for most of their lives, and their bodies have already suffered from a lot of dark diseases. Most of them have nowhere to seek medical treatment, and they have to bring diseases into the coffin.

When they inquired about this medicine, in addition to secretly exploring Datang Technology's tone, they also spent a lot of money to buy the medicine from the employees.

A pharmacy was purchased by a rich man for a high price of 3 million yuan. The employees and the rich man were both happy.

It's just that in another two months, if this medicine is officially on sale after the new year, the rich man will probably not laugh.

Ye Fan didn't take care of these things. After all, the pharmacy that has already been distributed, the employees would like to sell and how to sell, buy early and enjoy early, and buy late to enjoy discounts.

He is in accordance with the drawings submitted to him by the aerospace development department before the end of the year, and let Origin re-optimize the drawings.

I saw the blueprint of a space battleship displayed on the holographic projection.

Different from the calmness and majesty of the "Jade Emperor" class space battleship, the drawing is a brand new series of battleships, and it is still armed to the teeth.

If the "Jade Emperor"-class cosmic battleship is a relatively balanced battleship, then this new battleship is focused on firepower output, just like the "fear of insufficient firepower", everything is considered for maximum output.

In future space wars, the possibility of large-scale cannons is actually very small, but the possibility of small cannons is increasing.

After all, there is an artifact phenomenon in the universe called the law of square cubes. If an object is scaled in proportion, its volume will be enlarged by the square of its length, while volume and mass will be enlarged by the cube.

When it comes to weapons and equipment on the earth, what is most subject to this law is the resistance and the volume of weapons and equipment.

Because under the same shape, the resistance is proportional to the front surface area, but the quality of the weapon increases in a cubic relationship with the increase in the size of the weapon.

In other words, the larger the size of the weapon, the smaller the acceleration of the weapon caused by the resistance, and the smaller the impact on the weapon. This is reflected in ships, aircraft and artillery shells.

This is why the range of a 155mm shell with an initial velocity of will be dozens of times that of the m16 rifle.

Similarly, the aircraft that flies the farthest must be a large aircraft, and the one that runs the fastest with a full tank of fuel must be a large battleship.

The full-load displacement of the Iowa-class battleship is 55,710 tons, and the total weight of fuel is 8,765 tons, accounting for less than 20% of the weight, but it can run more than 20,000 nautical miles with 14 knots.

In contrast, the small destroyers of the same period can only run a few thousand nautical miles under this fuel ratio, and the seaworthiness of small boats is not as good as that of large ships, and the stability will be much worse. It is not to get a bunch of shallow water heavy guns. Maybe go to fight an ocean war.

It's just that there are tanks on the earth that are not governed by this law. After all, on the one hand, they don't require much endurance. On the other hand, the shape and speed of tanks are not worthy of the drag coefficient.

Therefore, many turret tanks were judged to be heretics during World War II, but the dual main guns of the turret only appeared in the game, and the scattered deployment of more spirit fires also reduced the battle damage after being hit.

In the case of space, the possibility of the last one is often greater, because there is no resistance in space, and the endurance of large ships and small ships depends on their speed growth.

Just like the formula dv=v0ln(momk).

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