My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 432: Reverse black and white

"Although I don’t know what has been updated at the bottom of Brother Fan, I can understand a little bit from your strategic layout in the past two years.

In the future, there will be a master control device at home, let the mobile phone be a master key, and control everything, that experience is nothing to say, just like summer.

I said to the TV at home, turning on my air conditioner first, it was too comfortable. "Little Ma groaned for a while, then said.

"That's not it. Our strategic layout is to unite all IOT devices. In one week, we will release corresponding universal flashing packages for major IOT devices, which can currently be adapted to 70% of the devices on the market."

"Moreover, our terminal strategy is 1+8+N, and we have always used mobile phones to drive tablets. PCs have further expanded to wearable devices, smart screens, AI speakers, headsets, VR and car machines, and eventually radiate to N."

"Don't underestimate this N. Although it is the most peripheral, it also has the largest variety and quantity of equipment, and it is closely related to our lives."

"Just like what Xiao Ma said, we want to create a seamless product ecological chain. Think about it seriously. Now many home appliances are advertised as smart homes.

But where are they smart? After booting, you need to scan the code to download your own APP, manually enter the password to connect to WIFI, and register for account settings.

And a lot of trouble is not necessarily stable. Many devices may only use the simplest function of on and off, which is tantamount to a waste of hardware. "

"If the bottom layer of Fan Geer's system fits our strategy, then it will improve the user experience to a higher level." Yu Chengdong said thoughtfully.

Now they are building a complete ecological chain of a distributed system. If the layout is successful, then its significance is no less than entering the era of smart phones from the era of functional machines.

Think about it, what is the biggest difference between a feature phone and a smart phone?

The hardware of the feature phone is dead, and so is the software. So what does a mobile phone look like when you buy it, and what it looks like when you throw it away.

Consumers buy fixed functions of mobile phones, so they are called feature phones.

The biggest improvement of the smart phone is that although it is dead in terms of hardware, the software is always iterable, and there are countless developers to provide endless APP.

Therefore, the most important entrance on smart phones is the software store. In the few years when smart phones began to become popular, APPs were flying on the tuyere. They brought users a fresh experience. This is how smart phones beat feature phones. The inevitable reason.

But many people will find that in recent years, there seems to be no blockbuster nationwide app, and short videos that may look like shaking hands are the only category.

The main reason is that in the inherent form of mobile phones, pure software and hardware have basically developed to the end, and have hit the ceiling.

Therefore, the next generation of holographic projection mobile phones and the concept of distributed systems will be an important direction for the next generation of smart devices.

Its core value is to open up the hardware between various devices. When the mobile phone is bought back, its own hardware is fixed, but with distributed technology, the hardware that the software can call is not limited to the mobile phone.

This is more like an ecosystem, not just a mere system.

The more Yu Chengdong thought about it, the more he wanted to hand over the system in the USB flash drive to the company's R&D staff to see, give the possibility of updating the bottom layer as soon as possible, and make corresponding assessments.

"Everyone, the company still has something to do. I'll leave first and talk to you next time." After Yu Chengdong apologized, he drank the wine in his glass and took the USB flash drive on the table and left the hotel.

"You are busy with work all this day, and finally came out to the party, and then left in a hurry." Little Ma looked at his leaving back, and silently complained.

Ye Fan said contentedly: "Come on, he is a workaholic. This time I gave him the new bottom, no less than ordinary people won the 5 million lottery."

"Sometimes I admire you Datang Technology. You have all kinds of high-tech gadgets. Now people are asking whether you got Zenith Star Technology."

Brother Xiao Ma looked at Ye Fan's eyes, and couldn't help being full of envy. The most feared thing between people is comparison. Sometimes they feel good about themselves, but compared with others, the gap is simply heartbreaking. It's cool.


After 11 o'clock in the evening, Ye Fan returned to the headquarters of Datang Technology.

Thanks to the fact that the steel armor is already well known, there is no need for him to conceal the steel armor. It takes half an hour to travel from Fukagawa to Jiangcheng.

"You must be happy in life, don't let Jinzunkong face the moon..."

Ye Fan looked at the night sky In the courtyard of his luxurious villa, he undressed the steel armor and walked into the villa all the way.

Opening the door is still the bionic robot maids standing in two rows. After they bowed to Ye Fan, some went to put the bath water, some to make coffee, and some of the maids were helping Ye Fan massage, making Ye Fan a tired Everyone relaxes physically and mentally.

"The night gave me black eyes, but I use them to find light..."

At about 11:30 in the evening, Ye Fan's cell phone rang, and the bionic robot maid handed Ye Fan the cell phone that was charging.

It was not someone else who called, but Ye Qingcheng.

"What's the matter, I haven't slept so late, women who stay up at night will get old." Ye Fan picked up the phone and said.

"Boss, something has happened. The Internet is now spreading bad comments about our company. Now there is a wave in China." Ye Qingcheng's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What's the matter? There is no need to worry about online speech issues. I have my own way to deal with it." Now that the domestic information classification and censorship have been determined, he is very curious about who is doing things at this juncture.

"On the day of the Natural Disaster Day, two billion people died in the world. Now it seems that someone is leading the rhythm, pushing the black pot that caused their deaths on us."

"There is a saying that we have killed 2 billion people, and that China has the technology to protect humans, but in the end we only used it for our own use and did not share the life-saving technology. This led to 20 100 million people died."

"It's just nonsense. Now the shameless ability of foreigners is really getting better day by day." Ye Fan laughed out of anger. It seemed that Ye Fan could not learn the ability to reverse black and white in eight lifetimes.

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