My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 454: The practical value of Dyson ball

Obviously, it is not the star itself that can cause such a large light curve change. Jupiter is the largest size that a planet can reach, but Jupiter can only block 1% of the sun's light.

   Obviously, no matter what occludes the star, it is very huge, and the brightness can reach half of the star itself.

   Some scientists have put forward a very shocking hypothesis: We have seen a higher alien civilization building the Dyson Sphere.

   In fact, for human beings, there is only a relative lack of resources and space, and huge amounts of human resources are wasted on mutual prevention and opposition.

   If human beings live in their own swaddling-earth, there is only one result-destruction.

  On the day of the natural disaster, just because of a meteorite, we almost wiped our human civilization from the universe. Two monsters can easily destroy a super metropolis.

   is just a corner. Without unity, extinction will only happen sooner or later.

   Therefore, mankind can only have a bright future if they unite and expedition to the stars and the sea.

   For human beings, the universe is vast, and the resources are almost unlimited.


   At this time, netizens all over the world have published their opinions on the Internet.

   "Hehe, with the technology that can build Dyson balls, there is no need for Dyson balls."

"I maintain the same point of view as the one upstairs. Just like human nuclear fusion, small artificial suns can be made. Why do you want to make Dyson spheres? It is still unknown whether antimatter will be used as energy in the future. "

   "With the technology to build Dyson spheres, there is no need to use Dyson spheres to collect the energy of stars. The ability to build Dyson spheres definitely controls the controllable nuclear fusion.

   and not afraid of the high temperature on the surface of stars, isn't it much more efficient to mine mass matter directly from the stars than Dyson balls? "

"The Dyson Sphere is just a metaphor. It does not mean that we really build a thing that wraps the stars. This is just an idea created by our poor imagination and compromise. In fact, it may be mining stellar material instead of creating a ball. What? Who can tell the future?"

"But have you ever thought that if you want to build a Dyson sphere, in the case of the sun, you will not be able to create a Dyson sphere by consuming everything in the solar system except the sun, and civilizations that can build a Dyson sphere can at least be mined directly? With the energy of stars, why do you want to build a Dyson ball?"

  "The Dyson sphere is not close to the surface of the star to absorb energy, and the solar panels in life nowadays are not afraid of the energy on the surface of the star? In real life, we have already begun to use the energy of the star.

   In the future, it will only be more vigorous to develop stars. For example, send a few solar-powered satellites to orbit the sun to make Dyson satellites. After all, no matter how advanced technology is, it is impossible to reach the surface of stars. "

   And the Dyson Sphere is just sending countless solar satellites together, leaving no trace of sunlight, floating around the sun in the air, maximizing the collection of solar energy and transmitting it to the earth as energy.

   is only the solar energy developed, not directly collected on the surface, which is possible so far. "I love Chinese network

"Yes, what is the purpose of building the Three Gorges power station in our country? It is already possible to build small hydropower, thermal power, and wind power generation. Why should we spend so much energy to build the Three Gorges? Because once completed, energy will become cheaper. The same goes for Dyson Ball."

   "Upstairs, although I also object to that person’s saying, “If you have the ability to make Dyson balls, you don’t need to build Dyson balls.” But Dyson **** are really not made by solar satellites alone.

   The stellar solar wind will blow the thin satellites out of the star system, and if the propulsion device is used to counteract it, how much energy can the final output be?

   So it must, it must be a ring structure, the strength of the material must be able to resist the interaction force that can easily tear the planet, and the raw materials should also be limited, so that talent has the idea that this Dyson ball is tasteless. "

  "Stop fighting, what Dyson **** are not Dyson balls, what you see on the earth is also something before 1840, we will never see the real situation, let alone,

   What is the point when we see it? Now that human beings have gone through such a catastrophe as the natural disaster day, they still haven't been able to form a complete federation, and they are still fighting in a mess, so how can they get out of the earth and move towards the universe? "

  "Haha, let’s be honest, let’s not talk about the Dyson Ball so long ago. In the energy industry, there are rumors that Datang Technology has mastered nuclear fusion technology, but Datang Technology has so far,

   has never officially acknowledged the news, so it is very likely that Datang Technology has also been brought to the rhythm. Now the day when mankind masters nuclear fusion is still far away.

   To be honest, if the way humans use energy does not deviate from boiling water, it is very likely that controllable nuclear fusion will not be achieved. To say a very funny thing,

   is the recent nuclear fusion experiment on Amegian’s side. The latest progress has been made, that is, the pure output energy is already greater than the input energy, but after boiling water, the Te Niang’s is smaller than the input. "

   "You are too pessimistic? How can you innovate without saving? The basic science field has been completely stagnated for 60 Until now, mankind is perfecting the theory of relativity.

   To put it another way, for the 300-year science and technology explosion of mankind, mankind has prepared for a hundred thousand years, so how many years will mankind need to reserve before the next technological explosion? "

  "Ah, let me say a more pessimistic fact. Now human beings do not have a unified alliance to advance and retreat together. The greatest possibility is that before the next productivity explosion,

   Human beings have exhausted their resources. The United Nations once made a statistics. Now, more than 95% of research conducted by humans is repetitive research.

  Because of patents and technical barriers between countries and companies, if repeated research is conducted many times, the more high-tech, the more likely to cause serious waste. "

  "It is said that because the sun has entered an active period, the surface temperature of the equator will rise to 70 degrees, which may only take less than two hundred years. Hawking once said,

   Whether human beings can complete interstellar migration within two hundred years, determines whether human civilization can continue to exist. "

   "No, hasn't Datang Technology already said that it will develop an environmental modification to Mars?"

  "Don’t listen to Datang Technology blowing water and transforming Mars? What a joke, the earth hasn’t been transformed, right? What are they doing to transform Mars?

   You asked Amijian’s top scientists to come. They dare not pat their chests to guarantee that Mars can be transformed. You don’t even believe the words of a scientist, but you want to believe a businessman? "

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