My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 439: This is not arrogance, but rampant

"Ye Fan, you! You are simply arrogant! God will not forgive you easily, God will send down anger and wash your sinful soul!"

A blond-haired reporter stood up and pointed at Ye Fan, looking very excited.

However, in fact, the reason why he was so excited was not because he had reasoned, but because he didn't know how to refute Ye Fan.

Ye Fan pointed to the sky and said sharply: "We Huaxia people never believe in God. We believe in our ancestors. As long as we act worthy of our ancestors, our conscience, and the people of the country,

Then what we are doing is correct, and as to whether your God will send down anger to wash my sinful soul, then I can say one thing, your Western gods are not in the turn of appearing on our land in China. qualifications. "

As soon as Ye Fan said this, it can be said that his presence immediately caused an uproar. You must know that this is not an explanation, but a direct hard steel.

"We are very sorry for the 2 billion people who died in the days of natural disasters, but our technology is not strong, so we can only protect one country and the people of one side.

We really can't do anything about external affairs, so if you are to blame, you can only blame your own technology, which is unable to protect your country and people. "

The faces of many reporters on the scene were getting more and more ugly, and Ye Fan didn't follow the normal routine after his speech.

No one directly attacked reporters at press conferences. Most companies are thinking about the spirit of turning big things into small and small things. In order to prevent some reporters from distorting the facts and catching the wind, they are very careful even when they speak.

How can there be such arrogance as Ye Fan, no, this can no longer be described as arrogance, this is simply arrogant!

"Ye Fan! You said that your strength is only enough to protect yourself, but your technology itself is already very powerful, and now we already know the possibility of alien life.

So why don't you make your technology public, so that everyone in the world can share the convenience brought by technological improvement? We are all part of humanity now,

As a member of the human race, you should not be constrained by narrow national sentiments. Technology knows no borders. If we humans can unite and promote your technology,

So will we still die two billion people in this crisis? If there is another crisis, or even another one,

Your power alone is always limited. If you can consider making the technology public, I believe my country will pay for it for our safety. "

At this time, another foreign female reporter stood up. At this time, she was not as excited as the others, nor did she use a tone of accusation, but a dialogue with Ye Fan in a nearly negotiating tone.

At this moment, the public relations staff below were all in a hurry, gesturing to Ye Fan in the dark, indicating Ye Fan to avoid this question.

Because this question is really vicious.

The image of Datang Technology among the Chinese people can be said to be comparable to that of no other company in history, and its reputation among people has reached its peak.

People's support for Datang Technology is nothing more than its powerful technology, its contribution to domestic society, and its attitude towards the outside world, which has never been seen before by large companies.

If the news is released at this time, it is said that it is to consider the safety of the golfer, to share the powerful technology that one has mastered, or to sell it for money?

Not to mention the country's answer or not, the wave of domestic public opinion alone is enough to drown out Datang Technology.

Because taking it out easily does not represent the so-called "fraternity", but a kind of submission, which everyone does not want to see.

What if you say you can’t take it out in public?

Although this is in line with the hard-hearted hopes of domestic netizens, it will definitely offend all overseas countries.

In the future, let's not talk about developing abroad and becoming a large-scale multinational company, maybe even if it can't even go abroad, it will be suppressed by various external policies.

So no matter how you answer, it is an answer that will certainly offend the other party.

Ambiguous answer? Or is it a prevarication?

Although this is a common method used by ordinary companies, it is obviously not applicable to Datang Technology at the cusp of the storm. If the answer is wrong, it will directly offend both parties.

So the best way to deal with it is to simply ignore the reporter's answer, or end the press conference directly and leave a suspense to everyone.

Although it was not very good at the beginning, the memories of netizens do not last long. In the future, keep a low profile and do more for public welfare. If their public relations department makes more efforts, then this matter will pass.

Even if it is brought up again at that time, it is difficult to have the harm caused by today's public opinion.

However, Ye Fan did not do what the public relations staff expected.

"You asked me this question. You must have never read our company’s internal regulations. The first article of our company’s internal regulations will never incorporate any of the company’s technologies.

If any technology is given to any company or individual outside the country, it will be expelled directly if violated, and will never be hired. "

Ye Fan looked at the ferocious faces of the foreign reporters and continued: "Also, we are a country with a history of five thousand years. History tells us,

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Those who clamor for us to disclose the technology, why did you not disclose the technology of the lithography machine to us before? Why don’t you share information about car engines, and even some new basic materials? You are nothing more than moral kidnapping,

If you try to coerce us to hand over the technology, you can sit back and enjoy it. I can say here that there are some dreams, it is best not to do it. "


This hard answer directly caused an uproar at the press conference, and the domestic reporters present applauded.

Not only that, this time the press conference was broadcast live for the Internet, and it immediately sparked an upsurge on the Internet.

Before the rise of Datang Technology, many people were disappointed again and again with domestic companies, whether it was a certain chairman who shouted "Technology without borders" or a "ball" that sold the company to the other party within four hours. It doesn’t matter if it’s a company, all of this represents countless submissions.

However, this time Datang Technology did not disappoint them.

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