My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 449: Scary monster


   The battleship was directly thrown away by the monster and hit the Haitao city heavily. The squeezed ammunition on the battleship was directly detonated, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up.

   People took a closer look and found that another monster appeared in the ocean at this time, which looked even more hideous.

   After that, the two monsters danced in the ocean for dozens of seconds before turning their heads and looking at the people on the beach.

   That is like the gaze of death!

   The two monsters dived into the ocean again, and then disappeared. People were relieved, but within ten seconds, two huge waves broke out directly on the beach.


   The monster is running towards the people. If it is not in broad daylight, you can still see the monster's blood-red eyes.

   The soft sandy beach has been stepped on with huge footprints one after another. People have already fled in all directions, no matter where they can look back.

   The buildings along the way were like tofu, and were directly shattered by the monster's huge body.

   "Run! The monster is coming!"

   "My God, what the **** is this?"

   "Is this the anger that God sends to punish us!"

   "Mom, mom, I'm scared!"

   "Why is there such a monster?! This must not be true, this must not be true!"


   There were endless screams, crying, and scolding for the escape route.

   At this time, no one will escape by car, because all road traffic is paralyzed. At this time, there is no difference between sitting in a car and waiting for death.

   A monster picked up a large number of people escaping from the crowded crowd with one hand. Because of the force, some people were crushed into flesh.

   The situation at the scene can be said to be horrible. In addition to those directly killed by the monsters, there are also people who stepped on each other to death because of falling objects.

   The order at the scene can be said to be chaotic, and the usual order is completely useless here.

   In order to survive, some people even pushed the people in front to the back in order to fight for the hope that they might escape. Although this hope is very slim, they still paid for it.

   However, in the next second, whether it was the person running behind or the person running in front, it was either caught by a slap or trampled by a huge monster into mud.


   "Help me! Who can help me!"

   The people caught by the monster began to struggle frantically, but in front of the huge size gap, their struggle was doomed to be futile, and then they were all stuffed into their mouths by the monster.

   There are also dedicated reporters picking up cameras to live broadcast live, so people all over the world have seen the tragedy here.

   "This is a TV station, which is making emergency broadcasts around the world."

   "Two large monsters were found on the coast of Tokyo. They are very huge. They are raging in our city. We need support. We need help!"

   "Oh, my God, our fighter is coming!"

   The frightened host looked towards the horizon. On the horizon, six fighter jets lined up in a triangle and attacked the monster. For the people here, they were hope. Soso

   "Boom! Boom!"

   Missiles fired one after another, directly from the plane, a huge explosion flooded one of the monsters.

   "Quack quack!"

   The 24 missiles of the six fighters broke through the defense of the monster shell and directly took the life of one of the monsters.

   Its upper body has been blown into two sections, and its huge volume of more than 100 meters directly smashed two buildings, and then collapsed to the ground with convulsions.

   At the same time, "Heavy blue rain fell in the sky. This is the result of the blood dripping from the monster being blown into the sky.


   This blue blood seems to be corrosive. Anything dripped by blood, whether it is steel plate or cement, disappears in smoke, as if it had been corroded by sulfuric acid.

   Some of the people who evaded carelessly were dropped. The tragedy can be said to be horrible.

   "Our fighters were killed, one of the monsters! Then there is only one left!"

When the host of    TV station saw a monster being killed, he immediately danced with joy, looking like a three-year-old child.

   But she didn't have time to be happy for too long, and the change happened suddenly.

   A surviving monster looked at the warplanes galloping in the sky and realized that it was this big steel bird flying in the sky that killed its companion.

   A green liquid suddenly flowed out of the monster's eyes. I don't know if it is tears or because it is the characteristic of the monster itself.

   If there are tears, it means that the monster still has feelings, but the feelings of the monsters cannot be compared with the feelings of people.

   Monsters are always monsters, no matter how human they are, they cannot change the nature of monsters.


   The back of the monster's neck directly split a tiny gap. Through this gap, a blue light can be vaguely seen.

   "Da da da da da da da da!"

   A volley of fighters has emptied all the missiles. This is the first time they have faced such a terrifying So just to be cautious, they can only do this.

   Now the command has sent the second batch of fighters, and they will be able to arrive here in five minutes, so what the six fighters need to do now is to use their cannons to delay the monster as much as possible.

   One fighter after another moved forward alternately. They planned to use the cannon to attract the monster's attention, because the caliber of the cannon had no effect on the monster.

   They originally wanted to use the machine gun to attract the monster's attention, and then lead the monster away from this residential area to avoid more casualties.

   But the monster obviously didn't eat them. The monster still stood there quietly, unmoved.

   "Swish! Swish! Swish!"

   Three light blue rays directly rise from the back of the monster's neck. It is like a shock wave, directly covering all the airspace within one kilometer with the monster as the radius.

   "Warning, warning, emp-like attack detected, please evacuate before the next attack."

  In an instant, all fighters began to prompt the same words.

  Emp, also known as an electromagnetic pulse attack, will damage all electronic equipment within the attack range, and is a common attack method in modern warfare.

   General fighter jets have defensive measures against emp. However, this time the attack was too violent, resulting in the defense of the aircraft only withstanding the first attack. If the second attack comes, the aircraft will crash directly.

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