My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 424: Prototype of quantum chip 2

After all, today's quantum computers do not have quantum chips, but like the first computer, they use a large number of transistors to perform data operations.

Why is the computing power of hundreds of quantum transistors dozens of times greater than the computing power of today's super servers?

The essential difference is that quantum chips perform quantum calculations, while digital integrated circuit chips perform digital calculations.

In the digital integrated circuit chip, the high and low levels represent 0 and 1 in the binary algorithm, and the Rocky operation is performed through a logic gate composed of a triode and a mos tube.

What needs to be done in a quantum chip is quantum computing. Two different quantum states represent the 0 and 1 in the quantum algorithm. The operation also requires corresponding quantum logic gates. Compared with digital circuits, superposition state operations can be performed. And superposition state storage.

For a function f(X), you need to bring in 100 X values ​​to get 100 results. If you are in classical calculations, you need to count 100 thorns, and you need to calculate once with X.

But in quantum computing, it only needs to be calculated once.

In the process of quantum computing, the computing unit is a qubit composed of quantum states, so all X values ​​are quantized.

100 X values ​​can be superimposed into a mixed state, and if they are brought into the quantum chip for one calculation, a mixed state of 100 results can be obtained, and after corresponding measurement, the result of the corresponding value can be found.

Therefore, the corresponding superposition state storage is also well understood. 100 X values ​​can be mixed into a state for storage, and 100 memories are not needed. Therefore, in terms of computational efficiency, this is also tens of thousands of times faster than ordinary computers. The reason for times.

The performance of each quantum transistor is tens of millions of times that of ordinary electronic transistors, so with just over a hundred quantum transistors, the computing power is dozens of times faster than today's top servers.

So if it is made into a quantum chip, if hundreds of millions of quantum transistors are integrated in a chip, then how terrible will the computing power in this chip reach?

At present, quantum chips are also manufactured in the world, but because of process problems, it is impossible to integrate quantum transistors in a chip, and there is no corresponding software and algorithm support, so it is not currently available for civilian use, and there is no Ordinary computers are so powerful.

However, there are still many people who go further and further on the path of quantum chips. At present, superconducting systems, semiconductor systems, and quantum well systems all have corresponding quantum chip research, and they are exploring the direction of large-scale inheritance.

The current technical route based on the superconducting Josephson junction system is in the forefront of the current stage, but in recent years, semiconductor-based gated quantum dot technology has developed rapidly, so in addition to Datang Technology has found the right path for quantum computers, other People have not made any final conclusions about which technical route quantum computing will take.

The chief scientist of Essence Quantum, Professor Guo Guoping of China University of Science and Technology, has presided over the national key R&D programs of "solid-state quantum chips" and "semiconductor quantum chips" since 2010.

The first-generation semiconductor and bit quantum chip-Xuanwei, developed in cooperation with Huaxia University of Science and Technology, can be combined well with semiconductor quantum dot systems and utilize modern semiconductor microelectronic manufacturing processes.

Prepared by pure electronic control, the manipulation and reading of qubits is more stable, and ultra-fast precise control and long-coherent fast manipulation coding can be realized.

Kuafu, the first-generation superconducting six-bit quantum chip independently developed by Yuanyuan Quantum, has a fidelity of up to 99.7% of a single quantum logic gate, which is only one step away from the current international level (99.94%).

In order to improve the efficiency of reading information on quantum chips, Quanyuan has independently developed a variety of quantum parametric amplifiers.

Among them, the quantum impedance matching parametric amplifier QriginQ-IMPA-6650 can achieve a gain of 15-30db, a gain of 20dB in high bandwidth mode, and a gain bandwidth of higher than 400MHZ.

Its noise is as low as the standard quantum limit and is the best quantum parametric amplifier of the same type in China.

At the same time, Quantum is developing a quantum traveling wave parametric amplifier with higher gain bandwidth and more stable performance. It is expected to be able to read at least 20 qubits in parallel.

If you want to package the chip, Ye Fan also considers to refer to their packaging technology, maybe it can be used when packaging quantum transistors in the future.

Based on quantum computing chips and quantum parametric amplifiers, Quantum has developed a variety of three-dimensional packaging technologies, which can greatly reduce signal crosstalk and suppress environmental noise.

For example, the three-dimensional packaging of IMPA chips can be used to complete the packaging of IMPA chips, and provide room temperature and low temperature test The newly developed third-generation fully enclosed quantum chip package can be used to complete 1-6 bits Quantum CPU package, and provide room temperature and extremely low temperature test interface.

They are not like Ye Fan, who have systematic guidance and can exchange various technologies from the system.

For a technology that is too common in Ye Fan's eyes, it is very difficult to develop the correct path in the eyes of others.

What's more, the development of quantum chips is more difficult and arduous than the development of traditional chips, and even the miniaturization of quantum transistors.

They not only need to tackle the quantum chip process, but also continue to improve the principle design of quantum chips.

No matter it is for the development and progress of science and technology, it is not good.

The technological progress of the entire human race can never be promoted by Ye Fan alone. After all, he is not a saint, he is just an ordinary person.

He didn't want to engage in the practice of a great saint that combined tens of thousands of mighty powers in one. With the advancement of science and technology of a race, one person can only serve as a mentor.

What Ye Fan has to do is to constantly guide scientists, even ordinary people, to inspire the willingness to develop science and technology, instead of looking at money in everything like today's reality.

In fact, if human beings step out of the earth and enter the Milky Way, things like money will really not be as important as they are now, and the existing monetary system may be upgraded or even collapsed directly.

After all, the resources in the universe are very rich. By then, mankind will acquire a large amount of resources, which will definitely have a huge impact on the existing monetary system.

Therefore, it is meaningless that money is not money. Resources, science and research and development are the most important factors to ensure that mankind can survive in this dark universe.

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