My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 48: I advise you to think 3

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Ye Qingcheng also looked dumbfounded, silently watching the group of students who had become so obsessed with their younger brothers and sisters.

"Hey, it's all from the past, don't mention it." Ye Fan waved his hand and said casually.

"Senior brother, he founded Datang Technology. You may not know the name of this company, but you should know the recently popular "Top of the Gods", I will be the customer service there." Ye Qingcheng said.

When Ye Qingcheng's words fell, those classmates all looked shocked.

As a man of the past, he was so smashing, and he also defeated the Penguin Group on Weibo. Now Xiao Ma is not sure where he is crying.

And they also envied Ye Qingcheng. They work in such a good company. Employees are kidnapped after get off work, and they can come to rescue themselves.

You must know that when they go out part-time, those stingy bosses are not even willing to pack lunch, and they can't wait to let them do the work of two of them alone. It is estimated that if they are kidnapped, the boss can make a report to the police.

"This is Wan'er, Qiaoqiao, Yanyan, they are all my roommates, and we are still living together now." Ye Qingcheng pointed to several female classmates around him and introduced.

Ye Fan nodded.

"This is Lu Yusheng, a little junior in the Information Engineering Department." Ye Qingcheng looked at the thin male student with glasses.

"Hello brother, I play "Top of the Gods" every day now! Now I am teaming up with Liu Qiang to fight the space fleet." Lu Yusheng also looked at Ye Fan with admiration, and patted the strong man next to him. Male classmate.

"Well, you did a good job today." Ye Fan said with a smile.

"Oh, we didn't help much either. Those people are too powerful. Although I belong to the sports department, I was knocked down all at once." Liu Qiang touched his nose awkwardly.

"Okay, okay, let's not mention these, let's toast!" Ye Fan raised the cup and said.


On Jiangdong Avenue, two Mercedes-Benz Maybach and Alpha are running wildly.

"BOSS, according to our intelligence, Ye Fan was eating at a restaurant on South Jiangbei Road." A man in a suit in the Mercedes-Benz Maybach said to the Bluetooth headset.

Toyota Alfane, in a comfortable boss seat like a massage chair, a voice said in a deep voice: "Hehe, I found it, take me to see him!"

The three cars quickly turned their directions and galloped toward the hotel where Ye Fan was.


At this time, Ye Fan still didn't know that he had been targeted, he was playing dice with Jiang Lang, Ye Qingcheng and others.

As the food gradually came up, and a few hands of dice rolled down, the atmosphere of the crowd gradually became active.

Unlike Ye Fan’s classmate gathering, there is less intrigue, less intrigue and sarcasm, less flattery, and the purest classmate friendship is maintained between everyone.

Everyone pushed their cups and changed their cups, and it was very lively, and the atmosphere reached a climax again and again.

Of course, considering that they are still students, drinks are waived, but Coke Sprite is indispensable, especially Jiang Lang, who doesn’t know how to play. After drinking one glass after another, he almost vomited and raised the white flag to admit defeat. .

While everyone was having fun, two Mercedes-Benz Maybachs stopped by the road, and six big men in black suits walked down from the Mercedes-Benz.

Each of these six big men is tall, and even in a fitted suit, you can still feel the bulging muscles under the suit.

Moreover, their eyes were sharp, and they immediately dropped to Ye Fan's table and walked toward this side.

Ye Fan, who was playing positively, immediately noticed the movement here, observing the opponent, and after noticing that the opponent was not doing well, he hid his right hand in their blind spot, and quietly opened the attack mode of the watch with his left hand blindly The watch becomes a pair of steel gloves.

The six big guys were obviously well-trained, and in terms of temperament, they were a world of difference from the group of people they met in the afternoon.

The steps of the six people are incredibly consistent. The sequence between the five fingers and the swing of the arms is obviously consistent, and there is not the slightest stiff, everything is so natural.

The three of them are in the front and the three are in the back, forming two small teams. Each of the three is divided into one person in the front and two in the back. Everyone is just the right distance away and can take care of each other.

This is the standard military "three-three" tactics.

This tactic requires three soldiers as a unit to form a combat team. The three soldiers are each responsible for offensive, cover and support, with the soldier in front and the group leader in the back.

The soldiers of each combat group attack and defend in a triangle. The three groups form a combat squad, and the three squads form a battle group. They cooperate with each other and have a clear division of labor. The distribution of combat power is very reasonable.

"Soldier?" Ye Fan frowned, and the family went up three generations. Since his grandfather, he has been a soldier, and he is a serious red three generation.

His father once told him some knowledge of the army, so others could not see the formation of the opponent, but Ye Fan could tell it at a glance.

Ye Fan did not rule out that it was the group of people seeking revenge this afternoon. If the opponent is a serious veteran, even if he has a super glove in his hand, he is unlikely to win.

In the army, learning close combat is not the kind of innocent gang fights, but the real tactical killing technique, in order to kill the enemy and hit the enemy's vital points. , In order to kill the enemy in the fastest time.

If the fighting is purely for fighting, then the killing technique in the army is for killing people.

There is an essential difference between the two.

Ye Fan gave Jiang Lang a wink, and the old guy also noticed the situation there. He pretended to pour himself alcohol without changing his face. In fact, as long as Ye Fan gave an order, he could smash the beer bottle over.

And Ye Qingcheng's other classmates also noticed the **** men, because they had just experienced such a thing not long ago, so the two male classmates were also fully absorbed.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere cooled down.

A big man in a suit walked to the opposite side of Ye Fan and said to the earphone, "BOSS, I found it."

The other five big guys also followed, standing behind the big guy. Although there are only six people, Ye Fan believes that even if the kind of gangster in the afternoon, even if there are thirty, it is not. The opponents of these six people.

"Want to fight? I advise you to think twice, to be forgiving and forgiving." Ye Fan stared at the man in black, and said coldly.

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