My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 427: Honey confidence

Chapter 432

"Conventional warfare has all used this kind of weapon. Is it different from nuclear war?! You guy who can't see the big picture!"

"Even if you want to use nuclear weapons, it's useless! All of our nuclear weapons are used to intercept that **** asteroid,

Before we can produce nuclear weapons that can be delivered to them, their aircraft carriers will be able to drive over us! "

"Then what do you want to do, do you want to sit and wait for death? Or do you raise your white pants and surrender?! I can finally understand why you have been spreading unfavorable remarks. You are a real man Surrender!"


The atmosphere at the scene is constantly heating up, and if you say a word to me on both sides, you almost have to roll up your sleeves and do it.

"Enough! Be quiet!" Supreme Commander Boss slapped the table with a slap, his face very ugly.

"Isn't it just an air and sky mothership?! What's so fuss about, they have a saying in China, called soldiers come to block the water and cover the earth. Although we are already badly injured, we are still the only superpower on earth!"

"If they dare to act rashly, our militia missiles are not vegetarian, let alone we are not without nuclear bombs, we also have an Ohio-class submarine,

During the natural disaster day, because the launch system failed and no nuclear bomb was launched, we still have the cards to counterattack! "

"And in my opinion, their aerospace mothership is just a living coffin suspended in the air. I don't think they have developed the shield technology in the movie. Our missiles can sieve them!"

At this time, Boss had blue veins on his forehead. Although the situation today is not optimistic, the pride in his heart gradually "figures" him. He does not think that a group of yellow-skinned monkeys in East Asia can be a real threat. they.

No matter what happens, they are still a superpower in the world today, at least the nominal superpower now, that is also a superpower.

"Commander, I think you are right. If there is no force field shield technology, their Sky Mothership is just a living target. We can shoot it down at any time."

"Yes, I think these Huaxia people just like to engage in useless technologies. They should continue to stay in their own country and grow vegetables. In the world, we have the final say."

"We still can't take it lightly. I think we should increase our investment in nuclear fusion research. I suggest that I have a good talk with the guys in the parliament and grant funds to the scientists of the Institute.

Let us also work out nuclear fusion earlier. Although it is said that our nuclear fusion technology was stolen from them, as long as we research it out, who else will pursue this matter? "

"Yes, the reason why their aerospace mothership can fly to the sky regardless of energy consumption is because they have made nuclear fusion, as long as we have also made nuclear fusion,

What are they doing? We can also make our own aerospace mothership, and it can be more powerful than theirs, so I will propose to the council,

Let the research and development of nuclear fusion technology be our most important research project. "Boss saw that the atmosphere of the meeting was developing in the direction he wanted, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

That's right, they are excellent officers of the world's most powerful country, and they shoulder the hope of the entire country. Can they shrink back, even in the face of great difficulties?

However, if they know the actual gap, they really don't know if they will still have the confidence of today.

After all, the "Eastern Emperor Bell" electromagnetic defense array is a perfect energy shield. Even meteorites of the level of asteroid fragments can withstand them. Are you afraid that their missiles will fail?

It doesn't exist at all.

The "Jade Emperor" class space battleship is more than just an ordinary aerospace carrier. When the mining spacecraft returns, it will be a real space battleship.

Ye Fan wanted it to float in the sky, just floating in the sky, and wanted it to travel in the universe, so it could fly directly to the universe.

Even if they plan to use nuclear bombs, Datang Technology now controls the artificial intelligence of most of the world’s satellites. With the existence of this "God of the Internet", their nuclear bombs may have been destroyed by sky-level weapons as soon as they flew out of the silo. .

And the nuclear fusion they want to do...

If they knew that the technology they stole was the kind of technology that released mushroom eggs to explode on the spot, would they just die in situ?

However, at this time they did not know the reason, and they were still discussing various countermeasures and the future military layout.

"I think it is necessary to start a new round of sanctions against China, especially Datang Technology, and use our most severe sanctions, otherwise it will inevitably become our greatest enemy in the future."

"I agree that their Huaxia people have a term called ‘raising tigers’. Although they are scary, they are actually the most threatening.

It's the company called Datang Technology, the young man named Ye Fan, and even the leader of this company, we can't let it go. "

"Then you think, how do we take care of this young man named Ye Fan?" Boss narrowed his eyes at this time, looking very dangerous.

"No matter how good he, he is just an ordinary person after all. There are many ways to make an ordinary person disappear." A man who had been sitting in the corner of the conference room spoke.

He was different from all the righteous officers in the conference room. He did not wear any military uniforms. Instead, he wore casual clothes, looking like an ordinary person.

However, no one dared to ignore his existence. After he spoke, everyone in the conference room fell silent and looked at him.

"The'Blood Moon' has not been used for a long time. Since you want to suppress Datang Technology, then leave the matter to me. I only need half a month to make the person named Ye Fan completely obey Disappear from this world."

This seemingly awkward man is called Andri, and he is also the boss of the world's largest mercenary organization, responsible for receiving orders from major employers in countries around the world.

Everyone in their organization is an elite veteran who has retired from the battlefield. Everyone is an elite among the elites. They are responsible for assassinations, kidnappings, intelligence gathering, blowing up important military targets, and protecting employers.

(End of this chapter)

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